Show Notes

Do you ever feel like you're stuck on the never-ending hamster wheel of life, continually watching your dreams slip further away? What if you could flip the script and start creating a life that truly excites you—starting today? In this episode, we’ll dive deep into how you can take control of your destiny and design a future that’s bold, exciting, and 100% yours!


Who Is This For?

Whether you're overwhelmed by responsibilities or unsure how to make the bold changes needed to chase your dreams, this episode is for you. If you're ready to break free from the past, overcome self-doubt, and start making decisions that lead to the life you've always wanted, this conversation will light the path forward.

What's This All About?

In this powerful episode, host Kevin Lowe explores how you can reclaim control over your life and destiny by making bold, intentional choices. Inspired by the incredible journey of Toktam Thomas, who changed her life by leaving everything she knew behind, Kevin shares practical steps for taking control of your future. You’ll discover how to identify what you truly want, commit to your vision, and take actionable steps toward building the life you desire. If Toktam could overcome her circumstances, then you have to ask yourself, why can't I? It’s time to step into the driver's seat of your life and create a future that excites you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to break free from feeling stuck and start making bold, intentional decisions for your future.
  • Discover the importance of asking yourself what you truly want out of life and how to align your actions with that vision.
  • Find out how small, consistent steps can lead to significant, life-changing progress toward your goals.

The Choice Is In Your Hands

Are you ready to take back control of your life and start creating a future that excites you? If so, then by golly PRESS PLAY and get started on your journey today!

And in case no one has told you yet today, you are amazing! You have greatness inside of you! So, stay awesome and never stop living inspired!

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

00:00:00.857 --: 00:00:05.857

Kevin Lowe: Do you ever find yourself looking at life and wondering, wow, things just aren't where I thought they would be?

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Kevin Lowe: Maybe you're just stuck in a rut or maybe you feel like your dreams that you had for your life, they've just vanished.

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Kevin Lowe: Or maybe you're on that never ending hamster wheel of life with one day blending into another.

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Kevin Lowe: Before you know it, the year is gone. But what if you had the power to change that right now, right here?

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Kevin Lowe: Yeah, that's what today is about.

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Kevin Lowe: I'll be exploring an idea with you to have you changing this. For you taking control of your own destiny.

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Kevin Lowe: That's all right here, right now, inside of episode 322.

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Speaker1: Yo, are you ready to flip the script on life because

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Speaker1: those bad days they're just doors to better days and

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Speaker1: that's exactly what we do here at grit grace and

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Speaker1: inspiration your host kevin lowe he's been flipping the script on his own life

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Speaker1: turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration

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Speaker1: motivation and encouragement just for you so kick back relax and let me introduce

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Speaker1: you to your host kevin lowe My friend,

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Kevin Lowe: Welcome back to another episode here on the podcast.

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Kevin Lowe: Today, we're diving into the idea of taking control of your own life, of your destiny.

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Kevin Lowe: By the end, you'll discover how to break free of the past, make bold decisions,

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Kevin Lowe: and start creating the life that you want to live.

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Kevin Lowe: Today's topic was inspired by the amazing journey of Tochtem Thomas.

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Kevin Lowe: Talkdown was featured in our previous episode. An amazing woman who at a very

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Kevin Lowe: young age realized that she was not where she was meant to be.

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Kevin Lowe: And she made some difficult decisions.

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Kevin Lowe: Decisions that I don't know that we as adults have the courage to make.

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Kevin Lowe: But as just a young child, she did. If you did not hear her story,

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Kevin Lowe: I highly encourage you to go back and listen. That was episode 321.

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Kevin Lowe: I'll be sure that a link is left inside of today's show notes to make things easy on you.

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Kevin Lowe: So if Taktum could turn her life around by taking control of her destiny,

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Kevin Lowe: then why can't we do the same for you, for me?

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Kevin Lowe: And that's exactly what today is about.

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Kevin Lowe: For my perfectionists, for my planners, I want you to realize that when we're

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Kevin Lowe: talking about this idea of taking control of your own destiny,

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Kevin Lowe: it's not about you waiting for the perfect time.

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Kevin Lowe: Are you waiting until you have all the answers?

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Kevin Lowe: It's about messy action. It's about you taking action, even when the road ahead is unclear.

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Kevin Lowe: This is about realizing that your past does not dictate your future.

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Kevin Lowe: And that every choice you make from this day forward is moving you towards the

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Kevin Lowe: life that you want, the life that you were made for.

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Kevin Lowe: So the question is, how do you begin to take control to accomplish this monumental task?

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Kevin Lowe: It all begins with one simple question.

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Kevin Lowe: What do I truly want? Not what do others want for me, not what I think I should

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Kevin Lowe: want, but what do you want? What do you want out of life? Who do you want to be?

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Kevin Lowe: What do you want your life to

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Kevin Lowe: be? You don't have to fall victim to what society tells you it should be.

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Kevin Lowe: You don't have to fall victim to social media, letting you believe that life

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Kevin Lowe: needs to look this way or that.

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Kevin Lowe: No, I'm literally talking to you. What do you want your life to be?

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Kevin Lowe: Are you looking for the freedom to go and do as you please?

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Kevin Lowe: Are you looking for stability with a career that you love, but also one that

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Kevin Lowe: you know is going to be there to help you support you and your family?

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Kevin Lowe: What is it that you, yourself, truly want?

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Kevin Lowe: Once you have that clear, and I'm talking crystal clear, then the next step

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Kevin Lowe: is to make a commitment to yourself.

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Kevin Lowe: You have to decide that no matter what, you will take the actions to move towards that vision.

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Kevin Lowe: We're talking about the life that you want here. We're talking about something

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Kevin Lowe: really monumental. mental. We're talking about your future.

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Kevin Lowe: So many times we just get caught up in life and we forget the fact that we only

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Kevin Lowe: get one chance at this life.

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Kevin Lowe: So why aren't we making the most of every single moment we are here on earth?

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Kevin Lowe: Because in the big picture, all the little stuff that we deal with on a day-to-day,

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Kevin Lowe: all the stuff we worry about, if you think about it in the big picture of life,

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Kevin Lowe: It's really not that important.

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Kevin Lowe: Instead, what's important is being sure that you enjoy your time here on earth,

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Kevin Lowe: that you leave an impact if you want to leave an impact,

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Kevin Lowe: that you are remembered for the things that you want to be remembered for,

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Kevin Lowe: for a person, for a woman who lives her life out loud.

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Kevin Lowe: Again, first step, what do you really want out of life? Second step is making

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Kevin Lowe: the commitment to yourself, promising yourself that you're going to pursue that vision.

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Kevin Lowe: For Taktum Thomas, it wasn't easy. It wasn't quick.

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Kevin Lowe: She literally left behind everything she knew in pursuit of something more.

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Kevin Lowe: Taktum, she continued to take small steps, continuous steps.

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Kevin Lowe: Even when she had to make some decisions that were really tough,

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Kevin Lowe: like to leave her family, to embark on a new adventure, a new world of the unknown.

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Kevin Lowe: Because all of that she knew was bringing her closer to the life she envisioned.

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Kevin Lowe: You, my friend, you can do the same. I want you to realize that you deserve

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Kevin Lowe: to have everything you want in this life.

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Kevin Lowe: You deserve to be the person that you want to be. You deserve greatness.

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Kevin Lowe: Then it's all about taking those small steps, all moving towards your goal,

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Kevin Lowe: towards the vision that you want for your life.

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Kevin Lowe: And that doesn't mean that the road is going to be easy.

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Kevin Lowe: No, quite possibly it's going to be really tough because anything that we want

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Kevin Lowe: in life that's really valuable, we really have to work at it.

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Kevin Lowe: Think about back when you were a kid, when you wanted something really nice,

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Kevin Lowe: whatever it was, maybe the newest bicycle when you were a kid,

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Kevin Lowe: the coolest new skateboard.

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Kevin Lowe: And it was too expensive for your parents just to bust out the wallet and pay for you.

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Kevin Lowe: No, they made you earn the money yourself.

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Kevin Lowe: And so you worked for it. You mowed the lawn.

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Kevin Lowe: You washed the cars. You did the chores to earn the money so that you could buy that yourself.

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Kevin Lowe: Again, the road, it's not easy. And if it is easy, then that probably means

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Kevin Lowe: that your dream isn't big enough.

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Kevin Lowe: I want you to remember that taking control of your life, of your destiny,

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Kevin Lowe: it's not about perfection. It's about progress.

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Kevin Lowe: It's about making the choice every day when you wake up to move forward, no matter what.

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Kevin Lowe: You, my friend, you have the strength to overcome your circumstances.

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Kevin Lowe: Now, I understand life is tough and I understand sometimes we feel stuck and

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Kevin Lowe: maybe for a little little bit of time. Maybe we are.

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Kevin Lowe: Maybe you are. But there comes a point when you're not stuck,

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Kevin Lowe: when you can make a decision, even if it's a hard decision, to move forward, to get unstuck.

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Kevin Lowe: And just like Tocqueville, you have the strength to overcome your circumstances.

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Kevin Lowe: Now, I understand that sometimes we're in a situation in life that is difficult.

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Kevin Lowe: And yeah, maybe for a period of time, you're stuck in it.

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Kevin Lowe: It's just kind of how life is. But then there comes a point when you know that

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Kevin Lowe: you are ready to move forward, that you're ready to overcome it.

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Kevin Lowe: You're ready to break down the barriers.

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Kevin Lowe: You're ready to keep moving forward in life. When you're ready for that,

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Kevin Lowe: that's when you're ready to create a life that you're excited about, that lights you up.

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Kevin Lowe: Because remember, if you're the artist and you're painting the picture of your

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Kevin Lowe: future, don't you want to paint the most beautiful painting you've ever seen?

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Kevin Lowe: Of course you do. So if you are the creator of your destiny, of your future,

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Kevin Lowe: then you better be darn sure that you're creating a future that you want,

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Kevin Lowe: that you're excited about.

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Kevin Lowe: That word, excited, excitement, it's something that I feel like isn't focused on enough in life.

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Kevin Lowe: Maybe it is for children, but as adults, it's almost like excitement.

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Kevin Lowe: Oh my goodness, that's just for kids. But my friend, no, it is for all of us. You need to have a life.

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Kevin Lowe: You need to have goals, dreams, ideas that get you excited, that you wake up

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Kevin Lowe: in the morning with excitement running through your veins for what you are about

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Kevin Lowe: to do that day, what you are working towards.

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Kevin Lowe: Now, I want you to remember this. It starts small. So what I mean is as you

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Kevin Lowe: go throughout your day today, day.

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Kevin Lowe: I want you to think about one part of your life that you can start taking control of.

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Kevin Lowe: What area of your life do you feel like you're out of control?

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Kevin Lowe: What area of life do you need more focus, more direction?

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Kevin Lowe: Maybe that's the best place for you to start. Then identify the next step you

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Kevin Lowe: can take that is going to be moving you closer to that life you envision,

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Kevin Lowe: to your ultimate destiny, to where you want life to be.

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Kevin Lowe: This is about you being in the driver's seat of life, my friend. You are in control.

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Kevin Lowe: The whole thing, but today is I just want so many times here on the podcast

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Kevin Lowe: to just remind you that there's so much more to life than any of us think,

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Kevin Lowe: that there's so much more to you than you believe. leave.

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Kevin Lowe: And that ultimately, I believe that you deserve all that you want in this life.

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Kevin Lowe: I said that earlier today, and I've said it in many episodes, because I believe it.

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Kevin Lowe: I believe that so many times that you, me, we all seem to forget about our dreams.

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Kevin Lowe: We seem to put away way there's big ideas.

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Kevin Lowe: But here, I want to be that inspiration to have you dreaming big.

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Kevin Lowe: To thinking like a child, thinking of the possibilities with no negativity in sight.

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Kevin Lowe: This is your life. You only get one chance at it.

00:12:01.514 --: 00:12:05.714

Kevin Lowe: So my friend, I hope, I pray that you make it account.

00:12:05.734 --: 00:12:11.734

Kevin Lowe: Until next time, I'm your host, Kevin Lowe, and this was another episode of

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Kevin Lowe: Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.

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