Show Notes

Have you ever felt like your life was spiraling out of control, only to find yourself soaring to new heights? Sean Donovan's incredible story of transformation will captivate you from start to finish. From a successful real estate investor to hitting rock bottom during the 2008 recession, Sean's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and reinvention.

Prepare to be inspired as we dive into Sean's rollercoaster ride through life's highs and lows. You'll discover how he went from being a carefree college student to an unexpected father, from a thriving real estate mogul to losing everything, and ultimately, how he turned his life around in ways he never imagined.


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Why Sean's Story Matters to You

Whether you're struggling with financial difficulties, feeling stuck in your career, or simply seeking inspiration to make a major life change, Sean's story will resonate with you. His experiences provide practical lessons on resilience, adaptability, and the importance of pursuing your passions, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

An Overview into Sean's Story

In this gripping episode, Sean Donovan shares his rollercoaster ride through life's highs and lows. From being a carefree college student to an unexpected father, a thriving real estate investor to losing everything in the 2008 recession, Sean's story is one of resilience and transformation.

Listen as he reveals how he turned his life around, moved to Florida, discovered a new passion for writing, and found love and success in unexpected places. You'll hear about his journey from rock bottom to becoming a successful author, working as a writing coach where he helps others publish their own books, and his love for sailing. Sean's story proves that it's never too late to reinvent yourself and pursue your dreams.

Are You Looking for the Links?

Some Key Life Lessons from Sean's Story

  • You only live once, so take advantage of it
  • No matter how many times you fall, there is always a reason to get back up.
  • Sometimes you just have to take a chance, to bet on your future self
  • And remember, there's always a rainbow after the rain

Your Call to Action: Don't Miss This Episode

Start FOLLOWING the podcast + PRESS PLAY right away to hear Sean Donovan's inspiring journey and discover how you can transform your own life, no matter what challenges you're facing. This episode is packed with valuable lessons and motivation that you won't want to miss.

Today's Awesome Guest

Sean Donovan

Sean Donovan is a former real estate investor turned author, writing coach, and sailing enthusiast. After losing everything in the 2008 recession, Sean reinvented himself, moving to Florida and pursuing his passion for writing. He is now a successful author, married to the love of his life, enjoys being a "GranDude", and setting off on new adventures aboard his sailboat!

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Sean Donovan story, real estate comeback, 2008 recession impact, personal transformation, life coaching, overcoming adversity, fatherhood journey, mental health and wellness, writing a book, entrepreneurial mindset, sailing adventures, Florida lifestyle, resilience in business, motivational speaker, personal growth, self-help strategies, finding purpose, successful life changes, building a positive mindset, inspirational podcast

Show Transcript

Kevin Lowe

Today's guest has a story that I believe many of us can relate to.

Kevin Lowe

It's a story of life's highs and lows, the good times and the bad.

Kevin Lowe

In one moment, Sean Donovan was a carefree college student living the good life he was in his junior year.

Kevin Lowe

Sights were set on what was going to happen after college.

Kevin Lowe

And yet then, in the next moment, he's dropped out of college.

Kevin Lowe

He's opened up his own garage, working on cars, all because, well, he got the news that he's about to have a child.

Kevin Lowe

Fast forward a while.

Kevin Lowe

And Sean Donovan, he's back on top.

Kevin Lowe

He's thriving as a successful real estate investor again.

Kevin Lowe

He is living on top of the world.

Kevin Lowe

And yet, then it's the 2008 recession.

Kevin Lowe

The floor drops out from under him.

Kevin Lowe

Hes lying on the floor of the gym bathroom.

Kevin Lowe

Hes broken in every form of the word.

Kevin Lowe

Financially, physically, emotionally.

Kevin Lowe

Hes done.

Kevin Lowe

And yet, from these devastating lows, Sean Donovans story takes an inspiring turn.

Kevin Lowe

A turn that makes this a comeback story that you, my friend, cannot afford to miss.

Kevin Lowe

I've given you the highlights.

Kevin Lowe

You, though, are about to discover the details, the full story told by Sean Donovan himself.

Kevin Lowe

So, my friend, I'm excited to welcome you to what is episode 330.

Kevin Lowe

Yo, are you ready to flip the script on life?

Kevin Lowe

Cause those bad days, they're just doors to better days.

Kevin Lowe

And that's exactly what we do here at grit, grace, and inspiration.

Kevin Lowe

Your host, Kevin Lowe, he's been flipping the script on his own life, turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration, motivation, and encouragement just for you.

Kevin Lowe

So kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.

Kevin Lowe

What's up?

Kevin Lowe

And welcome back to another awesome interview here on great grace of inspiration.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

I am blessed to be in the studio with a guy I have been so excited to get to talk to.

Kevin Lowe

And that is none other than Mister Sean Donovan.

Kevin Lowe

Sean, welcome to the podcast.

Sean Donovan

And Kevin, thank you so much for having me here today.

Sean Donovan

I'm really looking forward to this, and you're such an inspiration to so many.

Sean Donovan

And I'm just blessed to be a part of this process and this podcast with you.

Kevin Lowe

Oh, man.

Kevin Lowe

Well, thank you.

Kevin Lowe

And Sean, I'm excited to unpack this story that you've been on.

Kevin Lowe

And I figure the best place to start is when you kind of look back at this journey you've been on.

Kevin Lowe

What do you feel like?

Kevin Lowe

Was that, that moment, that experience, that really kind of shifted everything that's ended up leading to where you are today?

Sean Donovan

Two things come to mind Kevin, without a doubt, the birth of my daughter, which was very unexpected and unplanned and it happened at an early age.

Sean Donovan

I was a 21 year old father and my daughter coming into this world changed the trajectory of my life.

Sean Donovan

I went from this fun loving, partying, lifeguarding, bartending kind of guy to all of a sudden, whoops, I've got another human being that is counting on me and looking up to me for inspiration and guidance and financial support and all of those things.

Sean Donovan

So that probably more than anything changed the trajectory of my life.

Sean Donovan

And although it was unplanned, I called my daughter.

Sean Donovan

Sometimes jokingly, I follow my greatest mistake.

Sean Donovan

But the most positive things have come out of that, including an eight year old granddaughter that I have now.

Sean Donovan

So my daughter is 28 and my granddaughter is eight and what a beautiful family we have.

Sean Donovan

And it all evolved out of an oaksy.

Sean Donovan

So sometimes those things happen.

Kevin Lowe


Sean Donovan

I would say the second thing, the most probably pivotal moment of my life was 2008 and real estate bubble bursting.

Sean Donovan

And the financial situation that ensued from that really put me at a low .2 thousand.

Sean Donovan

Eight was the worst year of my life.

Sean Donovan

Lost two businesses that I had poured a lot of blood, sweat equity and hard work and tears into over a ten year period of time and I lost both businesses and found myself just struggling to figure out what was next and in the moment how it was going survive.

Sean Donovan

But it really caused me to take a hard look at my life, what I was doing, how I was spending my time, and it caused me to make some drastic changes, including moving to Florida.

Kevin Lowe


Sean Donovan

So a lot of positives came out of the toughest year of my life.

Sean Donovan

It was tough to make it through at that point, but the end result was a much happier, more fulfilled life.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, yeah.

Kevin Lowe

Absolutely understandable.

Kevin Lowe

Well, talking to the first point about finding out that you were having a child, where were you kind of at in life?

Kevin Lowe

I mean, were you in, I think you were maybe in college at that point?

Sean Donovan

I was, yeah, I was a junior in college at Old Dominion University up in Norfolk, Virginia.

Sean Donovan

I was lifeguarding on the beach there at Virginia beach during the summertime and you know, working security and bartending and waiting tables and all those other odd jobs in between to help pay my way through school.

Sean Donovan

And you know, I was just having a really good time.

Sean Donovan

I was in, I guess you could call full on Playboy mode.

Sean Donovan

At that point in my life I was just, you know, it was all about having fun and, you know, wasn't, wasn't thinking a whole lot about the future.

Sean Donovan

It was.

Sean Donovan

I was just enjoying life to its fullest at the time.

Sean Donovan

I'm glad I had those experiences.

Sean Donovan

I got a lot of that out of my system at the time, but I was absolutely, positively not in the mood to have a child.

Sean Donovan

I aspired to have a child one day.

Sean Donovan

That was a dream of mine, but I just.

Sean Donovan

I didn't think it was going to happen that way, and certainly not under the circumstances I was in financially, and maybe with a different person as well would have been nice also.

Sean Donovan

But it is what it is, and we made the best out of the situation.

Sean Donovan

I love my daughter to death, but she did change my life more than anything at that point.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

What I can't help but think of is that quote that people say is that life is what happens when we're busy making other plans.

Kevin Lowe

And I listen to you with that, and I think that definitely rings true now, career wise.

Kevin Lowe

You talked about being in real estate coming up in 2008.

Kevin Lowe

What led to that?

Kevin Lowe

I mean, you said you were a junior in college.

Kevin Lowe

What happened from there?

Sean Donovan

Well, I had to drop out of college when I found out I was having a daughter.

Sean Donovan

That was the first thing that had to happen, and it was unfortunate.

Sean Donovan

I really didn't have my heart and soul in college at the time.

Sean Donovan

Anyway, I thought I knew what I wanted to do when I went to college.

Sean Donovan

I wanted to be a mechanical engineer.

Sean Donovan

I quickly learned that math was not my forte, and I had to change my major over to environmental sciences, which I enjoyed learning about.

Sean Donovan

I had dreams of maybe traveling, studying rainforest and coral reefs and all these cool things and adventures in life, and then all of a sudden, ooh, now I got a daughter, and I probably shouldn't be going all around the world.

Sean Donovan

So this major that I had switched into my sophomore year now became sort of irrelevant to me.

Sean Donovan

Again, I didn't have aspirations to.

Sean Donovan

To become a doctor or anything like that.

Sean Donovan

I always have more of an entrepreneurial mindset.

Sean Donovan

So I made the tough decision, considering how much time, effort, energy, and money I already put into college, to withdraw from college and start a business.

Sean Donovan

And I had really been into cars since I was a kid.

Sean Donovan

I tinkered with cars with my grandfather, and he was always taking apart a lawnmower or working on something mechanical.

Sean Donovan

So I thought, well, let me do something I love and, you know, figure it out.

Sean Donovan

So I had a 66 mustang that I was halfway into restoring, and I, my first car with triumph Spitfire necessitated me becoming a good mechanic just to keep that thing on the road.

Sean Donovan

So I got quite good at it.

Sean Donovan

So I said, let me try my hand at business.

Sean Donovan

I hadn't taken any business classes in college, unfortunately.

Sean Donovan

And so I made every mistake in the book, starting what I called on site auto service in Virginia beach back in the mid nineties.

Sean Donovan

So made every mistake, hired family members, hired friends to work for me.

Sean Donovan

And in spite of all of my mistakes, at the end of the day, I was financially successful with that business.

Sean Donovan

But I got burned out after a couple of years.

Sean Donovan

I was doing literally everything.

Sean Donovan

I had developed some trust issues because of experiences I had had with the wrong people I had hired.

Sean Donovan

So I was the guy that was crawling underneath the car in a parking lot, changing the oil.

Sean Donovan

I was the guy doing the accounting and invoicing.

Sean Donovan

I was the guy doing the sales.

Sean Donovan

So I was wearing a lot of hats.

Sean Donovan

And this working on cars thing that I had really loved started to become feeling a lot like a job and a chore.

Sean Donovan

So I made the decision to close that business down.

Sean Donovan

It was tough.

Sean Donovan

My last month in business, keep in mind, I'm in my mid twenties.

Sean Donovan

I think I made about $7,000 that last month.

Sean Donovan

And I just didn't have the foresight or the business acumen to think, well, why don't I sell this book of business that I built up to a competitor?

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

I just closed the doors one day and decided, I don't want to do this anymore.

Sean Donovan

And then I went into a brief stint in corporate America and quickly realized I didn't want to do that either.

Sean Donovan

So I thought, okay, if I can restore a car, maybe I could renovate a house.

Sean Donovan

So with some of the money that I had made from the auto repair and auto restoration business, I bought my first condo.

Sean Donovan

I did some restoration and improvement to it and sold it a couple years later and made a pretty decent chunk of change for myself at that point in time.

Sean Donovan

It was certainly the largest chunk of money that I had made in my life up until that point.

Sean Donovan

And I thought, you know what?

Sean Donovan

This is kind of nice.

Sean Donovan

So I went and got my real estate license, and I started practicing real estate in 1998, and I had a ten year plan that was supposed to culminate in 2008, 2009.

Sean Donovan

Worked my butt off, Kevin, 16 hours a day.

Sean Donovan

Three or four years into real estate, I built up a little portfolio of investment properties.

Sean Donovan

I'd scrimped and saved and moved into a place and renovated while I was living there.

Sean Donovan

So I lived 90 days without a kitchen.

Sean Donovan

One time I ate out a whole lot.

Sean Donovan

I lived in a house for 30 days with no bathroom.

Sean Donovan

And luckily I had a gym membership to a gym that was just a couple blocks away.

Sean Donovan

So I shower there and, you know, do all my bathroom kind of business at the gym in the interim while I was working on the house.

Sean Donovan

And then I'd flip the house and move out into another one, or I'd rent the house, etcetera.

Sean Donovan

So that's how I got into real estate and contracting, and it was a learning curve for that as well.

Sean Donovan

I made a bunch of mistakes early on, cost myself a bunch of time and money, and I finally got everything on the right track.

Sean Donovan

The machine was running smoothly, so to speak.

Sean Donovan

I was hitting on all eight cylinders.

Sean Donovan

I was making money, I was living a good life, and I was very busy, but at the same time, it was very rewarding financially.

Sean Donovan

And then out of the blue comes 2008.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

Rug yanked right up from underneath me.

Sean Donovan

That was a very tough thing to face.

Sean Donovan

And it happened at a very inopportune time for me as well.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, absolutely.

Kevin Lowe

Now, when 2008 happened, as far as, I mean, you weren't only just a typical realtor, but you had all these investment properties.

Kevin Lowe

How did it end up happening for you as far as, did you have to sell those?

Kevin Lowe

Did everything basically get taken?

Kevin Lowe

I mean, what, what exactly went down for you at that point?

Sean Donovan

I was so ingrained in what I was doing.

Sean Donovan

I was renovating an old victorian home that a partner and I had purchased.

Sean Donovan

I had a couple of renovation projects going on for clients at the same time, I was overseeing the management of 1200 residential units in Richmond, Virginia.

Sean Donovan

Our rent roll range from 250 a month up to $3,500 a month.

Sean Donovan

So we were dealing with just a whole spectrum of renters and all different financial situations in different walks of life.

Sean Donovan

I didn't see it coming.

Sean Donovan

For some reason, I should have.

Sean Donovan

I didn't see the bubble busting.

Sean Donovan

All the junk loans, the arm loans the banks were making and stuff were just.

Sean Donovan

It was not on my radar.

Sean Donovan

I was doing my thing, working with a lot of first time home buyers and investors as well.

Sean Donovan

So I was working with people who were getting FHA loans and I was working with investors that were paying cash and everybody in between.

Sean Donovan

And I had my own thing going, but I was in the middle of this victorian renovation.

Sean Donovan

I had put a lot of my own cash into it, and I had a lunch meeting with my banker.

Sean Donovan

We were getting close to the point where we're going to refinance the property, pull some of our own money out, get ready to list it for sale and move on.

Sean Donovan

My banker comes to the lunch meeting, and he looks rough.

Sean Donovan

And this was a guy who was usually well put together, so he looked like he hadn't slept in days, and he just didn't look like himself.

Sean Donovan

I thought he was sick, or maybe he was going through some personal stuff at home.

Sean Donovan

And before we had even ordered lunch, he proceeds to tell me that you can't do the refinance.

Sean Donovan

And at the time, I had a 800 plus credit score, and I've done multiple loans with this bank and him.

Sean Donovan

And I said, well, why not?

Sean Donovan

What's wrong?

Sean Donovan

What did I do?

Sean Donovan

So it's not you.

Sean Donovan

The bank has just made a decision that we're not going to do any of these investment refis anymore.

Sean Donovan

And I said, well, that's your bread and butter.

Sean Donovan

And he said, and that, my friend, is why I haven't slept in the last week.

Sean Donovan

So that was my first indication that something major was going on about to happen.

Sean Donovan

And it happened quickly.

Sean Donovan

And the transition for me was extremely tough.

Sean Donovan

I had been living a pretty good life up until that point.

Sean Donovan

I've been working very, very hard, but I've been enjoying the spoils of my labor.

Sean Donovan

And it stopped very, very abruptly.

Sean Donovan

I went from making a whole bunch of money to making no money in a very short period of time.

Sean Donovan

And to compound things, a lot of my renters, some of which who had been with me for years, and personal investment properties that I own, they found themselves in a position where they couldn't pay rent.

Sean Donovan

My employees who were working for me in the contracting company, I was still paying them, but their wives or their spouses had gotten laid off, and now they were in a different financial position, looking at me for overtime and things that I just wasn't able to give them at the time.

Sean Donovan

So it was a very rapid onset of change, and it was extremely painful.

Sean Donovan

I think back, and I reflect back now, a lot of the tenants that rented from me and a lot of the investors, they either worked at or owned a lot of the restaurants in Richmond, Virginia.

Sean Donovan

I used to always get an invite to go to openings of these restaurants, and I was on a guest list sometimes for special events at the museum, which I was a member of, and different things.

Sean Donovan

And all of a sudden, all of that went away.

Sean Donovan

And I went from not looking at prices on things in the grocery store to shopping so frugally.

Sean Donovan

At one point, things got so bad, I was living off of an avocado and a mango and water every day.

Sean Donovan

Man, what an adjustment that was.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

Yeah, I know some people are thinking, oh, poor Sean, blah, blah, blah, but it's easy to say until it happens to you.

Sean Donovan

And it happened to me, and I was cautious.

Sean Donovan

I had savings, I had contingency plans in place, and it was amazing how fast all of it came unraveled.

Sean Donovan

I had $120,000 sitting in a reserve fund for maintenance issues on properties, and I watched it evaporate in one year.

Sean Donovan

It was unbelievable.

Sean Donovan

What that taught me was that even sometimes when you think you're prepared, you can never underestimate what can be dealt your way in a very short period of time.

Sean Donovan

So that taught me to have contingency plans for my contingency plans to have not just a plan a and a b, but plans a through z.

Sean Donovan

Wow, how rough.

Kevin Lowe

Now, out of my own curiosity, kind of, what was that kind of ground zero moment during this time?

Kevin Lowe

Like the lowest of the lows that maybe sometimes it seems like we have to hit rock bottom and then maybe even find a floor below it before things can kind of start to change for us.

Sean Donovan

Well, it's funny that you said rock bottom and a floor below it, because that.

Sean Donovan

That definitely brings up a story, and I think this was rock bottom for me.

Sean Donovan

I had been dealing with a lot of the stress from the financial burden that was put on me in 2008 by going to the gym and working out.

Sean Donovan

I was working twelve to 16 hours a day, six days a week and a half a day on Sunday.

Sean Donovan

And, you know, it was finding time somehow, even if it was 910, 11:00 at night, to squeeze in some gym time.

Sean Donovan

And I was doing that six days a week as well, just to blow off the steam.

Sean Donovan

And one night I was in the gym doing my normal workout, and I wasn't feeling that great, but I pushed through.

Sean Donovan

I had a good workout anyway.

Sean Donovan

I got into the sauna, which I always ended all my workout sessions with the sauna.

Sean Donovan

I'd go in, do a little bit of meditation, yoga, stretching, etcetera, get some of that detox going.

Sean Donovan

And in the sauna, I started feeling really dizzy.

Sean Donovan

I got tunnel vision, my ears started ringing.

Sean Donovan

I was the only one in the locker room.

Sean Donovan

It was late at night, the gym was about to close.

Sean Donovan

I had the wherewithal and luckily, the ability to get out of the 140 degree sauna.

Sean Donovan

And I literally remember crawling across the tile floor of the gym, over to the shower, and in the floor of the shower, which I always wore flip flops in the shower, just because you know a little OCD about germs and the gym floor, but here I am sitting on the floor.

Sean Donovan

I got the cold the shower on the coldest water I could possibly get, just running over me to cool me down.

Sean Donovan

And I thought I was having a little bit of heat exhaustion.

Sean Donovan

So I remember that very, very well.

Sean Donovan

It was a vivid memory for me.

Sean Donovan

I remember getting up out of the shower after I cooled down.

Sean Donovan

I remember the gym worker vacuuming the locker room, kind of waiting for me to leave.

Sean Donovan

I remember walking out of the gym to my truck.

Sean Donovan

What I don't remember is driving home.

Sean Donovan

My house is about 3 miles away from the gym.

Sean Donovan

So the next thing I remember was waking up in the floor, a hardwood floor of my house, in a very uncomfortable position.

Sean Donovan

The dogs were in the next room whining and pawing at the door to get to me.

Sean Donovan

And I woke up and I could hear my heartbeat beating in my eardrums.

Sean Donovan

I just felt terrible.

Sean Donovan

I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life.

Sean Donovan

Hadn't drank anything in days.

Sean Donovan

I mean, I didn't have money for alcohol at that time, so there was nothing like that going on.

Sean Donovan

And I thought, oh, my God, first of all, how did I get him?

Sean Donovan

Secondly, did I have a heart attack, a stroke?

Sean Donovan

What is wrong with me?

Sean Donovan

So I managed to get up out of the floor, and I look out the back of my house, and the garage door is wide open.

Sean Donovan

And I lived in an area in Richmond.

Sean Donovan

It's a nice area.

Sean Donovan

I was living in my home office at the time.

Sean Donovan

I was fastidious about closing the garage door even for a minute.

Sean Donovan

I had a bike stolen, had some tools stolen out of the garage in broad daylight.

Sean Donovan

It's downtown in the middle of the city, and here I am, middle of the night, the garage doors wide open.

Sean Donovan

Somehow I got my truck in the garage perfectly straight without hitting anything.

Sean Donovan

And I know that I, under normal circumstances, would have not left that door open for a minute, but it was probably open for about 4 hours or so.

Sean Donovan

So I let the dogs out, and I just took a long walk, and I had to calm my nerves down.

Sean Donovan

I got back, I sat on the couch, I watched the sun rise out the window, and I thought, man, this is it.

Sean Donovan

This is my second chance.

Sean Donovan

This is my wake up call, and this is my second chance.

Sean Donovan

Like, I don't know how I made it home especially safely, but I just.

Sean Donovan

I thought right then and there, if I don't do something, if I don't change the course that I'm on, this train's about to hit a brick wall, and I might not be around one day to see my daughter get married or to see a grandbaby or to get married myself.

Sean Donovan

And I decided right then and there, I made a firm promise to myself that I was going to make some drastic changes in my life.

Sean Donovan

So that was the most pivotal moment.

Sean Donovan

That was the rock bottom moment that catapulted me into some change.

Sean Donovan

Oh, and by the way, I didn't even mention at the time, I was going through the absolute worst breakup of my life.

Sean Donovan

So I'm going through the struggle financially with my businesses that I've had for ten years.

Sean Donovan

At the same time, I've got a broken heart, and I'm trying to weather the storm pretty much on my own.

Sean Donovan

So that was the low point.

Sean Donovan

But I said, you know what?

Sean Donovan

There's better things out there for me.

Sean Donovan

I've gotten as far as I've gotten in life.

Sean Donovan

I can do it again, even if it means starting over.

Sean Donovan

So I made some commitments to myself and made some drastic changes from that day forward.

Kevin Lowe

Wow, that is really powerful.

Kevin Lowe

From that point forward, what, what would you decide to do?

Kevin Lowe

What, did you have a plan in place as far as what you were going to do next and second and third?

Kevin Lowe

Or did it kind of just come as it went?

Sean Donovan

I wish, Kevin.

Sean Donovan

I wish I did.

Sean Donovan

I was so ingrained in finishing the projects that I had on the table, somehow making payroll on Friday, getting the bills paid.

Sean Donovan

I was in survival mode.

Sean Donovan

I didn't know what was next.

Sean Donovan

Next for me was like, okay, I gotta make this call.

Sean Donovan

I've gotta go to this job.

Sean Donovan

I've gotta buy this material.

Sean Donovan

I wasn't in a position where I could step back and look at the big picture.

Sean Donovan

But fortunately, I knew someone who could help me with this.

Sean Donovan

I had had a business consultant who had sort of become a life coach.

Sean Donovan

Back when things were going good, I had a different set of problems.

Sean Donovan

I had the money, I didn't have the time.

Sean Donovan

So organization, focus, strategies, systemization, all that was very important to me.

Sean Donovan

And I had this wonderful life coach business consultant who had helped me streamline my business, get on track, and she attributed to a lot of success in the business.

Sean Donovan

So I find myself now having to humble myself and call her I and ask her for help.

Sean Donovan

And I was not in a position at the time to afford to pay or anything.

Sean Donovan

And she graciously stepped up and helped me out of the kindness of her heart, and she came over and sat down across from me, and I hadn't had a session with her in a little while now.

Sean Donovan

I had been off and running on business.

Sean Donovan

Everything had been good, and we didn't have regular contact, like our weekly meetings we used to have.

Sean Donovan

So she engages with me now, and she's sitting there across the desk, and she's just looking at me.

Sean Donovan

And I'm a very different person than I was when she had left me in a good position a year or two prior.

Sean Donovan

And we talked about things out of control.

Sean Donovan

That happens, like the global economy.

Sean Donovan

I didn't do that.

Sean Donovan

I was running my business as usual.

Sean Donovan

I didn't make any mistakes.

Sean Donovan

And it was just very hard for me to grapple with that.

Sean Donovan

These things out of my control were happening.

Sean Donovan

And she drew a circle on a piece of paper in front of me and put a bunch of dots in it, and then she put a bunch of dots outside the circle, and she said, what is this?

Sean Donovan

I said, I have no idea.

Sean Donovan

It looks like a planet with some moon, stars around it, whatever.

Sean Donovan

She goes, no, this is you, the circle.

Sean Donovan

And everything inside of the circle is what you can control.

Sean Donovan

Everything out the side of the circle is out of your control.

Sean Donovan

So let's focus on what you can control, what you can do.

Sean Donovan

And I said, yeah, but.

Sean Donovan

And then she said, I don't want hearing these yabbits.

Sean Donovan

There's no yabbits here.

Sean Donovan

They're not allowed.

Sean Donovan

She said, we're gonna going to have some really heart to heart talk right now.

Sean Donovan

We're going to get to the brass tacks of things.

Sean Donovan

And she asked me, well, first, and this is crazy, I had these stacks of bills on my desk and stacks of proposals and estimates and all these things on my desk, and I was distracted by them, admittedly.

Sean Donovan

And here she is sitting across from me, giving me her time, which I had once paid her, I think around dollar 120 an hour for.

Sean Donovan

And she's here giving it to me for free.

Sean Donovan

And she could tell I was distracted.

Sean Donovan

And she stood up, took her hand in one fell swoop, and swiped all these folders and estimates and proposals off my desk.

Sean Donovan

They went flying, and I almost had a heart attack.

Sean Donovan

I mean, my OCD went through the roof.

Sean Donovan

And I'm like, what are you doing, crazy woman?

Sean Donovan

She goes, Sean.

Sean Donovan

She goes, stand up, look me in the eye.

Sean Donovan

She goes, forget about that mess.

Sean Donovan

Forget about those pills, forget about those proposals.

Sean Donovan

Forget about it all.

Sean Donovan

Look at me in the eye right now and tell me, if none of that existed, if none of that mattered, what would you do with your life right now?

Sean Donovan

Where would you be?

Sean Donovan

Who would you be with?

Sean Donovan

What would you be doing?

Sean Donovan

And I said, well, I would be somewhere sunny and warm with palm trees, hopefully close to an ocean sailboat I would be close to my daughter, who had moved to Florida a few years prior, and she grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me, and she goes, Sean, you live once.

Sean Donovan

She goes, don't wait until it's too late.

Sean Donovan

Do it now.

Sean Donovan

And then she pointed to a license plate that was hanging on my wall right next to my desk that said, uliv.

Sean Donovan

One se.

Sean Donovan

Personalized license plates were very popular in Virginia, and that license plate said, you live once.

Sean Donovan

And it was on a car that was very special to me.

Sean Donovan

It was a 2003 Mustang cobra.

Sean Donovan

It's my baby.

Sean Donovan

I had to sell that car.

Sean Donovan

It was a chip that I had to cash in in 2008 just to make payroll.

Sean Donovan

And it was very painful, but at the same time, it was just a car.

Sean Donovan

Told myself I'd replace it one day.

Sean Donovan

And when she pointed that license plate, I thought, wow, here it is right in my face.

Sean Donovan

I've been there all the time, sitting right next to my desk.

Sean Donovan

You live once.

Sean Donovan

Like, if today was your last day, if this was your last shot, what would you really be doing?

Sean Donovan

How would you be spending your life in a meaningful way?

Sean Donovan

What would you be doing with your time?

Sean Donovan

Who would you surround yourself with?

Sean Donovan

And that reflection caused this ripple effect in my mind, and to be honest, that burnout effect that I had experienced in my first business with mobile auto repair and auto restoration, it had crept back up on me over the last ten years that I had been in real estate and contracting.

Sean Donovan

I was making great money.

Sean Donovan

It was very rewarding to renovate an old property and.

Sean Donovan

And, you know, the residual income off of rentals was nice.

Sean Donovan

I just.

Sean Donovan

I built a nice little enterprise for myself there.

Sean Donovan

But was I happy?

Sean Donovan

Not really.

Sean Donovan

My time wasn't my own, Kevin.

Sean Donovan

I was spending all my time making other people's schedules and other people's plans and apologizing for shortcomings of contractors and this and that and trying to solve other people's problems.

Sean Donovan

And it just.

Sean Donovan

It was not resonating with my soul anymore.

Sean Donovan

So my life coach that day really snapped me into a different mindset.

Sean Donovan

I said, yep, you know what?

Sean Donovan

This is not just some pie in the sky.

Sean Donovan

Oh, what if something happened?

Sean Donovan

What if I wasn't here tomorrow?

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

My brain kept going back to that moment in the floor that night after the gym and how thankful I was to be sitting there and how thankful I was to have this conversation and have this opportunity and have this potential for the future that could have easily been taken away from me in that moment.

Sean Donovan

So that's.

Sean Donovan

Does that answer your question?

Sean Donovan

In a very roundabout, long form way.

Kevin Lowe

No, I mean, dude, what a powerful story.

Kevin Lowe

I mean, when, when you were talking about her swiping off everything on your desk, I mean, literally I got goosebumps.

Sean Donovan

Because, yeah, I mean, angry first and then I got goosebumps and then I got the realization of, yeah, you know what?

Sean Donovan

She's right.

Sean Donovan

Screw all this folders.

Sean Donovan

It doesn't matter.

Sean Donovan

My health, my time, my life, my future, my family, all these things needed to be at the forefront of my mind in that moment.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

Well, well, let's first acknowledge, give it up to the life coaches and.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, that is so amazing.

Kevin Lowe

So at that point, you only live once, but you still have this business, even if it's, it's drowning.

Kevin Lowe

What do you do at that point to start making moves?

Sean Donovan

Yeah, I broke down some commitments on paper during that life coaching session and after I set some new goals and expectations for myself, my priorities shifted from, well, we got to finish this project so we can pay these bills, to this, do this, that and the other.

Sean Donovan

And I looked at the big picture where I wanted to be and it was very hard, Kevin, because I was deep down in the hole.

Sean Donovan

They say when you're in the hole, you gotta step out of that hole somehow, but somehow you can't even see the top of it.

Sean Donovan

You're so deep sometimes.

Sean Donovan

And then they say, well, think outside the box.

Sean Donovan

Well, thinking outside the box is great, but what if the instructions on how to get out of the box are on the outside of the box and you're boxed into the box?

Sean Donovan

So having that life coach, having the outside perspective gave me some clues and some immediate directions and steps I could take to get out of that hole I was in to get out of that stress depressed, just struggle mindset.

Sean Donovan

And I'm a big proponent and fan of Tony Robbins.

Sean Donovan

I've been to his seminars in the past, read his books, lots of self help books, Jim Rohn, John Alexander, all those John Maxwell, all those famous gurus, then following them all through business.

Sean Donovan

But now, when I needed to follow the advice the most, for some reason, I just found myself so deep in the hole, so deep into survival mode that I couldn't.

Sean Donovan

So I envisioned the end result.

Sean Donovan

I wrote down what it was going to look like and feel like, just like when she grabbed me and shook me by the shoulders and she said, where would you be right now?

Sean Donovan

Don't think, just tell me.

Sean Donovan

So I made my goal.

Sean Donovan

I'm going to move somewhere where it's not cold.

Sean Donovan

Half of the year, I want to be close to my daughter.

Sean Donovan

She was in Florida.

Sean Donovan

That kind of made sense.

Sean Donovan

So I said, all right, you know, I come to Florida and visit her over the previous several years, and I really liked it here.

Sean Donovan

And I'd envisioned buying a winter home here one year in the future, but, you know, I didn't know how in the world I was going to do it.

Sean Donovan

I mean, I couldn't pay my gas bill at that time.

Sean Donovan

I was taking cold showers.

Sean Donovan

So you think, oh, let me just pack up and move to Florida yet.

Sean Donovan

It sounded outlandish.

Sean Donovan

But the outlandish thing was to continue on the same path I was on.

Sean Donovan

What do they say the definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing the same way and expect different results.

Sean Donovan

I had to think completely different.

Sean Donovan

I had to think big.

Sean Donovan

I had to put myself, my mindset into Florida.

Sean Donovan

Now I'm thinking, okay, I want to move to Florida.

Sean Donovan

I want to be close to my daughter.

Sean Donovan

I want to own a sailboat one day.

Sean Donovan

Where's the most sailboats in the east coast of the US?

Sean Donovan

It's in Florida.

Sean Donovan

Warm weather year round.

Sean Donovan

All these things that I wanted were not where I was living.

Sean Donovan

I wanted control of my time.

Sean Donovan

I wrote that down.

Sean Donovan

I didn't want to have to worry about employees.

Sean Donovan

I wrote that down.

Sean Donovan

So sometimes I discovered through this exercise that it's equally as important to identify the things that you no longer wish to have in your life.

Sean Donovan

And by doing that, sometimes it opens up your eyes to new possibilities and things that you didn't know that you could have in your life.

Sean Donovan

So I had a list of all the stuff I wanted.

Sean Donovan

I listed all the things that I no longer wanted to do.

Sean Donovan

And then I started to really study and think about this list constantly.

Sean Donovan

I would take walks.

Sean Donovan

I would just noodle on the possibilities of what if somehow I could get out of the hole I'm in and get to Florida?

Sean Donovan

How would that feel?

Sean Donovan

How would that, you know, vibe with my soul?

Sean Donovan

Like, what differences could I make on a different level?

Sean Donovan

And then I started to reverse engineer it and come up with a step by step plan.

Sean Donovan

Not just to get to payroll on Friday, would get way beyond that.

Sean Donovan

Payroll was just one little grain of sand along the path of this big picture that I was now thinking about and creating in my life.

Sean Donovan

So I had to make some very tough decisions.

Sean Donovan

I sat my father down.

Sean Donovan

I had lunch with him every week, and he knew I was going through it.

Sean Donovan

And I told him that I was planning on moving to Florida.

Sean Donovan

And he just about jumped out of his seat and strangled me.

Sean Donovan

He said, you worked so hard for everything you done.

Sean Donovan

You've got the highest level of certification you can get as a real estate broker.

Sean Donovan

You're a class a contractor.

Sean Donovan

It was very difficult to get that license.

Sean Donovan

Please don't let it all go.

Sean Donovan

Don't move to another state where there's licenses are useless to you.

Sean Donovan

And I said, dad, I appreciate your sentiments.

Sean Donovan

Thank you for sharing that.

Sean Donovan

But here's the thing.

Sean Donovan

If I don't do something drastic, those licenses aren't going to matter because stress might get the best of me and I might not be here tomorrow.

Sean Donovan

So I have to think beyond that.

Sean Donovan

I have to think past the ten years investment that I've already got in this, and I need to think about how I'm going to invest today for the next ten years of my life.

Sean Donovan

And when I put it to him that way, there was a mutual understanding and agreement there that that was probably the right thing for me to do.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

You know, so many times, the right thing to do is rarely ever the easy thing to do.

Sean Donovan

So funny.

Sean Donovan

You said the right thing to do.

Sean Donovan

Let's foreshadow what's coming here in this conversation shortly.

Sean Donovan

I'm sure.

Kevin Lowe

Absolutely, absolutely.

Kevin Lowe

I love it.

Kevin Lowe

I just got it.

Kevin Lowe

I just got it.

Kevin Lowe

It took me a few.

Kevin Lowe

Oh, my goodness.

Kevin Lowe

So fast forwarding a little bit.

Kevin Lowe

Let's talk about it.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

First, I'm kind of curious how long it then took before you had everything in place to pursue that dream.

Sean Donovan

This life coaching session happened sometime in early April of 2019.

Sean Donovan

And I'm happy to say after a whole lot of uncomfortable decisions and a whole lot of sacrifices and a whole lot of work, I moved to Florida on September 17, 2019.

Sean Donovan

So I'm coming up on my.

Sean Donovan

Let's see.

Sean Donovan

Oh, no, sorry.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

I'm off by ten years.

Sean Donovan

So I moved to Florida September 17, 2009.

Sean Donovan

So I'm coming up on 15 years of living in Florida.

Sean Donovan

And when I moved to Florida, I had no idea what I was going to do.

Sean Donovan

I had a list of what I didn't want to do.

Sean Donovan

I had a list of my expectations for life, big picture goals, etcetera.

Sean Donovan

Had no idea how I was going to get there.

Sean Donovan

So I thought, well, let me just tap into something that I enjoy doing and do that for a little while until I figure things out.

Sean Donovan

So I had some very introspective conversations with myself and started thinking about, what am I good at, what I really enjoy doing, what do I love?

Sean Donovan

And I realized I had been writing for fun, for hobby, for passion, since essentially the third grade.

Sean Donovan

I had entered a young authors contest back in elementary school and won first place.

Sean Donovan

And it was just so cool for me back then.

Sean Donovan

I thought, oh, man, it's awesome to be able to take these stories, these thoughts, these feelings and emotions out of my head and crystallize those words into some tangible medium on paper that I could then share with other people.

Sean Donovan

So I still have my third grade, fourth and fifth grade young authors books, you know, the construction paper and Elmer's blue covers that I made, and then the handwritten, hand illustrated books and stories.

Sean Donovan

And I literally dug those out of storage and looked at them, and I thought, you know what?

Sean Donovan

I've been journaling, especially when I did find time to travel during those busy years, I kept a journal when I traveled.

Sean Donovan

Didn't usually have time to journal on a daily basis because I was too busy with all the minutiae of the business.

Sean Donovan

But I thought, you know, let me get back into this.

Sean Donovan

I had taken a trip years prior, back in 98, when I first got into real estate to Taedi, and I had literally come up with this whole storyline for epic adventure novel that I've just been pecking away with at a little bit at a time over the last ten years.

Sean Donovan

I thought, well, let me get back to writing.

Sean Donovan

Let me finish that book.

Sean Donovan

I had another book that I had been working on called Health and Happiness, and it was just a collection of notes from my own personal experiences of dealing with my own personal health.

Sean Donovan

I had become a vegetarian years and years ago, and at first, people had ridiculed me for that.

Sean Donovan

And then people started being inquisitive, and then people started expressing issues with their health to me and asking how I managed not to have these problems.

Sean Donovan

So I had done research.

Sean Donovan

I had a health mentor who had shared a tremendous amount of his time and energy and knowledge with me.

Sean Donovan

And I had taken very good notes, and I had shared those notes with a friend of mine who was going through a health challenge, and she found them incredibly useful.

Sean Donovan

And she told me, sean, you really need to put this into a book.

Sean Donovan

This would be great.

Sean Donovan

So when I moved to Florida, all of a sudden I had a lot of time on my hands.

Sean Donovan

I went from working twelve to 16 hours a day, six days a week, plus half a day on Sunday, to now.

Sean Donovan

I got nothing but time and sunshine, no money, but, you know, had a lot of time on my hands and a lot of desire.

Sean Donovan

So within three months of moving to Florida, I had finished writing, and I had published health and happiness and owner's manual for the mind and body.

Sean Donovan

And I had also was well on my way to finishing and publishing the trip novel, as luck would have it.

Sean Donovan

Actually, I define luck as when chance meets opportunity and, you most importantly, recognize it and take actions to capitalize on it.

Sean Donovan

So luck had steered me in the right direction here in Florida.

Sean Donovan

When I landed here, it was just as my life coach, shed, she had told me right before I left, she said, shawn, maybe, just maybe, things weren't going right for you in your business in Richmond, Virginia, because it was not where you're supposed to be.

Sean Donovan

You are not doing what you're supposed to do.

Sean Donovan

You are not surrounded by the people you're supposed to be with.

Sean Donovan

She said, when you land in the right spot and the timing is right, all the right people, all the right opportunities are going to present themselves, and you're going to find yourself in a very different situation.

Sean Donovan

And that is what happened to me.

Sean Donovan

When I moved to Florida, I got in a totally different mindset.

Sean Donovan

I started spending my time doing something I enjoyed, like writing.

Sean Donovan

I started going out to networking events and socializing and doing things on a low budget, granted, but doing things that I had not been doing previously in my business, because I was either in survival mode or I was in high production mode.

Sean Donovan

So I met a few people, and one of the first people I met was a gentleman with a sailboat.

Sean Donovan

He was about 20 years older than me.

Sean Donovan

He had a sailboat that he wanted to take out, but he didn't have any crew.

Sean Donovan

And I got the honor, pleasure, and privilege of being a crewmate on his boat.

Sean Donovan

I got to do a bunch of sailing.

Sean Donovan

Turns out he was a business consultant as well.

Sean Donovan

So I got a lot of business advice, networking advice from him.

Sean Donovan

He introduced me to a lot of key players in our community here that I was brand new to.

Sean Donovan

And it was just.

Sean Donovan

It opened the world the doors of so many possibilities.

Sean Donovan

And it was so crazy how I got introduced to this gentleman with the sailboat.

Sean Donovan

It was because another new friend of mine had overheard me talking to somebody else about wanting to go sailing.

Sean Donovan

And he said, hey.

Sean Donovan

He goes, I heard you talking about sailing.

Sean Donovan

Come over here.

Sean Donovan

I want to introduce you to somebody.

Sean Donovan

And then the whole thing unfolded, and it was all because I was projecting into the future.

Sean Donovan

Now here I am.

Sean Donovan

I don't have two nickels to rub together.

Sean Donovan

I'm wondering what I'm going to eat for dinner that night.

Sean Donovan

And I'm talking about going off and sailing on some yacht, you know, crazy talk, right, Kevin?

Sean Donovan

I mean, come on, Sean.

Sean Donovan

Round yourself.

Sean Donovan

Get your head out of the clouds on the ground.

Sean Donovan

Deal with what's in front of you.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

No, I'm out there projecting to the world, I want to go sailing.

Sean Donovan

I want to be a captain.

Sean Donovan

One day, I'm going to own a sailboat.

Sean Donovan

Somebody overhears it, and next thing I know, that very next weekend, I'm out on a sailboat, somebody else's boat, not mine.

Sean Donovan

So I never specified in my dreams necessarily.

Sean Donovan

It had to be my vote at the time.

Sean Donovan

I was happy as heck to be on somebody else's and to be contributing in a meaningful way.

Sean Donovan

You know, whether it was, you know, tying up a line, whether it was jumping the sail or whether it was swabbing the deck.

Sean Donovan

I just felt useful because I've been in such a helpless stage in my business due to the economy.

Sean Donovan

It was nice to be in a different mode.

Sean Donovan

Now I'm not too proud to swab a deck.

Sean Donovan

I was happy to be on a boat at the time.

Sean Donovan

I was happy to be doing a mindless job that I had total control over.

Sean Donovan

It was so liberating, and it was so free, and it just felt so good.

Sean Donovan

The more I wrote, the more I started to get in the flow of writing, the more I started to enjoy it.

Sean Donovan

So I thought I would just write a little bit until I found something else to do.

Sean Donovan

Well, turns out I found a couple of publishers of local magazines who were looking for content, and I got hired to do piecemeal articles and do some freelance writing for some magazines.

Sean Donovan

Next thing I know, I'm writing biographies and web copy for people.

Sean Donovan

My health and happiness book caused me to interact with a very successful gentleman here in town who had made a fortune off of marketing, and he was looking to transition into something different, youth athletics, coaching, and character building type of stuff for young athletes.

Sean Donovan

So he found my book very fascinating.

Sean Donovan

He took a liking to me, took me under his wing, and gave me, shared with me some very valuable advice on launching and marketing and promoting the book.

Sean Donovan

And part of that advice was to put it into some sort of coaching program, give my book away for free.

Sean Donovan

I'd been struggling to sell this newly published book, and I was making about $10 profit at a time selling this book.

Sean Donovan

And in my first year, I sold 1900 books.

Sean Donovan

Kevin, that was a very difficult way to make $19,000, and it was a drop in the.

Sean Donovan

The bucket.

Sean Donovan

I mean, that was my restaurant budget for the year in my former life.

Sean Donovan

You know what I mean?

Sean Donovan

So not to.

Sean Donovan

Not to sound.

Sean Donovan

That's a brag, but I had made a lot of money.

Sean Donovan

I'd gone to making a very little bit of money, and.

Sean Donovan

But the difference was, I was so proud of that $19,000.

Sean Donovan

That was my payroll in a week back in Virginia for my contracting company.

Sean Donovan

But, you know, I produced this book.

Sean Donovan

It was an evergreen product, and now I can, you know, promote it to people and be proud of it, et cetera, et cetera.

Sean Donovan

But this marketing genius here in town said, sure, put together something different to build, you know, more on that brand and to have a bigger opportunity for profit and bigger potential for future offerings.

Sean Donovan

So I took his advice and followed it to the t, and I ended up making a career out of writing.

Sean Donovan

I got into health and wellness coaching for a while, and I found myself.

Sean Donovan

Now, some of the best ways to pull yourself out of a low place is to help other people out of theirs.

Sean Donovan

So I was helping coaching people and using a lot of that life coaching expertise that I had gotten from my life coach in Virginia.

Sean Donovan

When times were good and how she helped me through my tough times, I was able to help apply to other people.

Sean Donovan

So that was kind of that path how I got into writing full time now for the last 15 years.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

You know what I love about this is it's almost like this amazing story of life was just waiting on you to make a choice.

Kevin Lowe

You had been living your whole life in this one area of the world.

Kevin Lowe

You'd been doing this one thing, chasing, chasing money, and it was like the whole world was just waiting on you to finally make a choice.

Kevin Lowe

And it's almost like you moved to Florida, and it's like you opened a door to a whole new world where your perspectives on what matter changed.

Kevin Lowe

Everything was just happening, relationships being built, things that you did enjoying, no longer focusing on the money, but really just on living.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

One of the things that I loved more than anything was traveling.

Sean Donovan

So back when I was in high production mode in real estate and contracting, I was earning money hand over fist, and I wasn't able to fully enjoy it.

Sean Donovan

I wasn't able to break away and take a vacation for a week.

Sean Donovan

It was a month long proposition for me to take a one week vacation.

Sean Donovan

It was a week or two of prep for me before I left on vacation to make sure everybody had what they needed, that everybody knew what was going to happen, that there were contingency plans in place for unforeseen.

Sean Donovan

And then the whole time I was on vacation, Kevin, guess what I'm thinking about?

Sean Donovan

I'm not thinking about the palm trees and the sunshine.

Sean Donovan

I'm wondering what's going on at home.

Sean Donovan

Is work getting done?

Sean Donovan

Is, you know, are my workers milking the payroll?

Sean Donovan

Are there problems at hand?

Sean Donovan

I'm checking my email.

Sean Donovan

I'm looking for text, all these things.

Sean Donovan

And then when I got back, then the reality hit me after vacation that, yeah, my fears were accurate.

Sean Donovan

A lot of things went wrong and a lot of things didn't happen the way I would have liked for them.

Sean Donovan

So it was a couple of weeks of catch up when I got home.

Sean Donovan

So it really took the enjoyment out of vacationing and traveling for me during that period of time, I had created an enterprise for myself that was successful, but at the same time, it wasn't delivering me the quality of life that I wanted.

Sean Donovan

My time was not my own.

Sean Donovan

I didn't feel like I had freedom.

Sean Donovan

I would have had more freedom in a nine to five corporate job because I would have been able to quit at 05:00 and go home and turn it off, turn off the work, focus on family, focus on dating.

Sean Donovan

Now, I was single through this time, and part of the reason I think maybe I lost that relationship and went through that tough breakup in 2008 is because of all the time that I was investing in work and what I was not doing on the personal side of my relationships.

Sean Donovan

So, you know, I think at the time, I was blaming her for leaving me because, oh, I'm not making the same amount of money.

Sean Donovan

I can't provide the same level of luxury and living.

Sean Donovan

And I kind of felt like maybe she left, like a rat leaving a sinking ship kind of feeling.

Sean Donovan

But when I look back on it, it was a combination of a lot of things.

Sean Donovan

I changed as a person.

Sean Donovan

I probably was not a pleasant person to be around during the.

Sean Donovan

During that hardship time.

Sean Donovan

And so, you know, looking back now, yeah, I can't blame her for leaving.

Sean Donovan

I mean, she.

Sean Donovan

That was her big move.

Sean Donovan

Like, I moved to Florida, she moved out of the relationship and moved on.

Sean Donovan

And, you know, we're cordial.

Sean Donovan

We stay in touch from time to time.

Sean Donovan

Now, I don't have any hard feelings there, but, man, it was.

Sean Donovan

It was just really tough at the time to go through it like that.

Sean Donovan

But, yeah, it's a different life now and one wherever.

Sean Donovan

Money is not the end goal.

Sean Donovan

I think money is a great tool.

Sean Donovan

It gives us the ability to have freedom, gives us the ability to do the things that we want in life, but it's not the end all, be all.

Sean Donovan

So if you're focused just on making money, you're probably not going to be real happy.

Sean Donovan

They say money doesn't buy happiness.

Sean Donovan

Well, I disagree.

Sean Donovan

If you're using money as a tool and you're using it correctly, it can buy a lot of happiness for you, provided that you allow it to.

Sean Donovan

Provided that you allow time in your life to do those things that you enjoy, that money can deliver for you.

Sean Donovan

You can't let the pursuit of money just consume you.

Sean Donovan

And you can't let the lack of money devastate you on the flip side of that coin either.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, absolutely.

Kevin Lowe

Back to Florida, I guess.

Kevin Lowe

Kind of more moving up into present day.

Kevin Lowe

You tell me which came first, the boat or the wife?

Sean Donovan

The wife definitely came first.

Sean Donovan

I started to really envision what I was looking for in a partner.

Sean Donovan

And I started dating again when I moved to Florida.

Sean Donovan

I met someone shortly after I moved here and got into a long relationship with them.

Sean Donovan

That relationship evolved and we grew in different directions and it had an expiration date on it.

Sean Donovan

But I invested a lot of time and a lot of emotion into that relationship.

Sean Donovan

But I was much better equipped to leave that relationship and move on, having gone through what I went through in 2008.

Sean Donovan

So when I got out of that relationship, I thought, I'm still not where I want to be as a person.

Sean Donovan

And I took squarely half the blame for the failure of that relationship.

Sean Donovan

If I am not the person that I want to be, then how can I be everything to somebody else?

Sean Donovan

I was trying so hard to please this other person.

Sean Donovan

At the same time, I wasn't completely pleased with myself.

Sean Donovan

I was much happier than I was after 2008.

Sean Donovan

I had come a long way since then, but I still wasn't where I wanted to be.

Sean Donovan

Thought, let me take some time for myself.

Sean Donovan

Let me focus on myself.

Sean Donovan

I don't want to date.

Sean Donovan

I don't want to really meet anybody right now.

Sean Donovan

The timing is not right.

Sean Donovan

I'm going to just, you know, lick my wounds, enjoy being single, and keep focusing on the things that are going to move me forward.

Sean Donovan

And you know what's crazy, Kevin?

Sean Donovan

Right when I made that commitment to myself and said, nope, not going to date, not going to look for anybody, someone found me very unexpectedly.

Sean Donovan

It was a Christmas brunch that some mutual friends of me and my wife had put on and I.

Sean Donovan

And they invited me to go.

Sean Donovan

And I just.

Sean Donovan

I wasn't.

Sean Donovan

I don't know, I wasn't feeling it, but I talked myself into going anyway.

Sean Donovan

I hadn't seen some of those friends in a while.

Sean Donovan

And so I show up to this brunch and there sat my future wife.

Sean Donovan

I didn't even know it yet.

Sean Donovan

So she heard my voice.

Sean Donovan

It got her attention.

Sean Donovan

We talked briefly.

Sean Donovan

She gave me her card.

Sean Donovan

We left brunch.

Sean Donovan

We both ended up over at the ocean deck later on for karaoke with the same mutual friends plus some others that had joined us.

Sean Donovan

And, you know, we talked very, very briefly that day.

Sean Donovan

Again, I'm not in the mindset that I want to date anybody.

Sean Donovan

I was actually splitting my time between Virginia and Florida at the time.

Sean Donovan

I had gotten a consulting gig up in Virginia, so I was going back and forth.

Sean Donovan

But you know what?

Sean Donovan

Sometimes those least expected things end up being some of the most important discoveries in our lives, and I just could not stop thinking about this girl.

Sean Donovan

So, lo and behold, a mutual friend of ours had, you know, kind of pushed and followed up with us and ended up connecting us, and we sort of did a long distance back and forth thing.

Sean Donovan

I was in Florida half a month and Virginia half the month, and we saw each other when we could, and we kept it very casual at first, but she quickly became my best friend, and she was an artist.

Sean Donovan

And, you know, I was considering myself an author at the time, so I thought, oh, the author and the artist.

Sean Donovan

She paints pictures with paintbrushes.

Sean Donovan

I paint pictures with words.

Sean Donovan

You know, this could be a great thing.

Sean Donovan

Great match.

Sean Donovan

She's from Brazil, so there's a lot of culture there and exotic ness to her character.

Sean Donovan

And I thought, man, this is somebody that I could see myself with long term.

Sean Donovan

So we started dating.

Sean Donovan

We moved in together, and then she ended up proposing to me, Kevin, which is crazy.

Sean Donovan

I had my own plan, but she's a very determined and very strong woman who knows exactly what she wanted.

Sean Donovan

And she beat me to the punch, if you can believe that.

Sean Donovan

So we ended up, let's see, we got engaged on her birthday back in November of 2019, and then we ended up getting married in the middle of COVID We got married October 10, 2020.

Sean Donovan

1020 20.

Sean Donovan

So I enjoyed four wonderful years of marriage with her, and I plan to be with her until the day that I die, hopefully many, many decades from now.

Sean Donovan

But she's a wonderful woman.

Sean Donovan

She's an artist.

Sean Donovan

She's from Brazil originally, as I said.

Sean Donovan

She owns a local art gallery here in Ormond beach.

Sean Donovan

And she's just this really positive beacon of hope and positivity and love and laughter and life all rolled into one person.

Sean Donovan

So I'm just blessed to have her in my life and blessed to be able to live with her and work with her and renovate a house with her now together as well.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

What an amazing story.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

Man, I just go back to this idea of life was just waiting for you to open a new door, and it's amazing to see what lied on the other side.

Kevin Lowe

I mentioned a boat because sailing, that's continued to be a love of yours, correct?

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

Oh, I got off on that long tangent.

Sean Donovan

You asked me if the wife or the boat came first.

Sean Donovan

The wife came first.

Sean Donovan

I shared with her my dream of sailing.

Sean Donovan

I got to take her on some sail trips with me as a crewmate on my friend's boat that I had been sailing with for years, since I met him when I first moved here.

Sean Donovan

So we got to go through the keys.

Sean Donovan

We got to go through a bunch of different island chains in the Bahamas and a bunch of local trips here as well in the intercoastal and around coastal Florida.

Sean Donovan

That was super cool.

Sean Donovan

So she fell in love with sailing and the idea of ultimately buying a sailboat as well.

Sean Donovan

So crazy story, too.

Sean Donovan

There's a whole bunch of other side stories and nuances.

Sean Donovan

But just for to make a very long story short, as a result of COVID we had a bunch of trips booked for 2020.

Sean Donovan

Deposits already paid.

Sean Donovan

Some of the trips were paid for.

Sean Donovan

My mom had owned a travel agency, and she had passed away in 2018.

Sean Donovan

I had taken that business over.

Sean Donovan

We had plans to run it as a part time business and incorporate it into our other businesses.

Sean Donovan

Well, when all of those trips that we had booked got cancelled, we found ourselves with a whole bunch of refunds from the cruise lines.

Sean Donovan

And so we had some newfound money that had come back to us, and we thought, you know what?

Sean Donovan

Our honeymoon cruise was one of those trips that got cancelled.

Sean Donovan

And we said, well, this is not acceptable.

Sean Donovan

We're going to have to do something about it.

Sean Donovan

And I said, why don't we take this money?

Sean Donovan

But as a down payment on a boat, maybe try to buy a boat outright if we can afford it and make our own honeymoon, make our own travel plans.

Sean Donovan

So we started looking around.

Sean Donovan

We started shopping.

Sean Donovan

It was right before all the boat prices and everything.

Sean Donovan

Car prices went through the roof due to Covid and shortages.

Sean Donovan

But we found a boat we loved.

Sean Donovan

It was in our budget, and we pulled the trigger and bought it.

Sean Donovan

And we ended up, instead of going on a one week cruise for our honeymoon, Kevin.

Sean Donovan

We ended up having a 30 day cruise from Daytona beach all the way down through the keys.

Sean Donovan

We were able to rotate our own friends and his crew, so we had a rotational crew of friends on our honeymoon sail.

Sean Donovan

And since then, we've sailed all over.

Sean Donovan

Last year, I went.

Sean Donovan

Sailed from Daytona beach all the way up the coast into Virginia, sailed up the Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore, sailed up the James river past Jamestown and Williamsburg, all the way up to Richmond, where I'm from, and hit about 32 different ports along the way.

Sean Donovan

Also had a rotational crew of friends, so we just.

Sean Donovan

We've had a blast, and that's developed into a little bit of a business.

Sean Donovan

We lost the travel agency as a result of COVID unfortunately.

Sean Donovan

So we.

Sean Donovan

We decided, well, let's.

Sean Donovan

Let's try to keep it going in some way.

Sean Donovan

Let's make the boat profitable so that it pays for itself and it's not just a liability.

Sean Donovan

So we've started doing day charters and weekend charters here locally in Florida.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

Augustine is one of our favorite runs from Daytona to St.

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

We also go down to Cocoa and Ogalley and sometimes incorporate a rocket launch or something into that trip as well.

Sean Donovan

So we've had really just an excellent opportunity with the sailboat to do what we love and also incorporate a business plan into it as well.

Sean Donovan

And we get to pick and choose who we bring on as crew, who we take on as paying passengers, and how we spend our time, and that's just a wonderful thing.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

How amazing.

Kevin Lowe

How amazing.

Sean Donovan

Guess what?

Sean Donovan

I do sailing all the time.

Kevin Lowe


Sean Donovan

I write every single day, I write.

Sean Donovan

I keep a really detailed captain's log and journal while I'm writing or while I'm sailing.

Sean Donovan

So every single day I write, you know, where we're at, what the weather conditions were, where we're headed, any issues with the boat and who was on board, etcetera.

Sean Donovan

So it's kind of what you're supposed to do as a licensed captain anyway.

Sean Donovan

And then I take it a few steps further and add in a bunch of detail, and I think to myself, this is something I'd love to share with your listeners here.

Sean Donovan

What if you had written one sentence every single day for, let's say, the last ten years of your life?

Sean Donovan

That's 365 times, you know, ten.

Sean Donovan

That's 3650 sentences that you would have about every single day.

Sean Donovan

And this is an exercise that can happen really quickly.

Sean Donovan

Hey, today it rained.

Sean Donovan

I didn't leave the house at all, and I wrote six pages in such and such a book.

Sean Donovan

Or today I went to the grocery store and found a great deal on shampoo or whatever it is to be able to go back.

Sean Donovan

I love reading my captain's law and my sailing journals.

Sean Donovan

It's really, really cool.

Sean Donovan

It's one thing to look at pictures.

Sean Donovan

Those are phenomenal, too.

Sean Donovan

A picture says 1000 words, but when you've actually written about some stuff and how you're feeling and maybe stuff that you didn't capture in pictures, that is super exciting to be able to go back and read and to share with others.

Sean Donovan

My granddaughter is eight years old now, and I share some stories with her.

Sean Donovan

And one day I want her and her grandkids to go back and read grand dudes captain's logs and to experience what I experienced.

Sean Donovan

So I would challenge your readers to start journaling.

Sean Donovan

Just take three minutes, five minutes, and write one sentence about your day to day.

Sean Donovan

And I guarantee you at the end of the year, the end of the month, ten years from now, whatever, you're going to be so glad that you did this.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

What a powerful, powerful kind of a mission we've given to all of us.

Kevin Lowe

I love that idea so much.

Sean Donovan

And it's that mindset, Kevin, that took me into my most profitable business I have right now.

Sean Donovan

From the first two books I wrote, health and happiness and the trip, the more I shared these books with people, and the trip was just pure entertainment.

Sean Donovan

It was an action adventure, epic adventure, epic adventure novel.

Sean Donovan

Health and happiness was more of a self help health and wellness book.

Sean Donovan

But the interesting thing is, no matter who I shared these books with, people would express interest in writing their own books.

Sean Donovan

It was half the people that I talked to were shocked that I had written and published a book and they expressed interest.

Sean Donovan

Oh, man, I've got a story.

Sean Donovan

Well, it made me realize, hey, we all have stories.

Sean Donovan

Every day is a new chapter in our book of life.

Sean Donovan

So I started helping people share their stories.

Sean Donovan

I started helping other people write their books.

Sean Donovan

I'll never forget the first day I got the first copy of my very first book in my brand new mailbox here in Florida.

Sean Donovan

And it was such a good feeling.

Sean Donovan

And I thought, well, I only experienced this once.

Sean Donovan

You know, you only get to write and publish your first book one time.

Sean Donovan

But guess what?

Sean Donovan

Now I get to help other people write and publish their first books over and over and over again.

Sean Donovan

And I get to share in their joy and excitement of receiving their first book.

Sean Donovan

So that has really just been super fulfilling to me.

Sean Donovan

I get to work one on one with people and have in depth discussions like you and I are having right now.

Sean Donovan

Like I've had with my life coach in the past.

Sean Donovan

Health and wellness coaching was great, but I really niched it down to helping other people tell their stories.

Sean Donovan

Part of being able to tell a good story and to really communicate effectively is to have your mind right.

Sean Donovan

A good way to have your mind right is to have your body right and to be in good health and to focus on those things that you can control.

Sean Donovan

All those little bitty steps, all those little bitty things that I did to dig and claw my way out of that deep hole that I was in back in 2008.

Sean Donovan

It applies not only to fitness and losing weight and health and wellness and business and finances, but also writing a book.

Sean Donovan

It's a step by step, take it one day at a time, break it down into bite sized pieces while still envisioning that end result.

Sean Donovan

So when I engage with a new author coaching client, one of the first things I ask them is, what does this book look like in your mind?

Sean Donovan

Describe it to me.

Sean Donovan

Is it a six by nine?

Sean Donovan

A five by eight?

Sean Donovan

Is it a pocket sized book?

Sean Donovan

Is it an eight and a half by eleven book?

Sean Donovan

What's the size?

Sean Donovan

What colors do you see on the COVID What do you envision the title being?

Sean Donovan

What are your expectations for the book and how are you going to feel when you accomplish those?

Sean Donovan

So as an author or an author coach, these are the kinds of questions that I asked to get the project rolling because I know it was this line of questioning that helped me through some very tough times and helped me recreate myself in this whole new career that I'm in right now.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

So amazing.

Kevin Lowe

Now, for anybody interested in possibly working with you or even finding the books you've written or even maybe planning a trip to Ormond beach in Florida and want to go sailing, is there any way that we can send them where they can learn more?

Sean Donovan


Sean Donovan

So I'm very active on Facebook.

Sean Donovan

My handle on Facebook.

Sean Donovan

I'm author Sean Dawn.

Sean Donovan

A u t h o r s e a n d o n.

Sean Donovan

I have a website, actually, I have a few websites, but my main website is sean

Sean Donovan

that's s e a nde d o

Sean Donovan

and you can find all kinds of information about my author services.

Sean Donovan

You can find links to my books on there as well.

Sean Donovan

There's one book that's not on my website right now that I'm super excited about.

Sean Donovan

It has its own website.

Sean Donovan

It's called Dear Beer and Dear, dear

Sean Donovan

so they can go there and learn more about the Deerbeer trilogy series as well.

Sean Donovan

So I'm really excited about that project and putting a lot of time, energy and effort into promoting that right now as well.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, I love it.

Kevin Lowe

Well, I will be positive, man, that everything you just mentioned is all in the show notes for anybody, uh, interested in getting in touch with you and learning more.

Kevin Lowe

Sean, I got one last question for you today to wrap things up is, um, sure.

Kevin Lowe

I know your granddaughter.

Kevin Lowe

She's a big part of your life.

Kevin Lowe

She's, I think you said eight years old.

Kevin Lowe

What do you, what do you hope she remembers about you?

Kevin Lowe

What do you hope?

Kevin Lowe

Is that that one takeaway when she thinks of you when she's old, what does she remember?

Sean Donovan

Man, that is a fantastic question, and it's a very important question to me because my grandparents were so influential in my life.

Sean Donovan

I would like her to remember me as a man of my word.

Sean Donovan

I always did what I said I was going to do.

Sean Donovan

I think a lot of people have the someday symptom where they're always going to do something someday, someday, and that someday never comes.

Sean Donovan

But I want to be remembered as someone who did what they said they were going to do, no matter how outlandish and crazy and ridiculous it sounds.

Sean Donovan

I want people to know, particularly my granddaughter, that anything is possible if you put your mind into it, no matter how deep and dark the hole is, if you say to yourself, I'm going to get out of this, I'm going to put myself in a better situation, it is possible.

Sean Donovan

It may take a ton of hard work and sacrifice and different levels of thinking and different actions, but it is possible.

Sean Donovan

And if you say you're going to do it, do it.

Sean Donovan

I think the easiest person to let down is yourself.

Sean Donovan

But the most important person to not let down is yourself, because if you have those expectations and if you have integrity and you're a do what you say you do kind of person, you'll find a way to make it happen.

Sean Donovan

You'll find a way to succeed in spite of those outside circumstances that you don't have control over.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

Sean, dude, it's been a pleasure.

Kevin Lowe

Thank you so much for being here.

Sean Donovan

For, likewise, Evan, and thank you for everything that you're doing.

Sean Donovan

I love your podcast.

Sean Donovan

I love your story.

Sean Donovan

You've been an inspiration to me as well as probably thousands, tens of thousands of other people who followed you and listen to your podcast.

Sean Donovan

So keep up the good work, brother.

Kevin Lowe

Oh, man.

Kevin Lowe

Thank you so much, dude.

Kevin Lowe

And for you listening today.

Kevin Lowe

My hope, as always, is that youve heard something today that didnt just entertain you, but more so, maybe as you looking at your own life, maybe from a new perspective, maybe youre in a place right now where youre not happy and youre thinking to yourself, wow, maybe I just need to be brave enough to open a new door like Shawn did and see what awaits me on the other side.

Sean Donovan

Kick that door open if you have to, man.

Sean Donovan

Kick it open.

Sean Donovan

You have to.

Kevin Lowe

I love it.

Kevin Lowe

I love it.

Kevin Lowe

Until next time.

Kevin Lowe

This is great grace of inspiration.

Kevin Lowe

Get out there and enjoy the day.

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