Show Notes

Are you ready to unlock your hidden superpower? Discover how hope can be the catalyst for transforming your life in ways you never imagined. In this episode, we'll explore the extraordinary power of hope and how it can revolutionize your approach to life's challenges.


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Why Should You Listen?

Have you been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or even fearful about the future? This episode reveals how cultivating hope can be the key to overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. Whether you're facing personal struggles, professional setbacks, or simply seeking a more positive outlook, the insights shared in this episode will provide you with practical tools to harness the power of hope in your daily life.

Here's a Detailed Description:

Harnessing the power of hope is the central theme of today's episode, where Kevin Lowe explores how hope can be a transformative force in navigating life's challenges. Through a personal narrative infused with inspiration, Kevin emphasizes that hope is not about wishful thinking but rather an unshakable belief in better days ahead. He shares how hope can act as a guiding light, much like a flashlight in a dark room, illuminating the path forward amidst uncertainty.

Kevin also touches on the scientific backing of hope, explaining how an optimistic outlook can enhance problem-solving skills and overall well-being. By offering practical tips to cultivate hope, such as setting personal goals and celebrating small victories, Kevin encourages listeners to spread hope, creating a ripple effect that benefits both themselves and those around them.

Take Note: Some Key Takeaways

  • Hope is not just wishful thinking; it is an unshakable belief that things can improve.
  • Practicing hope can lead to increased problem-solving skills and a more positive outlook.
  • Celebrating small victories in daily life can boost motivation and reinforce a hopeful mindset.
  • Spreading hope to others can create a positive ripple effect in your community.
  • Hope can be cultivated by having meaningful goals and visualizing their achievement regularly.
  • The power of hope is supported by scientific research, showing benefits to mental resilience and happiness.
  • Being a 'hope detective' involves actively looking for reasons to be hopeful in everyday life.

Don't Wait a Second Longer!

Press PLAY now to start your journey towards a more hopeful, resilient, and successful future!


Appalachian Kid: How Hope Changed Everything by John Boyle

Episode 327 featuring John Boyle's story

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

Kevin Lowe

All right, my friend, we're gonna talk about it today.

Kevin Lowe

A secret for how you and me can get through this crazy world we find ourselves living in.

Kevin Lowe

Unless you're listening to this, sometime far off in the future, where the world has become a beautiful place of nothing but peace, butterflies and rainbows, you know that life is hard, the world is crazy.

Kevin Lowe

And sometimes you just get a little bit worried.

Kevin Lowe

You get a little bit scared.

Kevin Lowe

Well, today, were going to fight back against that with one simple yet truly profound thing, and that is harnessing the power of hope.

Kevin Lowe

So I encourage you to stick around, because by the end of todays episode, youre going to not only understand exactly what hope is, youre going to be able to understand how to harness that hope.

Kevin Lowe

Plus, you'll understand how you can begin to spread that hope to others while at the same time benefiting yourself.

Kevin Lowe

It's a win win situation when Hope is involved.

Kevin Lowe

And it's all right here, right now, it's episode 328.

Kevin Lowe


Speaker B

Are you ready to flip the script on life?

Speaker B

Cause those bad days, they're just doors to better days.

Speaker B

And that's exactly what we do here at grit, grace, and inspiration.

Speaker B

Your host, Kevin Lowe, he's been flipping the script on his own life, turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration, motivation, and encouragement just for you.

Speaker B

So kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.

Kevin Lowe

So I gotta tell you, today's topic has been on my mind ever since I interviewed John Boyle, our guest inside of our last episode.

Kevin Lowe

That was episode 327.

Kevin Lowe

He is the author of a book called Appalachian Kidde, how Hope changed everything.

Kevin Lowe

And that one simple word of hope is what stuck in my mind.

Kevin Lowe

Now, if you didn't get a chance to listen to that episode, to hear his remarkable story, I highly encourage you to go back and check out episode 327.

Kevin Lowe

That, of course, will be linked to inside of today's show notes.

Kevin Lowe

But today, of course, it's episode 328.

Kevin Lowe

We're here today.

Kevin Lowe

It's all about the power of hope.

Kevin Lowe

So I guess we might as well start with the basics, of course, and that is being sure that we're both on the same page as far as what hope is and what hope is not.

Kevin Lowe

First and foremost, when I'm talking about hope, I'm not talking about crossing your fingers, wishing upon a star, and, well, staying out all night trying to find a shooting star, because we all know, oh, those are where the magic is.

Kevin Lowe

No, we're not doing that.

Kevin Lowe

I'm also not encouraging you to go to the chinese restaurant and open up fortune cookies until you find one that sounds absolutely perfect.

Kevin Lowe

You then stick it in your wallet.

Kevin Lowe

You carry it around with you until one day you're like, whoa.

Kevin Lowe

How long has this been in my wallet?

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Kevin Lowe

That, my friend, is not the kind of hope we're talking about today.

Kevin Lowe

Today we're talking about hope in the sense of you having this honestly unshakable sense of hope that things can get better, that there is better days ahead.

Kevin Lowe

No matter how dark and gloomy today may seem.

Kevin Lowe

Now, of course, with hope, it doesn't mean that everything is easy.

Kevin Lowe

No, but you have hope on your side.

Kevin Lowe

You're ready to roll up your sleeves.

Kevin Lowe

You're ready to get to work.

Kevin Lowe

You're ready to do the stuff you need to do to achieve your dreams, to have better days.

Kevin Lowe

Because you are guided in life by hope.

Kevin Lowe

I want you to think of hope as your personal flashlight.

Kevin Lowe

You walk into a dark room.

Kevin Lowe

It's pitch black.

Kevin Lowe

You can't see anything.

Kevin Lowe

You literally can't see your hand in front of your face when you turn the flashlight on.

Kevin Lowe

It doesn't magically fix everything.

Kevin Lowe

What it does do is it lights a way forward.

Kevin Lowe

It shows you that you're clear to take another step forward.

Kevin Lowe

Most importantly, hope.

Kevin Lowe

It's the courage you need to enter into that room to keep moving forward through the blackness, because you have that flashlight shining in front of you.

Kevin Lowe

That, my friend, is the power of hope.

Kevin Lowe

Now, of course, there's also a science behind hope as well, because hope, it's backed by science.

Kevin Lowe

It's not just some fluffy idea that people dream about, think about.

Kevin Lowe

And no, it's real.

Kevin Lowe

It's honest.

Kevin Lowe

It's truth.

Kevin Lowe

Numerous studies have found that hopeful people are tougher, happier, and more likely to crush their goals.

Kevin Lowe

When you're feeling hopeful, your brain's like a chemical factory pumping out all the technical stuff that makes you feel good, that gets you energized, that keeps you moving forward.

Kevin Lowe

Now, what's powerful is when your body's in this mode, your brain's kicking out all of these signals that has you feeling good, doing good.

Kevin Lowe

They also have the power of kicking your problem solving skills into action.

Kevin Lowe

It's basically kind of like your brains turned into your own personal coach, your own cheerleader, letting you know, we got this.

Kevin Lowe

We could do it.

Kevin Lowe

Just keep moving forward.

Kevin Lowe

Now, of course, at this point, you say, okay, kev, but what if I don't really have a lot of hope?

Kevin Lowe

What if I've been through some stuff in my life that I just don't have hope of.

Kevin Lowe

Things getting any better?

Kevin Lowe

Well, today I'm going to give you a few super basic, super easy things that I want you to give a try to start doing and see if after a little bit of time, maybe you can change things.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe you could start to find hope again in your life.

Kevin Lowe

Because, my friend, I'm telling you, I don't care who you are, where you are in life.

Kevin Lowe

All of us need and deserve hope in our life.

Kevin Lowe

Without hope, I don't know that there's anything worth living for.

Kevin Lowe

You have to have hope in tomorrow.

Kevin Lowe

You have to have hope for a better day.

Kevin Lowe

That's what I want for you.

Kevin Lowe

My first out of three little tactics for you is hope thrives on you having something that you're excited about, something that you're working towards.

Kevin Lowe

Not something that others want, but what you want, what truly lights you up.

Kevin Lowe

You have to have that in mind.

Kevin Lowe

Call it a goal, call it a dream, whatever you want to call it, you just have to have something.

Kevin Lowe

And more importantly, why don't you have a few things, a few things that you're excited about, a few things that you want to come true.

Kevin Lowe

Now, every day I want you to practice an exercise.

Kevin Lowe

I want you to envision that whatever that goal is, whatever that dream is, that it's already come true.

Kevin Lowe

It's kind of like a mental rehearsal for your mind.

Kevin Lowe

You're already priming yourself to be there, so it just kind of makes it all happen a little bit easier.

Kevin Lowe

And by you doing this, it helps to make it feel a little bit more real.

Kevin Lowe

Each and every day it reminds you of what you're fighting for, what you're working towards.

Kevin Lowe

And of course, it helps to give you hope and something more, something better.

Kevin Lowe

Why all of this that you're doing is worth it in the end.

Kevin Lowe

Now, my third little tip and trick for helping you to harness hope in your life is to celebrate the little wins.

Kevin Lowe

Yes, you might have big goals and dreams, but you need to celebrate the little things.

Kevin Lowe

I'm talking the little things.

Kevin Lowe

All the little things.

Kevin Lowe

I want you to start cheering yourself on.

Kevin Lowe

I want you to start boosting your spirits.

Kevin Lowe

You get up in the morning, you make your bed.

Kevin Lowe

Woo hoo, baby.

Kevin Lowe

High five.

Kevin Lowe

You actually decide, oh, you know what?

Kevin Lowe

I'm going to actually put on some makeup today.

Kevin Lowe

I'm going to fix my hair.

Kevin Lowe

I'm going to be looking good when I go to work today.

Kevin Lowe

Well, you know what?

Kevin Lowe

Another high five to you.

Kevin Lowe

And maybe you decide, you know what?

Kevin Lowe

I'm going to really kick things into here today.

Kevin Lowe

And instead of driving, I'm going to jump on the bike, I'm going to ride the bike to work.

Kevin Lowe

Not only are you giving yourself an awesome experience first thing in the morning, not only are you mixing things up, having a little fun, but making yourself a little bit healthier and ultimately happier along the way.

Kevin Lowe

There's simple things that maybe when you do them once, they don't feel like much.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe when you do one without the others, youre not getting there.

Kevin Lowe

But when you combine all three of these simple, fun little tactics, I promise its going to lead to a little extra hope in your day.

Kevin Lowe

Now, weve just touched the surface of this power of hope because were getting to one of the most powerful parts of it all.

Kevin Lowe

Hope, my friend, is contagious, but, well, in a good way.

Kevin Lowe

Hope is something that you are going to find.

Kevin Lowe

It creates a ripple around you.

Kevin Lowe

When you start living life with hope, when you start showing up to the world as your best version of you, you're going to be smiling more, you're going to be laughing a little more.

Kevin Lowe

You're going to have a vibe to you that people aren't used to.

Kevin Lowe

And I, I'm here to tell you it's contagious.

Kevin Lowe

You're going to find that others around you, they start smiling a little bit more, they're probably going to ask you, wow, what's going on with you lately?

Kevin Lowe

You seem like a totally different person, and I hope that you'll share it with them.

Kevin Lowe

Oh, well, I just listened to this guy Kevin over on the podcast, grit, grace and inspiration, and he taught me that I really needed to harness some hope in my life.

Kevin Lowe

And that's what I've been doing.

Kevin Lowe

That is my ultimate goal with today's episode.

Kevin Lowe

Because when we can do something for ourself, that's awesome.

Kevin Lowe

But when we can do something for ourself while also doing something for others, well, that's just incredible.

Kevin Lowe

And going back full circle to the whole inspiration for today's podcast episode is the story of John Boyle.

Kevin Lowe

If you heard his story, you will know that John had a really rough life, a rough childhood.

Kevin Lowe

And yet, through the power of hope, John is where he is today, a whole different world, a whole different person.

Kevin Lowe

And the power is he's written a book.

Kevin Lowe

He's turned his story into a novel that's creating a ripple effect around the world with every person who picks it up, every person who decides to read the pages.

Kevin Lowe

His hope is spreading across the world.

Kevin Lowe

And it's a really powerful, amazing thing when we're talking about the power of hope.

Kevin Lowe

All right, before today's episode ends, I have a challenge for you.

Kevin Lowe

It's the hope challenge.

Kevin Lowe

I want to get you started off on the right foot for this whole idea of harnessing hope in your life.

Kevin Lowe

So I have a fun challenge for you over the next week.

Kevin Lowe

For the next week, I want you to think of yourself as a hope detective.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

You are going to be looking at life from the positive angle.

Kevin Lowe

Yes, the glass is indeed half full, at least for this week.

Kevin Lowe

I want you to spend the next seven days looking for things to be hopeful about.

Kevin Lowe

It doesn't have to be big things.

Kevin Lowe

It can be little things.

Kevin Lowe

But I want you to find hope everywhere around you.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's a stranger who held the door for you.

Kevin Lowe

It gives you hope in humanity.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's you nailing that project you've been working on for work, giving you hope in your abilities.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's you getting up early enough that you catch the sunrise over the ocean and you marvel at its beauty.

Kevin Lowe

And, well, that, of course, gives you hope in the world, that there's something bigger at play here.

Kevin Lowe

Go out at night, lay down and gaze up at the stars.

Kevin Lowe

If you want to have hope that there's so much more to life than we even realize, just go outside at night and look up at the stars and to realize how big this world really is and how small each of us really are.

Kevin Lowe

I can't help but find hope in it all.

Kevin Lowe

That maybe the things that we're scared about, the things that are stressing us out about here on earth, in the big picture of things, they're actually just little things.

Kevin Lowe

And it's all going to work out in the end.

Kevin Lowe

If you do that for the next seven days, constantly looking for hope, I promise it's going to set you on a path for success.

Kevin Lowe

It's going to set you on a path for a happier life full of hope, of joy.

Kevin Lowe

And that's what I want for you, my friend.

Kevin Lowe

I hope you have enjoyed today's episode.

Kevin Lowe

I hope it's made a difference in your day.

Kevin Lowe

And most of all, I hope that maybe you'll take what I've said today and put it into play.

Kevin Lowe

Because like I said, I want you to have everything you want in this life, because I believe you deserve to have it all.

Kevin Lowe

And maybe it all just starts with one simple yet truly profound word.

Kevin Lowe

And that is hope.

Kevin Lowe

Until next time, I'm your host, Kevin Lowe.

Kevin Lowe

And this was another episode here on grace and inspiration.

Kevin Lowe

I hope you have an amazing day, and I can't wait to see you in our next episode.

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