What if the same helicopter that lifted your shattered body off the side of a mountain was also lifting you into a completely new version of yourself? In this powerful episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration, Wendy Feldman shares how a life-altering cycling accident shattered her body but lifted her spirit, teaching her that sometimes, the most devastating crashes are the very moments that propel us into becoming the strongest, most resilient version of ourselves.
Who Needs This Dose of Empowerment?
If you've ever had your life change in an instant—whether through an accident, illness, or unexpected hardship—this episode is for you.
If you’re searching for the strength to move forward, the courage to rebuild, or simply a reminder that it’s never too late to become your best self, this conversation will resonate deeply.
Your Self-Empowerment Resources
Download the FREE eBook: 14 Nuggets of Wisdom for a Better Life
Start Receiving Kevin's Weekly Friday Newsletter: Where Grit Meets Grace
A Woman’s Journey of Strength & Self-Discovery
Wendy Feldman never imagined that her passion for cycling would lead to a moment that would change everything. A serious bicycle accident left her physically broken and at a crossroads—would she allow this to define her, or would she use it to rebuild herself stronger than ever?
In this episode, Wendy takes us through the emotional and physical journey of recovery, the moments of doubt, and the unexpected gifts that came from one of the hardest experiences of her life. She opens up about:
- How the accident forced her to see life through a new lens
- The mindset shifts that made all the difference
- Why she now feels more herself than ever at 61 years old
This is a conversation about resilience, transformation, and finding the courage to embrace life’s second chances.
Empowering Takeaways: Lessons You Can Apply
- How embracing change—even when it's painful—can lead to a stronger, more authentic you
- The role of movement, mindset, and motivation in rebuilding after hardship
- Why your best years might still be ahead of you, no matter what challenges you've faced
Your Invitation to Transformation
Hit play now to hear a story of resilience, reinvention, and the power of rewriting your own narrative after life throws you a curveball.
Today’s Featured Guest: A Woman of Resilience
Wendy Feldman is a passionate cyclist, a resilience advocate, and a woman who has redefined what it means to start over. After a devastating accident, she rebuilt her life with a fresh perspective, proving that it’s never too late to rediscover your strength, your purpose, and the best version of yourself.
Hey, it's Kevin!
I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!
- I would LOVE to hear from you! Send me a Voice Message
- Want to be a guest on GRIT, GRACE, & INSPIRATION? Send Kevin Lowe a message on PodMatch!
Show Notes
What if the same helicopter that lifted your shattered body off the side of a mountain was also lifting you into a completely new version of yourself? In this powerful episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration, Wendy Feldman shares how a life-altering cycling accident shattered her body but lifted her spirit, teaching her that sometimes, the most devastating crashes are the very moments that propel us into becoming the strongest, most resilient version of ourselves.
Who Needs This Dose of Empowerment?
If you've ever had your life change in an instant—whether through an accident, illness, or unexpected hardship—this episode is for you.
If you’re searching for the strength to move forward, the courage to rebuild, or simply a reminder that it’s never too late to become your best self, this conversation will resonate deeply.
Your Self-Empowerment Resources
Download the FREE eBook: 14 Nuggets of Wisdom for a Better Life
Start Receiving Kevin's Weekly Friday Newsletter: Where Grit Meets Grace
A Woman’s Journey of Strength & Self-Discovery
Wendy Feldman never imagined that her passion for cycling would lead to a moment that would change everything. A serious bicycle accident left her physically broken and at a crossroads—would she allow this to define her, or would she use it to rebuild herself stronger than ever?
In this episode, Wendy takes us through the emotional and physical journey of recovery, the moments of doubt, and the unexpected gifts that came from one of the hardest experiences of her life. She opens up about:
- How the accident forced her to see life through a new lens
- The mindset shifts that made all the difference
- Why she now feels more herself than ever at 61 years old
This is a conversation about resilience, transformation, and finding the courage to embrace life’s second chances.
Empowering Takeaways: Lessons You Can Apply
- How embracing change—even when it's painful—can lead to a stronger, more authentic you
- The role of movement, mindset, and motivation in rebuilding after hardship
- Why your best years might still be ahead of you, no matter what challenges you've faced
Your Invitation to Transformation
Hit play now to hear a story of resilience, reinvention, and the power of rewriting your own narrative after life throws you a curveball.
Today’s Featured Guest: A Woman of Resilience
Wendy Feldman is a passionate cyclist, a resilience advocate, and a woman who has redefined what it means to start over. After a devastating accident, she rebuilt her life with a fresh perspective, proving that it’s never too late to rediscover your strength, your purpose, and the best version of yourself.
Hey, it's Kevin!
I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!
- I would LOVE to hear from you! Send me a Voice Message
- Want to be a guest on GRIT, GRACE, & INSPIRATION? Send Kevin Lowe a message on PodMatch!
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- Plus Hangout with Me on LinkedIn
- Let's Schedule a Virtual Coffee Date
- Come Checkout the Website
Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!
© 2025 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration
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