Show Notes

Change is inevitable, but knowing as adults when we're ready to make that change is what is uncertain. As children we are constantly faced with new obstacles, new choices, new decisions that have to be made. And as children we face these roadblocks with intention and bravery. Ironically as we grow older we seem to lose that sense of bravery and instead allow feelings of worry, stress, and uncertainty to take over our minds.

Perhaps it's time we all start facing decisions with the mind of a child... Embracing change, seeking out obstacles and charging at them head on!

But still yet, the question persists... But how do I know when it's time for me to make a change? Well, inside of today's episode I am breaking this down into 5 relatively simple questions. The answer to these 5 questions is what is going to answer that looming question... But how do I know when it's time to make a change?


These 5 Questions are what we explore inside of today's episode:

  1. When is it that I finally get to really start enjoying life?
  2. Is life starting to feel like that old pair of jeans that you struggle to button?
  3. Do you dream for 5 o'clock on Friday and have nightmares about 8 o'clock on Monday?
  4. Do you ever feel like you're not swimming through life, but instead stuck in the middle of the pool just tredding water?
  5. When people talk about making a change, do you find yourself getting defensive?


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Kevin is offering a completely free, no obligation coaching call for anyone who is feeling stuck, struggling to make a change, and would just really love to have someone to talk to.


Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

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