
Hi, I'm Kevin Lowe!

Hey, I'm Kevin Lowe, the creator and host of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration - a top 2% rated podcast. I am also an Inspirational Public Speaker, helping to inspire, empower, and motivate audiences of all shapes and sizes.

But the story of how I got to this point is what sets both my podcast and my role as an inspirational speaker apart.

FLASHBACK TO 2003: At 17 years old, I was still in high school when I awoke from a life-saving brain surgery, only to find a world gone dark. There were no shapes, no shadows, no light, no dark – just black.

When the words were whispered from my lips that I could not see anything, the world quit spinning. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I was having surgery to save my life, to better my life - not this. But in fact, it was this: I was blind.

But perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps all along, from the time I was born, it was in God’s plan for this to happen, for me to become blind. Looking back, I can so clearly see how throughout my childhood, God’s hands were at work, constantly molding me into a person who could handle it. He made me the person I am because He knew I would fight through the sadness, wipe away the tears, and do it all by giving Him all the glory. He knew I would be a better man, serving a greater purpose in this life without my sight than with it.

And that is why today, “I walk by faith, not by sight.”

What happened to me I would not wish on my worst enemy. And yet, I can't help but be grateful that God chose me to be the one to embark on this journey. And although I can't touch the life of everyone here on Earth to tell them it’s going to be okay, I can start with just one person at a time.

If you've landed here in search of your own inspiration, motivation, or encouragement, you are sure to find something that resonates in the more than 300 podcast episodes. And if you're here looking for your next public speaker – someone who can captivate the room, engage each person, and inspire, empower, and motivate them all – please visit my speaker page for more information.

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