How would you describe beauty if you couldn't see? This thought-provoking question sets the stage for a unique exploration of beauty beyond one's physical appearance, challenging our conventional understanding of what makes someone truly beautiful.

Who Is This For?

This episode is for anyone who wants to discover a deeper, more meaningful understanding of beauty. If you've ever wondered about the true essence of what makes a person beautiful beyond physical appearance, this conversation will open your eyes to a new perspective. It's especially valuable for those seeking to appreciate themselves and others in a more profound way, transcending surface-level judgments and connecting with the beauty that radiates from within.

Looking for the Links?

What's This All About?

In this heartfelt episode, host Kevin Lowe, who is completely blind, shares his unique perspective on beauty. He recounts his experience interviewing Kaley Z and being mesmerized by her beauty, despite never having seen her. This leads to a profound discussion on what truly makes a person beautiful, exploring concepts like energy, personality, and the way people make us feel. Kevin challenges listeners to reconsider their understanding of beauty, encouraging them to look beyond physical appearances and find beauty in unexpected places.

Some Key Takeaways:

  • Gain a new perspective on beauty that transcends physical appearance
  • Learn to appreciate people's inner qualities, such as kindness, resilience, and passion
  • Discover how shifting your focus from visual cues can enhance your relationships and interactions

Experience a transformative journey into the true essence of beauty by listening to this eye-opening episode. *Don't forget to press that Subscribe/ Follow button on your favorite podcast app.

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

beauty without sight, defining beauty, inner beauty, beauty beyond appearance, perception of beauty, beauty and kindness, emotional connection, beauty in relationships, seeing with the heart, beauty in vulnerability, podcast on beauty, Kevin...

Show Notes

How would you describe beauty if you couldn't see? This thought-provoking question sets the stage for a unique exploration of beauty beyond one's physical appearance, challenging our conventional understanding of what makes someone truly beautiful.

Who Is This For?

This episode is for anyone who wants to discover a deeper, more meaningful understanding of beauty. If you've ever wondered about the true essence of what makes a person beautiful beyond physical appearance, this conversation will open your eyes to a new perspective. It's especially valuable for those seeking to appreciate themselves and others in a more profound way, transcending surface-level judgments and connecting with the beauty that radiates from within.

Looking for the Links?

What's This All About?

In this heartfelt episode, host Kevin Lowe, who is completely blind, shares his unique perspective on beauty. He recounts his experience interviewing Kaley Z and being mesmerized by her beauty, despite never having seen her. This leads to a profound discussion on what truly makes a person beautiful, exploring concepts like energy, personality, and the way people make us feel. Kevin challenges listeners to reconsider their understanding of beauty, encouraging them to look beyond physical appearances and find beauty in unexpected places.

Some Key Takeaways:

  • Gain a new perspective on beauty that transcends physical appearance
  • Learn to appreciate people's inner qualities, such as kindness, resilience, and passion
  • Discover how shifting your focus from visual cues can enhance your relationships and interactions

Experience a transformative journey into the true essence of beauty by listening to this eye-opening episode. *Don't forget to press that Subscribe/ Follow button on your favorite podcast app.

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

beauty without sight, defining beauty, inner beauty, beauty beyond appearance, perception of beauty, beauty and kindness, emotional connection, beauty in relationships, seeing with the heart, beauty in vulnerability, podcast on beauty, Kevin Lowe podcast, inspiration and motivation, non-visual beauty, understanding beauty, beauty and personality, beauty in everyday life, beauty and resilience, self-worth and beauty, beauty and energy

Show Transcript

Kevin Lowe

How would you describe beauty if you couldn't see?

Kevin Lowe

How would you know that somebody is beautiful if you never saw them?

Kevin Lowe

These are the kind of questions that are going to guide our conversation today, a heart to heart conversation between me and you about what is beauty if you can't see it, my friend?

Kevin Lowe

This is episode 335, where I hope to give you a new perspective on life, a new perspective on what is beautiful when you cannot see.

Kevin Lowe



Are you ready to flip the script on life?


Cause those bad days, they're just doors to better days.


And that's exactly what we do here at grit, grace, and inspiration.


Your host, Kevin Lowe, he's been flipping the script on his own life, turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration, motivation, and encouragement just for you.


So kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin.



Kevin Lowe

I've been doing this podcasting gig for now, over four years.

Kevin Lowe

We're now into the episodes, and so, therefore, I've obviously got to interview a lot of amazing people.

Kevin Lowe

But recently, when I interviewed a lady who you met just a couple of episodes ago, Kaylee Z.

Kevin Lowe

It really got me thinking, because as I sat there listening to Kaylee share her story, I couldn't help but be mesmerized at how beautiful she was.

Kevin Lowe

Now, here's the kicker is, if this is news to you, well, here is the shocker.

Kevin Lowe

I'm completely blind.

Kevin Lowe

I've never seen Kaylee.

Kevin Lowe

Nobody's even told me what Kaylee looks like.

Kevin Lowe

I have no idea, from a visual standpoint, anything about Kaylee.

Kevin Lowe

I have no idea what color her hair is, what shape her face is.

Kevin Lowe

Is it round?

Kevin Lowe

Is it oval?

Kevin Lowe

I have not a single clue.

Kevin Lowe

So the question is, how would you describe something as beautiful if you can't see it?

Kevin Lowe

And how would you know that somebody is beautiful if you never knew what they looked like?

Kevin Lowe

So what I guess I want to ask you is, what is it that makes somebody truly beautiful?

Kevin Lowe

Is it indeed something that we see with our eyes, or could it be something deeper than that?

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's something that we see with our hearts rather than our eyes.

Kevin Lowe

As we continue, I think the best way for you to really grasp hold of this topic, this idea is for you to think about somebody in your life who you love, who you consider beautiful.

Kevin Lowe

What is it about that person that makes you feel that way?

Kevin Lowe

Is it just their physical appearance, or is there more to it?

Kevin Lowe

Does their beauty run deeper than just their looks?

Kevin Lowe

This idea that maybe it's something more, something deeper, something more meaningful?

Kevin Lowe

Well, that's kind of what today is all about.

Kevin Lowe

Because the truth is that I've realized that I actually was given a gift when I became blind.

Kevin Lowe

Is that I got to be able to learn how to see people in a different way, a more meaningful way.

Kevin Lowe

And in terms of beauty, well, beauty is so much more than what meets the eye.

Kevin Lowe

Beauty is a persons energy.

Kevin Lowe

Its their vibe, its the emotion in their voice, its the way they make you feel when youre around them.

Kevin Lowe

Its all those things, their kindness, their resilience, their personality.

Kevin Lowe

All of those things combined are what I believe makes somebody truly beautiful.

Kevin Lowe

Because we live in a world that's so based on the visual.

Kevin Lowe

It's the hair, it's the thin body.

Kevin Lowe

It's looking like the supermodels on tv or in the magazines.

Kevin Lowe

But instead it's really about more than that.

Kevin Lowe

It's about how you carry yourself.

Kevin Lowe

It's about your personality, your attitude.

Kevin Lowe

Do you have a sassy kind of attitude or are you just straight up mean?

Kevin Lowe

Let's hope not.

Kevin Lowe

Let's hope you don't have too much attitude.

Kevin Lowe

But it's all these little things separate from the physical appearance that I believe is what really makes somebody beautiful or nothing.

Kevin Lowe

Now the thing that I want you to really think about with today's episode is what if you started to see the world from this new perspective?

Kevin Lowe

How might your relationships change?

Kevin Lowe

Your interactions with strangers change if you no longer knew what they looked like?

Kevin Lowe

If you met somebody and you had no idea what color their skin was, you had no idea if they were fat or skinny.

Kevin Lowe

You had no idea if they were clean dressed, looking sharp, or if they didn't have the nicest clothes.

Kevin Lowe

No, you don't get to judge them by any of that.

Kevin Lowe

Instead, you get to be present in a conversation with this person.

Kevin Lowe

You're not focused on the physical, but instead you're actually paying attention to what they're saying.

Kevin Lowe

You're listening to not just the words, but you're hearing the emotion, the reasoning behind what they're saying.

Kevin Lowe

You are going to find beauty in their passion, in the way that they speak about the idea they have that they're sharing.

Kevin Lowe

You're going to find beauty in their vulnerability, sharing with you what's on their heart.

Kevin Lowe

It's these things that, if you think about it, what a game changer in business if you can take the physical out of it and start to really listen to people that you work with.

Kevin Lowe

Before, you just dismissed their idea, but did you really listen to them?

Kevin Lowe

Did you hear the passion that they had, the excitement the joy in their voice.

Kevin Lowe

Did you hear that?

Kevin Lowe

Maybe that's telling you something.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's telling you that, you know what?

Kevin Lowe

I ought to take an extra minute to actually listen to them and to hear this full idea out before I just dismiss it.

Kevin Lowe

Now, here's the powerful thing, is that this shift in perspective, it's not just how we see others, it's also how we see ourselves.

Kevin Lowe

When we realize that our beauty comes from more than just our physical appearance, it does something to you.

Kevin Lowe

Because when you realize that your beauty, it comes from within, it comes from your kindness, it comes through in your smile, through your laughter, through the joy that you bring, the energy that radiates off of you.

Kevin Lowe

All of this is incredibly empowering.

Kevin Lowe

And maybe for you, it's a relief to understand that you don't have to worry so much about the physical.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, I understand.

Kevin Lowe

We all want to look good, no doubt about it.

Kevin Lowe

And I encourage you to continue having yourself look good.

Kevin Lowe

But in this imaginary world that we're talking about, in a world where we remove the physical, we remove the visual, we only focus on the more meaningful stuff.

Kevin Lowe

The words that are spoken, the vibe that is emitted, the energy that is electric.

Kevin Lowe

The fact is true my friend, that beauty is everywhere.

Kevin Lowe

The only thing is, is that we have to be willing to sometimes close our eyes and instead open our hearts to be able to see it.

Kevin Lowe

Beauty, if you think about it, it's in the laughter of a child, it's in the passion of an artist, it's in the dedication of a parent.

Kevin Lowe

All of that is beauty.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's different than what you thought beauty was, but in this deeper thinking, its all beautiful.

Kevin Lowe

Todays episode was meant to just give you a new perspective on life.

Kevin Lowe

Thats my goal with this podcast, is to hopefully use my life the way in which I see the world, and more importantly, the way in which I get to see people to be a benefit to you.

Kevin Lowe

And I hope todays episode can do that for you.

Kevin Lowe

So my friend, I hope you enjoyed today.

Kevin Lowe

I sure enjoyed getting to share this with you and that Lady Kaylee Z.

Kevin Lowe

If you didnt listen to her interview, go back and listen to it.

Kevin Lowe

Or maybe if you already did listen to it, go back and listen to it again, but this time with your eyes closed.

Kevin Lowe

Obviously its a podcast, you cant see her anyways.

Kevin Lowe

But just to get the effect really going good, close your eyes and listen to it and see how much more you can pick up in the words that she speaks.

Kevin Lowe

It's absolutely amazing.

Kevin Lowe

So my friend, thank you for being here on another episode of grace and inspiration.

Kevin Lowe

You get out there and have the most amazing day possible.

Kevin Lowe

I'll see you in our next episode.

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