Show Notes
In this heartfelt and emotional interview, we explore the inspiring journey of John Boyle, who overcame adversity to become a Harvard Business School graduate and published author. If you've ever felt held back by your past, doubted your potential, or struggled to overcome childhood trauma, this episode is for you.
Looking for the Links?
- Grab your copy of Appalachian Kid on Amazon
- Visit John Boyle's Website
- Send host Kevin Lowe a Voice Message
John Boyle's journey from a troubled home to Harvard Business School will show you that your past doesn't define your future. You'll discover how to harness your experiences, both good and bad, to fuel your success and create the life you've always dreamed of.
What's This All About?
From a coal mining town in West Virginia to the halls of Harvard Business School, John Boyle's life is a testament to the power of resilience. Listen as he shares intimate details of his turbulent childhood, the pivotal moments that changed his trajectory, and the mentors who believed in him when no one else did. This episode is a raw and emotional journey that will inspire you to overcome your own obstacles and reach for your dreams.
Some Key Points:
- Listen as John shares his experience growing up in a violent home and its impact on his early life.
- Discover the pivotal role that mentors and teachers played in John's transformation.
- Take inspiration from John's academic achievement to go from learning difficulties to graduating from Harvard Business School.
And that is literally not even half of it! Just listen - You'll not be disappointed!
Today's Featured Guest
John Boyle is the author of "Appalachian Kid" and a Harvard Business School graduate. Growing up in a small coal mining town in West Virginia, John overcame a violent home environment and academic struggles to become a successful civil engineer. His inspiring journey from near failure in school to academic excellence and professional success serves as a powerful example of resilience and the transformative power of education and mentorship.
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© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration
Show Transcript
00:00:01.119 --> 00:00:06.639
Kevin Lowe: If you clicked on today's episode, expecting a heartwarming conversation with
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Kevin Lowe: a guy who shares his life story about growing up in a small coal mining town
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Kevin Lowe: in West Virginia to getting to where he is today,
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Kevin Lowe: graduating from Harvard Business School, from becoming a published author with
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Kevin Lowe: his book, Appalachian Kid,
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Kevin Lowe: well then you found the right place.
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Kevin Lowe: Because today is a story about a kid who had every bit of adversity one could expect.
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Kevin Lowe: And yet he overcame.
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Kevin Lowe: Today is a story that I think can pull at your heartstrings,
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Kevin Lowe: can pull at your emotions, but more than anything else, can leave you realizing
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Kevin Lowe: that anything is possible.
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Kevin Lowe: Sometimes we just got to work at it. We got to keep going.
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Kevin Lowe: And in the end, well, you have a story to tell.
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Kevin Lowe: Today is an interview with John Boyle, the author of Appalachian Kid, A story of his life.
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Kevin Lowe: A story that's going to guide today's conversation.
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Kevin Lowe: My friend, it's episode 327. I'm glad you're here. I look forward to seeing you inside.
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Intro: Yo, are you ready to flip the script on life? Because those bad days,
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Intro: they're just doors to better days.
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Intro: And that's exactly what we do here at Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.
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Intro: Your host, Kevin Lowe. He's been flipping the script on his own life,
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Intro: Turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration,
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Intro: motivation, and encouragement just for you.
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Intro: So, kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.
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Kevin Lowe: John, man, welcome to the podcast, dude. It is a pleasure to have you.
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John Boyle: Thank you so much, Kevin. I've been looking forward to this since we talked
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John Boyle: a month ago. Yeah. And it's an honor to be on your show.
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Kevin Lowe: Oh, man. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely, dude. Well, John, I'm excited for us to
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Kevin Lowe: explore kind of this entire kind of life's journey you've been on.
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Kevin Lowe: And I would love for you to just kind of take us back in time.
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Kevin Lowe: Put us in the place of childhood. Where did you grow up? What was childhood
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Kevin Lowe: like for you? Just kind of paint that picture.
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Kevin Lowe: And I figured that would be an awesome starting point.
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John Boyle: Absolutely. I would be happy to. If I get too long-winded, you let me know, Kevin.
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John Boyle: I grew up in a small mining community in Kingwood, West Virginia.
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John Boyle: It's a town of 2,000 people, and it's on the border of Maryland and Pennsylvania.
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John Boyle: And where I grew up was just up in the mountains. It's a farming and mining community.
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John Boyle: And growing up, it was a beautiful place. It was a safe place.
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John Boyle: It was somewhere where you could go out and you could ride your bike and not
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John Boyle: come home until it was dark.
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John Boyle: And I always played outside and with my friends.
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John Boyle: And I love the area and the people.
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John Boyle: And really, I couldn't have asked to grow up in a better place, Kevin.
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John Boyle: But when I was growing up, I didn't know it until I was older.
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John Boyle: But I grew up in a violent home. You know, when you're a little kid,
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John Boyle: you don't know how to compare your circumstances with someone else's.
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John Boyle: You're just doing the best you can to get from one day to the next.
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John Boyle: And maybe that's a really high level summary.
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John Boyle: But growing up in those circumstances, Kevin, it gave me a lot of difficulty.
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John Boyle: And as I, you know, from my earliest memories until, you know,
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John Boyle: well into elementary school, I really had a lot of difficulty and it stemmed
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John Boyle: from, you know, violence in the home.
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John Boyle: And, you know, look, this is something that just isn't isolated to me.
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John Boyle: This is quite common in our society.
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John Boyle: And the children who grow up under those circumstances carry the ramifications
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John Boyle: of those actions with them into adulthood.
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John Boyle: And so my childhood was great in many senses.
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John Boyle: And I have to this day, Kevin, my closest of friends are the ones I grew up
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John Boyle: with in Preston County, West Virginia.
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John Boyle: And so I, again, I couldn't have asked for better circumstances.
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John Boyle: However, there was a great deal of adversity, especially in childhood and into
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John Boyle: high school and college. Yeah.
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Kevin Lowe: Now, did you grow up with brothers and sisters?
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John Boyle: Yes. I had three younger sisters, or have three younger sisters rather,
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John Boyle: and I was the oldest and the only male.
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Kevin Lowe: Okay. Wow.
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Kevin Lowe: You said, you know, the thing of, you know, when you're growing up and you're
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Kevin Lowe: a kid, you don't you don't realize that anything's different about the way you're growing up.
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Kevin Lowe: How old were you when you realized, wait a minute, this isn't normal?
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John Boyle: Well, I would say first or second grade, maybe third grade in that area.
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John Boyle: There would be family members who would come to our house and kind of witness
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John Boyle: some of the treatment, so to speak, ill-advised treatment, really.
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John Boyle: And I could tell from the reactions from my aunt, especially, that it wasn't kosher.
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John Boyle: And so I began to have radar towards that treatment.
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John Boyle: And really, when I realized that this wasn't going on in everyone's home was
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John Boyle: when I started to have sleepovers at friends' houses or go to friends' houses after school.
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John Boyle: And, you know, I would hear, you know, their parents say little things like,
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John Boyle: I love you. You know, those were things that I didn't hear in my home.
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John Boyle: And I'm not trying to pick on my parents. That's just the way it was.
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John Boyle: And, you know, just the overall treatment and what they incurred in their home
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John Boyle: and what I incurred in mine was quite different.
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John Boyle: And that's when I began to see that there was something going on in my home
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John Boyle: that didn't go on in everyone's. Yeah, absolutely.
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Kevin Lowe: How did that then impact kind of the rest of your childhood?
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John Boyle: Overwhelmingly. As time went
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John Boyle: on, Kevin, third and fourth grade became exceedingly difficult for me.
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John Boyle: I started to be sent to the classroom where there were readers that were behind
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John Boyle: or kids that were behind in math. It was almost like I was impaired.
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John Boyle: And really what was going on,
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John Boyle: Kevin, I was displaying symptoms of a mental disorder I didn't know I had.
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John Boyle: And so I would disassociate with my surroundings at school, especially after
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John Boyle: something troubling had happened in my home.
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John Boyle: And, you know, when I was disassociating in school, I was typecast by many of
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John Boyle: my teachers as being lazy and a daydreamer.
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John Boyle: And that really enraged my father because he didn't like laziness, right? Right.
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John Boyle: And so I would incur punishment on top of the abuse from my mom for having bad
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John Boyle: grades and not being able to function in school.
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John Boyle: And one played off another and my grades got worse. Those actions didn't do any good for me.
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John Boyle: And by sixth grade, Kevin, I almost failed. I almost failed.
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John Boyle: I almost failed sixth grade.
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John Boyle: And I remember distinctly, Kevin, going to a parent teacher conference with
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John Boyle: both of my parents. And I remember my sixth grade teacher looking at my parents
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John Boyle: and saying, this kid will never make it to college, much less graduate.
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John Boyle: And so that was my elementary school years and junior high didn't get any easier.
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Kevin Lowe: Wow. Wow, wow, wow. During this time in your life that we're up to at this point, was there anything?
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Kevin Lowe: I mean, we talk about school is tough. We talked about home life is really hard.
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Kevin Lowe: Was there anything or anyone, though, that you kind of clung to that maybe got
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Kevin Lowe: you through it looking back?
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John Boyle: That's a great question. And not to foreshadow the ending of my book,
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John Boyle: but that is the ending of my book.
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John Boyle: The ending of my book, Kevin, is that my life is a miracle and that I didn't
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John Boyle: realize that when I was a kid, but God put people in my life that gave me enough to get from A to B.
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John Boyle: My dad's friend, best friend growing up was a guy named Jeff.
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John Boyle: And he used to take me, you know, hunting. He used to take me fishing.
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John Boyle: You know, we would go camping.
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John Boyle: He had some kids, but younger than me.
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John Boyle: And before he had children, he spent time with me. And it really left an impression on me.
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John Boyle: I had an aunt who from the youngest years I can remember was always defending me.
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John Boyle: And if she saw treatment that I shouldn't be receiving at home,
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John Boyle: she would be vocal about it. But she was the only one that really spoke up and
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John Boyle: even to this day continues to speak up and say it's wrong.
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John Boyle: There were others, you know, friends. My best friend Moose to this day,
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John Boyle: you know, he used to walk me from class to class in junior high to make sure no one picked on me.
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John Boyle: There were so many people that God put in my life that changed it.
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John Boyle: And all through my life, there were people that just it just changed the trajectory.
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John Boyle: And when I got to high school, Kevin, I didn't say this part,
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John Boyle: but from about fifth grade on, as a young man, I just took the approach that
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John Boyle: when I was hit, I was going to defend myself.
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John Boyle: And that made the reaction from my mother much more vicious.
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John Boyle: And to be honest with you, as a child, I really didn't care.
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John Boyle: I saw it as no one's going to protect me, so I'm going to do it.
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John Boyle: And And right, wrong, or indifferent, that's what happened.
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John Boyle: And so there became a dynamic in my home where there were altercations constantly, constantly.
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John Boyle: And by the time I was 14 or 15, you know, it was happening quite frequent.
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John Boyle: And my father pitched the idea that I could go to a boarding school.
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John Boyle: And really, that was my way out. And when I went to that boarding school at
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John Boyle: 15, I was a sophomore. more.
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John Boyle: And when I got to that school, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
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John Boyle: I may say that over and over, but there were many good things that happened to me.
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John Boyle: And I can't stress that enough.
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John Boyle: This is not a story about those who did me wrong.
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John Boyle: This is a story about the goodness of God.
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John Boyle: And he placed all of these teachers in my world from 15 to 18 that took a kid
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John Boyle: that almost failed 10th grade again,
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John Boyle: Kevin, was next to last in my class and just mightily struggling because I didn't
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John Boyle: have a good educational background.
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John Boyle: I was disassociated all through elementary school and much of junior high.
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John Boyle: And I'm not making excuses.
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John Boyle: That's just my journey. And so there were many, many teachers there.
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John Boyle: My English teacher, my math teacher, my football coach, my Spanish teacher, the head of school.
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John Boyle: These people plowed into me and didn't have to, too, but they did and it changed my life.
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Kevin Lowe: Wow.
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John Boyle: That's the essence of mentorship right there.
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Kevin Lowe: Yeah, absolutely.
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Kevin Lowe: Before kind of moving forward, did your sisters endure the same treatment as you?
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John Boyle: You know, Kevin, I don't really write about my sisters in my book.
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John Boyle: I do in a few stories about my childhood just to give the story the proper context.
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John Boyle: But, you know, from my vantage point, they certainly had it difficult.
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John Boyle: I don't know that they had it as difficult as I did. But honestly,
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John Boyle: that's something that they would have to answer.
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John Boyle: I really, you know, I really left the house at 15 and I didn't come back.
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Kevin Lowe: Yeah. Okay. So at boarding school, you spoke about that was really kind of a,
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Kevin Lowe: I would consider a pivotal shift, a positive shift forward.
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Kevin Lowe: Were there any other kind of standout moments when you look back at that period
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Kevin Lowe: in time that you feel like was really pivotal in getting you kind of on the
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Kevin Lowe: course that you ended up taking that's led to kind of where you are today?
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John Boyle: Yeah. The first image that comes into my mind when you ask that is the day that
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John Boyle: I left West Virginia and went to Salzburg, Pennsylvania.
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John Boyle: The name of the boarding school was the Kiske School.
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John Boyle: And until this year, it was all male. And there was when I pulled up to my when
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John Boyle: my family pulled up to the dorm to drop me off, there was a man standing outside.
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John Boyle: The dorm's name was Clark Hall.
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John Boyle: I remember it well. It was in the fall of 1992.
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John Boyle: And there was a man standing outside the doors with a Kiske ball cap.
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John Boyle: And I was the first student to move in the dorm that day. And just that handoff, Kevin,
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John Boyle: was so symbolic for me and looking back at it to see a man who was welcoming,
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John Boyle: who said, we're glad to have you here and I'm going to help you get oriented.
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John Boyle: And we're looking forward to spending this year with you. just things like that.
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John Boyle: It just, it just gave me a feeling of I'm welcome.
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John Boyle: That man, his name's Mark Orsatti and he's still a teacher there.
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John Boyle: And when I, when I launched my book, did my, my book opening in September of
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John Boyle: 23, I did it at that school and he showed up and I told that story,
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John Boyle: Kevin, and I said it to everybody there.
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John Boyle: And I looked over at him and he was just, I mean, just crying his eyes out.
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John Boyle: Wow. And it was so cool for me because I don't know that he ever knew that. Right.
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John Boyle: When you're a mentor, I don't think, you know, the impact that you have on a child.
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John Boyle: And I think to get feedback like that, well, obviously it meant something to him too.
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John Boyle: So there were many other moments, Kevin, I don't want to ramble here.
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John Boyle: So you cut me off if I am, but you know, my first grade reading,
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John Boyle: the head of school reads your grades to you.
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John Boyle: There's only about 200 students in the school. So it's pretty personable.
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John Boyle: And his name was Mr. Pigeon. And he read my grades to me. And he told me I was last in the class.
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John Boyle: And Kevin, he didn't tear into me. He didn't tell me that I was going to be
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John Boyle: nothing but a truck driver and that I was stupid and the things that I used
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John Boyle: to hear about my grades. He just said, John, your effort grades are B's.
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John Boyle: And if you get them up to A's, you'll be my hero.
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John Boyle: He didn't he didn't land base me over having 60 and 70 percent in certain classes.
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John Boyle: And and I'll give you one over. He didn't do it all year.
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Kevin Lowe: Yeah.
00:14:34.251 --> 00:14:39.471
John Boyle: And he just stood beside me. And there were dorm parents in a dorm at Kiske.
00:14:39.591 --> 00:14:44.631
John Boyle: There are family housing connected to the dorm. So you're more or less in a
00:14:44.631 --> 00:14:49.491
John Boyle: family atmosphere and you have what's called dorm parents and those dorm parents are teachers.
00:14:49.811 --> 00:14:54.251
John Boyle: And one of the men there was a guy named Dr. Lane and he taught me how to study.
00:14:54.331 --> 00:15:01.071
John Boyle: And my junior year, my football coach really helped me get more prepared in
00:15:01.071 --> 00:15:05.691
John Boyle: the season before I started school. school, I came back with an idea of what
00:15:05.691 --> 00:15:06.871
John Boyle: I was getting myself into.
00:15:06.971 --> 00:15:11.651
John Boyle: And my first grade reading, my junior year, I made the honor roll for the first time in my life.
00:15:11.831 --> 00:15:13.931
John Boyle: And I think it shocked anybody that knew me.
00:15:14.151 --> 00:15:17.711
John Boyle: But the man that was happiest for me was the guy who taught me how to study,
00:15:17.851 --> 00:15:21.231
John Boyle: Dr. Lane. And he was a man's man, tough.
00:15:21.831 --> 00:15:25.451
John Boyle: And he gave me a hug when I told him. He couldn't have been happier.
00:15:25.631 --> 00:15:29.311
John Boyle: And those moments, I can't express how much they meant to me.
00:15:29.671 --> 00:15:30.451
Kevin Lowe: And I
00:15:30.451 --> 00:15:31.471
John Boyle: Write about in my book.
00:15:31.471 --> 00:15:38.331
Kevin Lowe: Yeah yeah absolutely the the power of of a mentor the power of a teacher the
00:15:38.331 --> 00:15:43.911
Kevin Lowe: power of somebody just shows a kid that they care it's profound it
00:15:43.911 --> 00:15:45.911
John Boyle: Is and when you grow up like me it's critical.
00:15:45.911 --> 00:15:46.451
Kevin Lowe: Absolutely
00:15:47.725 --> 00:15:55.265
Kevin Lowe: So in sixth grade, you were told you would never graduate. You would never amount to anything.
00:15:55.545 --> 00:15:59.265
Kevin Lowe: But obviously that was wrong.
00:15:59.545 --> 00:16:04.965
Kevin Lowe: Talk to me about life continuing out of high school. What happens?
00:16:05.425 --> 00:16:13.605
John Boyle: Well, I graduated high school in the summer before I graduated college or went to college. I'm sorry.
00:16:13.945 --> 00:16:17.765
John Boyle: In between the summer when I graduated high school and started college,
00:16:18.005 --> 00:16:23.145
John Boyle: I had worked for my family business, which was in road construction for years at this point.
00:16:23.365 --> 00:16:29.885
John Boyle: And I started to realize, I started to consume alcohol and I started to realize
00:16:29.885 --> 00:16:37.385
John Boyle: that alcohol covered up some of the symptoms I was having that I didn't know I had a mental disorder.
00:16:37.545 --> 00:16:40.985
John Boyle: I didn't know what was going on with me at this point. But even through high
00:16:40.985 --> 00:16:48.425
John Boyle: school and certainly became more pronounced in college, I began to suffer from bouts of insomnia.
00:16:48.565 --> 00:16:50.605
John Boyle: I mean, bouts of it for weeks and weeks.
00:16:50.825 --> 00:16:59.485
John Boyle: I was having flashbacks and just negative memories that were coming into my
00:16:59.485 --> 00:17:01.105
John Boyle: brain for no apparent reason.
00:17:01.185 --> 00:17:04.305
John Boyle: They were being triggered by smells and sights and thoughts.
00:17:04.505 --> 00:17:07.725
John Boyle: And I just didn't know anything about them, right?
00:17:07.845 --> 00:17:13.885
John Boyle: So I was having difficulty when you peel back the onion or peel back the curtain
00:17:13.885 --> 00:17:17.405
John Boyle: to my private life that no one was seeing.
00:17:17.565 --> 00:17:22.045
John Boyle: And I would have chronic muscle tenseness. I was having nightmares.
00:17:22.545 --> 00:17:27.985
John Boyle: My fight or flight response would get stuck on. And I would feel like there
00:17:27.985 --> 00:17:30.485
John Boyle: was a bomb threat called in for no reason whatsoever.
00:17:30.865 --> 00:17:35.385
John Boyle: And so I really had a lot of difficulty. And what I figured out was that alcohol
00:17:35.385 --> 00:17:37.005
John Boyle: covered up a lot of these symptoms.
00:17:37.385 --> 00:17:42.945
John Boyle: So I began drinking. And when I went to college, I went to the number one party
00:17:42.945 --> 00:17:45.445
John Boyle: school in the United States. I went to West Virginia University.
00:17:46.393 --> 00:17:51.433
John Boyle: And I went to the School of Engineering. And so by my fourth day of college,
00:17:51.533 --> 00:17:53.973
John Boyle: Kevin, I was arrested for driving under the influence.
00:17:54.313 --> 00:17:59.413
John Boyle: And it was really a, no pun intended, a sobering moment for me.
00:17:59.633 --> 00:18:06.653
John Boyle: And it really got me back on track and made me realize very early that I was
00:18:06.653 --> 00:18:09.373
John Boyle: becoming someone that I didn't intend to be.
00:18:09.493 --> 00:18:14.793
John Boyle: And that those actions really blemished the work that I'd done in my life thus
00:18:14.793 --> 00:18:19.553
John Boyle: far. And so I was able to get my focus back on track.
00:18:19.793 --> 00:18:25.213
John Boyle: I graduated from the School of Engineering, the civil engineering degree in 1999.
00:18:25.953 --> 00:18:31.233
John Boyle: But really, I also struggled in college, Kevin. I struggled mightily with the
00:18:31.233 --> 00:18:33.473
John Boyle: symptoms that I've talked about already. ready.
00:18:33.733 --> 00:18:38.193
Kevin Lowe: Yeah. Wow. I wanted to back up a little bit.
00:18:38.313 --> 00:18:43.613
Kevin Lowe: You said something about, I guess, that in between high school and college,
00:18:43.733 --> 00:18:47.273
Kevin Lowe: you mentioned something about your family's business. Yes.
00:18:47.693 --> 00:18:50.573
Kevin Lowe: So what kind of business was that?
00:18:50.693 --> 00:18:56.913
Kevin Lowe: And I guess I guess I kind of failed to ask was during your time in boarding
00:18:56.913 --> 00:19:03.353
Kevin Lowe: school, what kind of contact and relationship did you keep with your family?
00:19:03.953 --> 00:19:10.593
John Boyle: Well, I was much closer with my father than my mother. My dad was a coal miner.
00:19:10.733 --> 00:19:11.873
John Boyle: He was a hardened individual.
00:19:12.153 --> 00:19:18.093
John Boyle: And I don't fault him for being that. Those were his circumstances and that's just who he was.
00:19:18.713 --> 00:19:25.233
John Boyle: And so, especially when I was in junior high, my father didn't like the comments
00:19:25.233 --> 00:19:30.713
John Boyle: that would come home with my report cards about me being perceived as lazy or a daydreamer.
00:19:30.793 --> 00:19:34.333
John Boyle: And so he put me to work at 13.
00:19:34.553 --> 00:19:40.133
John Boyle: I began working in a machine shop. When I was 13, my family had a mining business.
00:19:40.393 --> 00:19:43.893
John Boyle: They had some surface mines and some deep mines, and they mined coal there.
00:19:44.341 --> 00:19:48.721
John Boyle: In North Central West Virginia. And so I worked in the machine shop where they
00:19:48.721 --> 00:19:52.601
John Boyle: rebuilt some of the miners and underground equipment and, you know,
00:19:52.601 --> 00:19:57.581
John Boyle: really just clean the bathroom, clean the floors, the dirtiest jobs you can imagine,
00:19:57.741 --> 00:20:03.501
John Boyle: unhooking hydraulic hoses from roof boulders and miners and shuttle cars and things like that.
00:20:03.741 --> 00:20:08.961
John Boyle: And, you know, that was in the late 80s. And into the early 90s,
00:20:08.961 --> 00:20:14.961
John Boyle: my family pivoted more into road construction and asphalt paving and things
00:20:14.961 --> 00:20:17.881
John Boyle: more in the public infrastructure realm.
00:20:18.301 --> 00:20:24.141
John Boyle: So through high school, I was working, putting in water lines and sewer lines.
00:20:24.321 --> 00:20:28.801
John Boyle: I worked behind an asphalt paver. And really, by the time I got to college,
00:20:29.061 --> 00:20:31.341
John Boyle: I had worked five or six summers.
00:20:31.501 --> 00:20:33.761
John Boyle: And I was very knowledgeable.
00:20:33.981 --> 00:20:41.041
John Boyle: So into college, I was a crew supervisor and a surveyor and even a project engineer towards the end.
00:20:41.361 --> 00:20:49.221
Kevin Lowe: Yeah. Now, when you would end up graduating, would you go back and work with
00:20:49.221 --> 00:20:54.841
Kevin Lowe: the family business after graduating college or would you pursue a different career path?
00:20:55.221 --> 00:21:01.461
John Boyle: I did pursue all the options that I could find in the late 90s for engineers.
00:21:01.741 --> 00:21:10.381
John Boyle: There wasn't a robust market hiring. And really my closest job I was offered was in Washington, D.C.
00:21:10.701 --> 00:21:14.721
John Boyle: And being a kid from the country and I went to boarding school in the country,
00:21:14.901 --> 00:21:18.281
John Boyle: I just didn't see myself in a city at that time in my life.
00:21:18.401 --> 00:21:22.321
John Boyle: So I turned those offers down and I went to work for my family.
00:21:22.441 --> 00:21:25.801
John Boyle: I was offered a job right out of college and I did that.
00:21:26.641 --> 00:21:32.661
Kevin Lowe: Hmm. Wow. How long, how long would you end up working there?
00:21:32.941 --> 00:21:37.101
John Boyle: So I don't remember how old I was when I graduated college. I'm just going to
00:21:37.101 --> 00:21:40.781
John Boyle: guess I was 22. I worked there until I was 40.
00:21:40.961 --> 00:21:41.621
Kevin Lowe: Oh, wow.
00:21:42.061 --> 00:21:43.261
John Boyle: Yeah. Yeah.
00:21:44.061 --> 00:21:44.501
Kevin Lowe: Now...
00:21:47.141 --> 00:21:55.241
Kevin Lowe: Did you during this time, I guess when I hear this, I guess it's such a shock
00:21:55.241 --> 00:21:58.081
Kevin Lowe: because it's like boarding school. You got away from that.
00:21:58.421 --> 00:22:03.921
Kevin Lowe: And then after graduating college, you kind of went back to hometown.
00:22:04.561 --> 00:22:09.701
Kevin Lowe: Did you have much of a relationship with your mother?
00:22:10.181 --> 00:22:13.421
John Boyle: No, no, I did not. Yeah, I did not, Kevin.
00:22:13.561 --> 00:22:18.661
John Boyle: And I really, because of the interactions at my earliest ages,
00:22:18.921 --> 00:22:23.561
John Boyle: I would say I never really had a relationship with her, even as a child. Yeah.
00:22:23.681 --> 00:22:26.701
John Boyle: I always kind of saw myself as having one parent.
00:22:26.841 --> 00:22:32.101
John Boyle: One parent was involved in my life. He wasn't perfect, but no one is Kevin.
00:22:32.361 --> 00:22:38.761
John Boyle: And I believe he tried. I think he tried as much as he knew how to navigate that situation.
00:22:39.521 --> 00:22:44.361
John Boyle: But my dad was an all-business guy, Kevin, and he was gone a lot in my childhood
00:22:44.361 --> 00:22:46.541
John Boyle: for work. He traveled a good bit.
00:22:46.681 --> 00:22:53.001
John Boyle: And when I got the chance to go travel with him for work, things were better
00:22:53.001 --> 00:22:54.861
John Boyle: for me than they were at home.
00:22:55.121 --> 00:23:01.901
John Boyle: And so really, in my early 20s, I wasn't putting all the pieces together as
00:23:01.901 --> 00:23:04.901
John Boyle: to how much my childhood would affect my adult life.
00:23:05.141 --> 00:23:11.101
John Boyle: And I knew I was dealing with symptoms and problems, But I didn't know what they stemmed from.
00:23:11.321 --> 00:23:17.241
John Boyle: Right. So I was just doing my best. And I knew that business inside and out.
00:23:17.301 --> 00:23:21.921
John Boyle: And it made a lot of sense for me because I could go in to my family's business
00:23:21.921 --> 00:23:26.881
John Boyle: and and really have an accelerated career, if that makes sense.
00:23:26.881 --> 00:23:31.421
Kevin Lowe: Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. You spoke a little bit ago,
00:23:31.581 --> 00:23:38.421
Kevin Lowe: a little bit about the drinking and you told us in college,
00:23:38.641 --> 00:23:43.441
Kevin Lowe: right after the start, getting caught drinking and driving.
00:23:44.512 --> 00:23:47.612
Kevin Lowe: After college, you're in this career.
00:23:47.792 --> 00:23:52.912
Kevin Lowe: How would alcohol kind of impact the rest of your story?
00:23:53.072 --> 00:23:58.252
John Boyle: In every way possible, Kevin. I was someone in my 20s.
00:23:58.272 --> 00:24:02.192
John Boyle: I would say maybe the term is binge drinking.
00:24:02.492 --> 00:24:07.992
John Boyle: I don't know if that was exactly it, but I drank to numb myself.
00:24:08.392 --> 00:24:15.012
John Boyle: I drank to numb my mind. I drank to not have the thoughts that I would have when I was sober.
00:24:15.212 --> 00:24:17.612
John Boyle: I now know those as flashbacks.
00:24:18.652 --> 00:24:22.532
John Boyle: But when I drank heavily, I didn't have nightmares.
00:24:22.972 --> 00:24:27.512
John Boyle: I didn't have flashbacks. I didn't have poor thoughts.
00:24:27.812 --> 00:24:31.872
John Boyle: Even my fight or flight response wouldn't get stuck on.
00:24:32.112 --> 00:24:35.412
John Boyle: So I saw alcohol as giving me a break.
00:24:35.632 --> 00:24:40.372
John Boyle: And so I didn't necessarily drink every night in my 20s.
00:24:40.792 --> 00:24:44.992
John Boyle: But I would go out on the weekends, Kevin, and I would have more than anyone
00:24:44.992 --> 00:24:46.552
John Boyle: around me. Let's put it that way.
00:24:46.672 --> 00:24:50.572
John Boyle: You know, if people around me were having four or five, I'd be at 10 when we
00:24:50.572 --> 00:24:54.132
John Boyle: left, right? 10 drinks versus four or five for everybody else.
00:24:54.592 --> 00:24:59.572
John Boyle: And I wasn't someone, at least I don't think I was, that acted out of line.
00:24:59.692 --> 00:25:02.112
John Boyle: I didn't get in trouble again.
00:25:02.692 --> 00:25:05.712
John Boyle: But the damage I was doing was to myself.
00:25:06.332 --> 00:25:08.912
John Boyle: And if I could, I'll just explain a little bit more.
00:25:09.737 --> 00:25:14.557
John Boyle: As I got into my mid to late 20s, I met my first wife.
00:25:14.937 --> 00:25:20.357
John Boyle: And when we got married and she started living with me every day,
00:25:20.537 --> 00:25:26.697
John Boyle: she could start to see that there was something wrong with me that had not been diagnosed.
00:25:27.077 --> 00:25:30.597
John Boyle: And she was one of the first ones in my life who started to say,
00:25:30.697 --> 00:25:35.517
John Boyle: hey, let's go and get you help and let's figure out what's going on. And I did.
00:25:35.717 --> 00:25:39.917
John Boyle: I knew there was something going on and I didn't want to deal with it.
00:25:39.957 --> 00:25:43.077
John Boyle: And I certainly didn't want to drink every weekend to have to get through it.
00:25:43.217 --> 00:25:46.517
John Boyle: Unfortunately, I was misdiagnosed for about 10 years.
00:25:46.697 --> 00:25:52.717
John Boyle: And so I believe I started walking in the door at 26 or 27 to psychologists,
00:25:53.057 --> 00:25:56.797
John Boyle: to my family doctor, to therapists.
00:25:57.357 --> 00:26:04.917
John Boyle: And I was trying to get help. And I was diagnosed with, with I was having medication
00:26:04.917 --> 00:26:10.677
John Boyle: and prescriptions given to me for all these things I didn't have, depression, anxiety.
00:26:11.297 --> 00:26:17.757
John Boyle: These were not the root causes. And really, Kevin, what happened there was there
00:26:17.757 --> 00:26:20.497
John Boyle: were a lot of disguise presentations where I would go in and say,
00:26:20.577 --> 00:26:21.737
John Boyle: hey, I'm having this problem.
00:26:21.957 --> 00:26:26.257
John Boyle: I wasn't putting all the symptoms together and saying, hey, there's a breadth
00:26:26.257 --> 00:26:29.077
John Boyle: of issues here and I need treatment.
00:26:29.217 --> 00:26:31.237
John Boyle: What is the diagnosis? What's wrong?
00:26:31.477 --> 00:26:37.117
John Boyle: And I just didn't know anything about it. And I was just trying to navigate the best I could.
00:26:37.257 --> 00:26:43.457
John Boyle: So I tried the medication route for several years and it just didn't move the needle.
00:26:43.797 --> 00:26:48.597
John Boyle: And I was just being prescribed larger and larger doses because my body was
00:26:48.597 --> 00:26:52.557
John Boyle: becoming used to what I was given and it wasn't moving the needle.
00:26:52.657 --> 00:26:57.477
John Boyle: And so I was so frustrated by my early thirties that I stopped taking medication
00:26:57.477 --> 00:27:00.977
John Boyle: and I started drinking every day. And that's where things went haywire.
00:27:01.597 --> 00:27:07.697
Kevin Lowe: Yeah. 37, I know from notes, is a pivotal year.
00:27:07.997 --> 00:27:09.897
Kevin Lowe: What happened at the age of 37?
00:27:10.377 --> 00:27:15.017
John Boyle: Can I back up just a bit? I want to say one thing before we go to 37.
00:27:15.557 --> 00:27:16.037
Kevin Lowe: Absolutely.
00:27:16.317 --> 00:27:21.317
John Boyle: When I was 29, on top of all these personal issues I was having,
00:27:21.457 --> 00:27:27.197
John Boyle: on top of my first wife being pregnant with our first son, my father got sick
00:27:27.197 --> 00:27:29.117
John Boyle: and he had a heart attack and.
00:27:29.884 --> 00:27:33.824
John Boyle: He basically called me one day and said, Hey, I need you to come to the hospital.
00:27:34.004 --> 00:27:35.144
John Boyle: I came up to the hospital.
00:27:35.524 --> 00:27:38.444
John Boyle: He was sitting outside in his truck and he was upset.
00:27:38.604 --> 00:27:43.164
John Boyle: And he told me what happened that night. And he just looked at me and said,
00:27:43.264 --> 00:27:44.364
John Boyle: You're in charge. Good luck.
00:27:44.544 --> 00:27:46.944
John Boyle: So at 29, I took over the family business.
00:27:47.184 --> 00:27:51.364
John Boyle: I was the company's president. And I didn't know what I was getting myself into there.
00:27:51.884 --> 00:27:56.804
John Boyle: So there was a lot going on when I was in my 30s. I was running a company and
00:27:56.804 --> 00:28:01.824
John Boyle: I had the intelligence to do so and the technical know-how, but really the emotional
00:28:01.824 --> 00:28:04.424
John Boyle: intelligence in me was lacking.
00:28:05.004 --> 00:28:07.864
John Boyle: So I was also coping with that with alcohol.
00:28:08.064 --> 00:28:11.984
John Boyle: I was coping stress with alcohol. I was coping my symptoms with alcohol and
00:28:11.984 --> 00:28:13.444
John Boyle: I was drinking every day.
00:28:13.524 --> 00:28:16.124
John Boyle: I was not late for work. I was highly functional.
00:28:16.404 --> 00:28:20.424
John Boyle: Our company went from having 80 employees to around 600.
00:28:20.764 --> 00:28:23.444
John Boyle: And it was, it was a, it was a true blessing.
00:28:23.804 --> 00:28:27.964
John Boyle: And, and I loved every minute of it. But, you know, in my personal life,
00:28:28.004 --> 00:28:32.744
John Boyle: after I got home, I was, I mired in difficulty and I was, you know,
00:28:32.744 --> 00:28:37.284
John Boyle: in some nights I was just sitting in a dark room trying to reset my brain and
00:28:37.284 --> 00:28:38.504
John Boyle: even alcohol wasn't working.
00:28:38.644 --> 00:28:42.964
John Boyle: So when I was 37, to answer your question, I started to turn,
00:28:43.024 --> 00:28:47.504
John Boyle: my skin started to turn sheet white and I really started to get scared.
00:28:47.564 --> 00:28:49.244
John Boyle: I stopped being able to keep food down.
00:28:49.644 --> 00:28:54.664
John Boyle: And I went to the doctor and I said, what is wrong? And got some tests run.
00:28:55.084 --> 00:28:59.584
John Boyle: Tests came back and said that my liver was failing and it wasn't processing vitamins.
00:28:59.844 --> 00:29:06.124
John Boyle: And if I continued this route, I'm a dead man. And so I began to realize that I had to quit now.
00:29:06.504 --> 00:29:09.704
John Boyle: And when I went to quit, Kevin, I couldn't.
00:29:09.744 --> 00:29:10.224
Kevin Lowe: Yeah.
00:29:10.364 --> 00:29:11.584
John Boyle: I couldn't do it on my own.
00:29:11.904 --> 00:29:18.224
Kevin Lowe: Wow. How long would you try to quit?
00:29:18.224 --> 00:29:20.904
John Boyle: Well, I tried for about a month on my own.
00:29:21.584 --> 00:29:29.284
John Boyle: Somewhere in there. And I would say every night I'm going to stop and I couldn't make it through.
00:29:30.064 --> 00:29:33.164
John Boyle: I couldn't make it until six 37 o'clock in the evening.
00:29:33.284 --> 00:29:39.964
Kevin Lowe: Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Wow. So what was the turning point?
00:29:40.064 --> 00:29:42.344
Kevin Lowe: How, how did you stop?
00:29:42.724 --> 00:29:48.984
John Boyle: That's an excellent question. And I believe it's just, it's one of the best parts of my book.
00:29:49.144 --> 00:29:53.564
John Boyle: And I write about it in chapter nine. And it's a book about my,
00:29:53.644 --> 00:29:55.864
John Boyle: it's a chapter about my drinking problem.
00:29:56.164 --> 00:30:02.764
John Boyle: I had a, at this point, I'm serving on boards of companies and I had a board meeting in Las Vegas.
00:30:02.984 --> 00:30:06.524
John Boyle: And so I was in Las Vegas about a month after I needed to quit.
00:30:06.584 --> 00:30:09.844
John Boyle: And you know, Las Vegas isn't doing me any favors.
00:30:10.004 --> 00:30:14.584
John Boyle: And so I get on a plane and I'm having this conversation with myself.
00:30:15.104 --> 00:30:18.544
John Boyle: I'm not drinking today. I'm not drinking tomorrow.
00:30:19.124 --> 00:30:23.644
John Boyle: It's not gonna happen. I'm done. And so Kevin, I didn't even make it to when
00:30:23.644 --> 00:30:25.424
John Boyle: the flight landed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
00:30:25.744 --> 00:30:28.084
John Boyle: I didn't. I was with a coworker. He drove me home.
00:30:29.324 --> 00:30:33.224
John Boyle: And I'm just as far from being able to quit as possible.
00:30:33.384 --> 00:30:39.944
John Boyle: So that weekend, I went to a bar with a friend and we went to downtown Morgantown
00:30:39.944 --> 00:30:45.444
John Boyle: and was at a bar that I always went to and I was very comfortable, but I'm upset.
00:30:45.784 --> 00:30:50.344
John Boyle: And my friend could see that. And this is someone that I'd known from a long time from my hometown.
00:30:50.844 --> 00:30:55.924
John Boyle: And he looks at me and he says, how are you doing? And I looked at him and I said, not good.
00:30:56.264 --> 00:30:59.384
John Boyle: And he said, well, what's going on? So we talked for a little bit.
00:30:59.424 --> 00:31:02.724
John Boyle: I don't get into every detail, but Kevin, he looked at me and he said,
00:31:02.844 --> 00:31:05.564
John Boyle: why don't you come to church with me? And I'm like.
00:31:06.344 --> 00:31:10.244
John Boyle: What? You go to church? That was my response, right? It wasn't no,
00:31:10.484 --> 00:31:13.404
John Boyle: it was, I was kind of caught off guard.
00:31:13.564 --> 00:31:18.104
John Boyle: And this, this was something that I had not heard ever discussed in a bar at night.
00:31:18.364 --> 00:31:24.884
John Boyle: And I began to have this feeling come over me. And I began to realize that this was a lifeline.
00:31:25.304 --> 00:31:29.204
John Boyle: And so in a couple moments, I looked at him after I asked him if he went to
00:31:29.204 --> 00:31:31.884
John Boyle: church, I didn't know. And I just said, what time?
00:31:32.104 --> 00:31:39.304
John Boyle: And then when Sunday came around, I went to church and it was a great experience
00:31:39.304 --> 00:31:41.244
John Boyle: and I just felt peace come over me.
00:31:41.424 --> 00:31:47.764
John Boyle: And so that didn't make me quit, but I went back the next Sunday, right?
00:31:47.864 --> 00:31:51.184
John Boyle: I'm really struggling here. I'm sheet white. I'm not keeping down food.
00:31:51.384 --> 00:31:54.884
John Boyle: My eyes are bloodshot at this point and I can't quit drinking.
00:31:55.044 --> 00:31:59.404
John Boyle: My body's craving I'm not making it to past seven o'clock in the evening,
00:31:59.504 --> 00:32:01.104
John Boyle: but I am cutting back when I'm drinking.
00:32:01.284 --> 00:32:04.704
John Boyle: So I went back the next Sunday and the next Sunday.
00:32:04.884 --> 00:32:11.424
John Boyle: And very soon I began to realize that my life and the way I'm living it is in
00:32:11.424 --> 00:32:14.924
John Boyle: conflict with what God wants for my life.
00:32:15.144 --> 00:32:17.584
John Boyle: And so I agreed.
00:32:17.964 --> 00:32:24.004
John Boyle: I had a sister who was telling me that I should consider going to detox or rehab.
00:32:24.544 --> 00:32:28.064
John Boyle: And I walked in her office and I just said, you know, I agree.
00:32:28.284 --> 00:32:32.284
John Boyle: I need to do this. If I don't, I'm not going to be around for my son.
00:32:32.484 --> 00:32:36.804
John Boyle: And that was not an acceptable outcome for me. I didn't want to do anything bad to him.
00:32:37.104 --> 00:32:40.464
John Boyle: I'd had a very hard childhood and I didn't want him to have that same one.
00:32:40.564 --> 00:32:42.824
John Boyle: And so I chose to go away and get help.
00:32:43.124 --> 00:32:48.264
Kevin Lowe: Wow. You had never been to church before this?
00:32:48.624 --> 00:32:53.764
John Boyle: Well, I wouldn't say that. I grew up Catholic and I'm not Catholic now.
00:32:54.533 --> 00:32:58.533
John Boyle: Really, I kind of separated myself from the Catholic Church in my early 20s.
00:32:58.673 --> 00:33:02.153
John Boyle: And for the difficulties that I've already talked about, you know,
00:33:02.233 --> 00:33:09.153
John Boyle: it was hard for me to understand why God would let me go through this as a child.
00:33:09.293 --> 00:33:09.573
Kevin Lowe: Yeah.
00:33:09.953 --> 00:33:16.153
John Boyle: And I don't think I was ever purposefully mad at him, but I was very, very frustrated.
00:33:16.373 --> 00:33:19.913
John Boyle: And I just felt that there were people that church was meant for,
00:33:20.013 --> 00:33:24.413
John Boyle: and there was people that it wasn't meant for, and I was in the latter category.
00:33:25.013 --> 00:33:30.493
John Boyle: And that's a terrible way to look at it. It is, but I'm being honest with you.
00:33:30.673 --> 00:33:35.813
John Boyle: I didn't have any faith life in my later 20s, in my early 30s.
00:33:35.933 --> 00:33:39.693
John Boyle: I might've prayed every once in a while for things that I wanted.
00:33:39.873 --> 00:33:44.293
John Boyle: I certainly wasn't praying for, hey, God, use me for something good.
00:33:44.413 --> 00:33:46.193
John Boyle: Hey, God, what do you want me me to do today.
00:33:46.413 --> 00:33:51.813
John Boyle: It was completely selfish if I did pray and I wasn't going to church, very little, if at all.
00:33:52.053 --> 00:33:58.873
John Boyle: And so this particular church that I was invited to was non-denominational Christian church.
00:33:58.953 --> 00:34:03.333
John Boyle: It just so happens to be the largest one in West Virginia. And it's a wonderful
00:34:03.333 --> 00:34:07.853
John Boyle: organization with wonderful pastors and they changed my life,
00:34:08.013 --> 00:34:09.973
John Boyle: Kevin. Wow. Completely.
00:34:10.433 --> 00:34:13.273
John Boyle: Well, Well, we both know that God and Jesus did that, right?
00:34:13.373 --> 00:34:19.753
John Boyle: But they were the catalyst and they were so welcoming and so kind and invited
00:34:19.753 --> 00:34:22.593
John Boyle: me as I was. Yeah. And accepted, right?
00:34:22.733 --> 00:34:22.933
Kevin Lowe: Yeah.
00:34:23.113 --> 00:34:24.193
John Boyle: That's discipleship.
00:34:24.493 --> 00:34:30.333
Kevin Lowe: Absolutely. What was your experience like at the rehab facility?
00:34:30.533 --> 00:34:33.453
Kevin Lowe: Or I'm not sure the correct term for it.
00:34:34.152 --> 00:34:39.412
John Boyle: That's what I call it, Kevin. Okay. Okay. I've heard it called a clinic before,
00:34:39.472 --> 00:34:44.192
John Boyle: but so I, I prayed, I guess, selfishly, right?
00:34:44.652 --> 00:34:48.612
John Boyle: I prayed the night before I left for rehab and I just said, God,
00:34:48.672 --> 00:34:52.092
John Boyle: I'm done with this. Please help me. Please help me get over the hump.
00:34:52.572 --> 00:34:57.392
John Boyle: Please take the urges away. The morning I left, I got on the plane and I was shaking.
00:34:57.492 --> 00:35:05.052
John Boyle: I was in bad shape. and when I landed, went straight to the rehab clinic and it was in Florida.
00:35:05.312 --> 00:35:10.232
John Boyle: There that day, I was diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
00:35:10.472 --> 00:35:19.292
John Boyle: I was also diagnosed with alcohol use disorder and I was given a tranquilizer to help me.
00:35:19.612 --> 00:35:24.432
John Boyle: Basically the tranquilizer in rehab, it helps you detox. It tricks your mind
00:35:24.432 --> 00:35:27.492
John Boyle: into thinking that you have alcohol, but actually it's a replicate.
00:35:27.772 --> 00:35:34.332
John Boyle: And so once I was given that tranquilizer, I slept for about 14 hours and woke
00:35:34.332 --> 00:35:37.172
John Boyle: up sober for the first time in over 10 years.
00:35:37.552 --> 00:35:37.992
Kevin Lowe: Wow.
00:35:38.292 --> 00:35:44.832
John Boyle: And dude, it hurt. Far late 10 years where the hangovers into one day and yeah,
00:35:44.972 --> 00:35:48.792
John Boyle: it was a tough one, but I got through it and the urges were gone the next day.
00:35:48.952 --> 00:35:51.472
John Boyle: Really? I've never had an urge to drink again. Really?
00:35:51.732 --> 00:35:55.372
John Boyle: God took those urges away. Wow. Absolutely.
00:35:55.832 --> 00:35:59.212
John Boyle: I can sit here and say, yeah, I was given a tranquilizer and it helped,
00:35:59.312 --> 00:36:00.852
John Boyle: but God took the urges away.
00:36:01.012 --> 00:36:04.452
John Boyle: I've not drank since that day. That was April 1st, 2017.
00:36:05.012 --> 00:36:05.572
Kevin Lowe: Wow.
00:36:06.112 --> 00:36:07.392
John Boyle: 2014. I'm sorry.
00:36:07.572 --> 00:36:14.712
Kevin Lowe: Wow. That's absolutely remarkable. And it is absolutely, absolutely.
00:36:15.432 --> 00:36:23.712
Kevin Lowe: How did your life look different and does it still look different today without alcohol? Yeah.
00:36:24.412 --> 00:36:29.572
John Boyle: Hmm. Very much so. The immediate things that I saw changed were the obvious ones.
00:36:29.792 --> 00:36:33.592
John Boyle: Like, oh, I've got a bunch more free time now because I'm not sitting around
00:36:33.592 --> 00:36:34.852
John Boyle: drinking or going to bars.
00:36:35.152 --> 00:36:39.872
John Boyle: And boy, I have a lot more money in my checkbook, right? Because I'm not buying alcohol.
00:36:40.312 --> 00:36:46.492
John Boyle: But those are superficial answers, right? The real change happens in parenting.
00:36:46.812 --> 00:36:48.832
John Boyle: The real change happened in
00:36:48.832 --> 00:36:54.872
John Boyle: me starting to seek who God wanted me to be and what he wanted me to do.
00:36:54.972 --> 00:36:59.312
John Boyle: I grew much more as a Christian in rehab and outside of rehab.
00:36:59.732 --> 00:37:08.372
John Boyle: And I grew a lot personally in my understanding of my disorder and understanding
00:37:08.372 --> 00:37:14.212
John Boyle: the things that I needed to change and in mending some of the
00:37:14.252 --> 00:37:18.072
John Boyle: damage that I'd done as an alcoholic, right?
00:37:18.252 --> 00:37:26.192
John Boyle: I didn't do a lot of damage to others. Most of it was to myself and that had to be repaired too.
00:37:26.472 --> 00:37:32.972
John Boyle: And so it took a lot of time to heal and I got help as I needed it. I read a ton.
00:37:33.232 --> 00:37:39.352
John Boyle: I started reading the Bible every day and I could give you 10 or 12 more examples
00:37:39.352 --> 00:37:43.712
John Boyle: of things that happened in my career and personal life that just, I mean,
00:37:43.752 --> 00:37:52.912
John Boyle: it's unfathomable for me coming from where I have to be a part of what I ended
00:37:52.912 --> 00:37:55.872
John Boyle: up doing after I got sober and God coming into my life.
00:37:56.152 --> 00:38:04.572
Kevin Lowe: Yeah, absolutely. What I love about your story, though, is that's not the end.
00:38:05.592 --> 00:38:12.192
Kevin Lowe: No. Because you, and obviously there's a lot that you can fill in the gaps as
00:38:12.192 --> 00:38:15.152
Kevin Lowe: needed, but you would actually decide to go back to school.
00:38:15.532 --> 00:38:19.172
John Boyle: I did. About a year after I got sober.
00:38:19.552 --> 00:38:25.132
John Boyle: I'm all about education. I believe I'm going to strive to get better and be
00:38:25.132 --> 00:38:27.472
John Boyle: the best version of myself until the day I die.
00:38:27.852 --> 00:38:32.972
John Boyle: And I've always been big into education. and I was a part of a group called
00:38:32.972 --> 00:38:36.012
John Boyle: YPO, which stands for Young Presidents Organization.
00:38:37.112 --> 00:38:41.532
John Boyle: And it's really a networking and learning organization for young presidents
00:38:41.532 --> 00:38:44.652
John Boyle: and CEOs who need polishing.
00:38:44.992 --> 00:38:51.432
John Boyle: And so I was on a trip, an educational trip, and I was one of the only people
00:38:51.432 --> 00:38:53.452
John Boyle: in the group who didn't drink.
00:38:53.572 --> 00:38:58.872
John Boyle: And so there was a happy hour event and I was on the beach reading a book instead
00:38:58.872 --> 00:38:59.972
John Boyle: of standing around a bar.
00:39:00.552 --> 00:39:04.732
John Boyle: And a guy rolls up to me on a beach in a wheelchair. I'd never seen that before.
00:39:06.318 --> 00:39:10.638
John Boyle: And he rolls up and he says, what do you read? So I answer him and we start talking.
00:39:10.958 --> 00:39:15.578
John Boyle: He asked me what I do and what my past has been like.
00:39:15.738 --> 00:39:18.978
John Boyle: And so I'm talking to this guy, kind of wondering, you know,
00:39:18.978 --> 00:39:21.918
John Boyle: where he's gone with this. And he looks at me and he says, have you ever thought
00:39:21.918 --> 00:39:23.518
John Boyle: about going to Harvard Business School?
00:39:23.818 --> 00:39:26.798
John Boyle: And I looked at him, Kevin, and I just started busting out laughing.
00:39:27.558 --> 00:39:30.958
John Boyle: I'm like, there's no way that place is letting me in.
00:39:31.118 --> 00:39:34.498
John Boyle: And he just looked at me and very nicely said, do you like this island?
00:39:34.498 --> 00:39:36.418
John Boyle: Island. Yeah, man, it's a beautiful island.
00:39:36.658 --> 00:39:40.358
John Boyle: He said, that's nice because I own it. And I'm going to give you a piece of
00:39:40.358 --> 00:39:41.738
John Boyle: advice and I hope you listen to me.
00:39:41.858 --> 00:39:44.918
John Boyle: He said, my name's David V. Johnson. I'm from Detroit, Michigan.
00:39:45.178 --> 00:39:49.018
John Boyle: And I think you're an excellent candidate to go to this program that I went to.
00:39:49.278 --> 00:39:53.758
John Boyle: And if you apply online, you can put my name at the bottom.
00:39:53.878 --> 00:39:57.938
John Boyle: And he said his name again. I'd never met that man before that moment.
00:39:58.058 --> 00:40:05.278
John Boyle: I've never talked to him since, but I took his advice. I applied and I got in like three weeks later.
00:40:05.338 --> 00:40:08.858
John Boyle: And then I had to figure out like I really wasn't expecting to get in.
00:40:08.938 --> 00:40:13.358
John Boyle: Then I had to figure out how I was going to do my job and go to Boston to go to school.
00:40:13.458 --> 00:40:17.638
John Boyle: And so I figured that out and I went.
00:40:17.878 --> 00:40:22.478
John Boyle: And in 2017, at 40 years old, I graduated from Harvard University.
00:40:23.098 --> 00:40:23.618
Kevin Lowe: Wow.
00:40:24.418 --> 00:40:25.718
John Boyle: It's incredible. Wow.
00:40:26.538 --> 00:40:35.198
Kevin Lowe: More incredible than a kid who in sixth grade was told he'd never even graduate high school.
00:40:35.338 --> 00:40:42.998
Kevin Lowe: More incredible than that is the fact of the power of Jesus Christ to put you
00:40:42.998 --> 00:40:45.418
Kevin Lowe: in that position on that beach,
00:40:46.238 --> 00:40:51.378
Kevin Lowe: reading a book, and then that man right at the right time, right in the right
00:40:51.378 --> 00:40:56.018
Kevin Lowe: place, all was made and it was all part of the plan.
00:40:56.398 --> 00:40:59.398
Kevin Lowe: And that is magical, my friend.
00:40:59.678 --> 00:41:05.218
John Boyle: It is. It's so good. And it made for such an awesome story that,
00:41:05.258 --> 00:41:10.458
John Boyle: you know, I really I sat in my basement for two years and made sure that I explained
00:41:10.458 --> 00:41:14.078
John Boyle: it in the best way possible, because if he'll do that for me,
00:41:14.218 --> 00:41:16.598
John Boyle: he'll do it for the people listening to your call.
00:41:17.058 --> 00:41:19.258
Kevin Lowe: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
00:41:20.172 --> 00:41:26.412
Kevin Lowe: So you've graduated once, you know, with engineering degree.
00:41:26.772 --> 00:41:31.512
Kevin Lowe: Now you graduate at 40 years old from Harvard Business School.
00:41:32.072 --> 00:41:35.892
Kevin Lowe: Where does writing a book fit into this whole puzzle?
00:41:37.312 --> 00:41:42.432
John Boyle: Well, there was one step in between this. So between my second and third year at Harvard,
00:41:42.592 --> 00:41:50.692
John Boyle: because of my difficulties with post-traumatic stress disorder and my frustration
00:41:50.692 --> 00:41:55.032
John Boyle: with just trying to navigate a family business and having that disorder.
00:41:55.472 --> 00:42:00.232
John Boyle: My dad came back into the business and we were at odds on several things.
00:42:01.032 --> 00:42:05.052
John Boyle: And when we would be at odds, sometimes he would get elevated.
00:42:05.272 --> 00:42:10.172
John Boyle: And once he got elevated, it put me in a bad place. And there was only so much I could take of that.
00:42:10.312 --> 00:42:14.972
John Boyle: And at this point in my late 30s, I wasn't drinking and I'm not getting that,
00:42:14.972 --> 00:42:18.912
John Boyle: that drug to take the edge off. And I just couldn't deal with it anymore.
00:42:19.252 --> 00:42:28.232
John Boyle: And I resigned my, I resigned my position as CEO a few months before my third year at Harvard.
00:42:28.692 --> 00:42:36.652
John Boyle: And so, you know, after, after I graduated, I started to seek opportunities elsewhere.
00:42:37.112 --> 00:42:42.592
John Boyle: And I found a company in, it's a Charlotte-based bridge building company,
00:42:42.772 --> 00:42:45.672
John Boyle: and they do a lot of work in South Carolina and Georgia.
00:42:46.032 --> 00:42:49.532
John Boyle: I found an opportunity there as a chief operating officer.
00:42:49.912 --> 00:42:54.632
John Boyle: And so in my last year at Harvard, I was at a company called United Infrastructure
00:42:54.632 --> 00:42:56.772
John Boyle: Group, and I'm still there today. But-
00:42:57.460 --> 00:43:02.620
John Boyle: When, after about a year of being in the Charlotte area, my oldest son,
00:43:02.680 --> 00:43:07.420
John Boyle: who was 11, really needed a dad closer than being home every other weekend.
00:43:07.620 --> 00:43:09.900
John Boyle: And so I chose to move back for
00:43:09.900 --> 00:43:13.740
John Boyle: my son's benefit and really just help him get to where he needs to get.
00:43:13.920 --> 00:43:17.480
John Boyle: And so I kind of furloughed my own career to do that. And then the pandemic
00:43:17.480 --> 00:43:20.680
John Boyle: hit. And when the pandemic hit, then I had the time.
00:43:20.800 --> 00:43:26.420
John Boyle: I stopped being able to be a board member in several positions that I had,
00:43:26.600 --> 00:43:31.020
John Boyle: paying positions, because I have asthma and I was scared to get on a plane.
00:43:31.180 --> 00:43:35.420
John Boyle: And right, wrong, or indifferent, that grounded me. And I was at home and I'm
00:43:35.420 --> 00:43:42.960
John Boyle: not someone, Kevin, who sits around and does nothing. And I just kept feeling
00:43:42.960 --> 00:43:45.260
John Boyle: this calling to write a book.
00:43:45.380 --> 00:43:52.760
John Boyle: And years previous to that feeling and that calling, I had some Harvard classmates,
00:43:53.160 --> 00:43:55.940
John Boyle: one in particular, Thomas Wigelman, Dr.
00:43:56.080 --> 00:44:00.140
John Boyle: Thomas Wigelman from Munich, Germany, who just kept hounding me.
00:44:00.140 --> 00:44:03.320
John Boyle: You've got to write a book, John, you've got to tell your story.
00:44:03.460 --> 00:44:11.000
John Boyle: And I told a really brief version of my story in a family business class in Boston in my first year.
00:44:11.460 --> 00:44:15.780
John Boyle: And, you know, I was encouraged by many people to write a book about it because
00:44:15.780 --> 00:44:20.040
John Boyle: it's just an interesting story that you don't hear really at all.
00:44:20.100 --> 00:44:24.660
John Boyle: I don't think in books and in business class and, you know, family businesses
00:44:24.660 --> 00:44:28.740
John Boyle: are tough, but most family members will not talk about it because they They
00:44:28.740 --> 00:44:30.380
John Boyle: don't want to make the other family members mad.
00:44:30.660 --> 00:44:33.360
Kevin Lowe: And so for that very reason,
00:44:33.400 --> 00:44:37.940
John Boyle: I didn't want to write a book. And so I'd had a friend or two hounding me for a couple years.
00:44:39.410 --> 00:44:43.630
John Boyle: When the pandemic hit, to make a long story short, that's when things changed
00:44:43.630 --> 00:44:46.990
John Boyle: and I started seriously considering it and getting underway.
00:44:47.270 --> 00:44:55.730
Kevin Lowe: Yeah. Okay. Okay. So it's one thing to decide you're going to write a book.
00:44:55.830 --> 00:44:59.990
Kevin Lowe: It's a whole other thing to actually write a book and publish it.
00:45:00.150 --> 00:45:06.030
Kevin Lowe: How was that process for you? Especially the fact of you had to force yourself
00:45:06.030 --> 00:45:10.290
Kevin Lowe: to go back. I'm sure, to a lot of memories that were hard.
00:45:10.750 --> 00:45:15.730
Kevin Lowe: What was it like for you to be able to make it through all of that and come
00:45:15.730 --> 00:45:22.010
Kevin Lowe: up with this finished product, this amazing book that you would be comfortable
00:45:22.010 --> 00:45:24.030
Kevin Lowe: then sharing with the world?
00:45:24.290 --> 00:45:28.230
John Boyle: It was a long journey and it was as difficult as you can imagine,
00:45:28.390 --> 00:45:32.830
John Boyle: especially the parts about going back to childhood and admitting,
00:45:32.990 --> 00:45:36.470
John Boyle: right, that you went through this to yourself and to others.
00:45:36.670 --> 00:45:44.030
John Boyle: And then the thought of it being public and well, there's no more secrets in your life.
00:45:44.630 --> 00:45:47.730
John Boyle: That's overwhelming when you first start the journey.
00:45:48.130 --> 00:45:53.250
John Boyle: And don't forget now that I've never taken a writing class in my life.
00:45:53.750 --> 00:46:00.150
John Boyle: Never. I hadn't had any type of writing training other than what I had at Kiske
00:46:00.150 --> 00:46:02.090
John Boyle: Prep School in the early nineties.
00:46:02.430 --> 00:46:06.150
John Boyle: And past 12th grade, I'd never really written a paper.
00:46:06.490 --> 00:46:09.110
John Boyle: Again, I went to engineering school because I didn't want to.
00:46:09.530 --> 00:46:13.170
John Boyle: I was dead set in my thoughts that I'm an engineer and not a writer.
00:46:13.430 --> 00:46:15.550
John Boyle: So it was hard for me to get off base from that.
00:46:16.428 --> 00:46:19.708
John Boyle: And even though I'm not a writer, I love to read.
00:46:20.228 --> 00:46:26.528
John Boyle: And I would say, especially after I quit drinking, I would read all the time.
00:46:26.528 --> 00:46:31.128
John Boyle: Some nights I would read a whole book from start to finish because it kept my
00:46:31.128 --> 00:46:36.628
John Boyle: mind focused on something and kept me out of trouble. So why not do it? Right.
00:46:37.148 --> 00:46:42.808
John Boyle: And you learn from reading. So I knew what a reader wanted in a book,
00:46:42.908 --> 00:46:44.288
John Boyle: or at least I thought I did.
00:46:44.468 --> 00:46:50.168
John Boyle: But being able to transcribe that to sitting with a laptop on your lap and writing
00:46:50.168 --> 00:46:52.208
John Boyle: doesn't necessarily translate.
00:46:52.208 --> 00:46:56.108
John Boyle: And so really, I had to write
00:46:56.108 --> 00:47:01.348
John Boyle: a whole first draft the whole way through the book and throw it away before
00:47:01.348 --> 00:47:07.808
John Boyle: I really knew how to write a book that could take a reader up and down in the
00:47:07.808 --> 00:47:14.408
John Boyle: joys and pitfalls of my life and make it engaging and keep people reading and,
00:47:14.468 --> 00:47:21.428
John Boyle: you know, tell stories with inside within facts of what had happened in my life.
00:47:21.428 --> 00:47:26.788
John Boyle: Life to, to make it a journey that people could engage with and relate to.
00:47:27.008 --> 00:47:31.708
John Boyle: And so, you know, the one good thing I have had in my, in my life is growing
00:47:31.708 --> 00:47:36.988
John Boyle: up in West Virginia and storytelling is something that happens in the country and it's an art form.
00:47:37.128 --> 00:47:42.228
John Boyle: And so, you know, this like recognition of having an inner voice and telling
00:47:42.228 --> 00:47:48.568
John Boyle: a story in a unique way is what really in the second draft made my book what it is.
00:47:48.748 --> 00:47:53.068
John Boyle: And the one thing that I didn't know when I was writing was I didn't know where
00:47:53.068 --> 00:47:53.988
John Boyle: I was going to end the book.
00:47:54.108 --> 00:48:00.348
John Boyle: And so what gave me so much difficulty in the first draft was I wasn't writing
00:48:00.348 --> 00:48:01.668
John Boyle: a book with the end in mind.
00:48:02.348 --> 00:48:07.688
John Boyle: And that's what I realized in the second draft that I didn't get in the first.
00:48:07.908 --> 00:48:14.048
John Boyle: When you write with an end in mind, every story, every chapter has purpose and
00:48:14.048 --> 00:48:16.048
John Boyle: builds to, to your ending.
00:48:16.328 --> 00:48:19.228
John Boyle: And, and it just gives it the right context. And,
00:48:19.268 --> 00:48:24.248
John Boyle: and I wanted to write a book to Kevin that took people up and down and made
00:48:24.248 --> 00:48:29.408
John Boyle: people laugh and cry because some of the subjects of my life are very sad and
00:48:29.408 --> 00:48:32.968
John Boyle: not everybody just wants to read a sad book and only be sad.
00:48:33.348 --> 00:48:38.388
John Boyle: And so I tried to have fun with it and that helped me get through the difficulty
00:48:38.388 --> 00:48:39.848
John Boyle: of writing the sad parts.
00:48:41.048 --> 00:48:45.928
Kevin Lowe: Yeah. Yeah. Upon completion of your book, what has been the feedback you've
00:48:45.928 --> 00:48:51.008
Kevin Lowe: gotten from strangers and even people you know, family members?
00:48:51.508 --> 00:48:52.508
John Boyle: Oh, it's been...
00:48:53.391 --> 00:48:57.791
John Boyle: It's been overwhelming. It's been so good. It's been so encouraging.
00:48:58.191 --> 00:49:05.851
John Boyle: I think this is my 15th podcast, Kevin, not only during the publishing and people
00:49:05.851 --> 00:49:09.031
John Boyle: reading and getting back to me and saying, hey, I loved your book.
00:49:09.331 --> 00:49:17.311
John Boyle: Or, you know, some of the best compliments I've had is I had one woman who emailed me at like 6 a.m.
00:49:17.511 --> 00:49:23.151
John Boyle: And she said, hey, I got your book yesterday and I picked it up and I opened a few pages.
00:49:23.611 --> 00:49:26.151
John Boyle: And I couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing last night.
00:49:26.231 --> 00:49:28.411
John Boyle: I'm just going to bed right now at 6 a.m.
00:49:28.931 --> 00:49:33.291
John Boyle: You did a wonderful job. I'm like, I didn't, Kevin, I didn't think anybody would buy it.
00:49:33.811 --> 00:49:36.871
John Boyle: I gotta be honest with you. I didn't think anybody would publish it.
00:49:36.971 --> 00:49:41.071
John Boyle: And this is like just being short-sighted, right? Because God had a plan and
00:49:41.071 --> 00:49:44.031
John Boyle: I'm like kind of fighting it the whole way.
00:49:44.131 --> 00:49:47.191
John Boyle: Like God, no, I really don't want to write this book.
00:49:47.511 --> 00:49:51.311
John Boyle: I really don't want to talk about these these things? And what's the purpose?
00:49:51.371 --> 00:49:52.491
John Boyle: It's already done, right?
00:49:52.651 --> 00:49:56.231
John Boyle: And now I know, right, that God is using my story for good.
00:49:56.291 --> 00:50:01.451
John Boyle: And he's using my story to bring people closer to him. And he's using it to help people.
00:50:01.651 --> 00:50:04.631
John Boyle: And I'm flattered and honored by that.
00:50:04.951 --> 00:50:10.671
John Boyle: And a lot of the feedback I've gotten, I've gotten feedback from alcoholics
00:50:10.671 --> 00:50:13.831
John Boyle: who are trying to quit or have already quit and are trying to stay sober.
00:50:14.251 --> 00:50:21.231
John Boyle: I've gotten feedback from people who have struggled with the same upbringing
00:50:21.231 --> 00:50:23.991
John Boyle: as a child in a violent home that I have.
00:50:24.191 --> 00:50:28.611
John Boyle: And some of these people are well-known, right? Two of them,
00:50:28.691 --> 00:50:29.871
John Boyle: United States senators.
00:50:30.291 --> 00:50:36.611
John Boyle: And it's just, it's been incredible to hear people just open up to me and share
00:50:36.611 --> 00:50:39.271
John Boyle: their own difficulty and their own journey.
00:50:39.371 --> 00:50:45.191
John Boyle: And to hear Thank you from people like that for saying, I haven't felt like
00:50:45.191 --> 00:50:49.571
John Boyle: I could tell my story because of the retribution I would receive from my family
00:50:49.571 --> 00:50:54.311
John Boyle: and what it might do to fracture it. But I'm so thankful that you told yours.
00:50:55.031 --> 00:50:58.171
John Boyle: I've had, I'll say one more thing and I'll be quiet.
00:50:58.651 --> 00:51:03.891
John Boyle: I've had colleagues on boards, boards of directors as recently as a few months
00:51:03.891 --> 00:51:06.751
John Boyle: ago, tell me, Hey, I, I read your book.
00:51:06.851 --> 00:51:11.711
John Boyle: I loved it. And I bought three more copies and I gave them to my children because
00:51:11.711 --> 00:51:15.571
John Boyle: I want them to see, one, what can happen when you get off track in your life,
00:51:15.591 --> 00:51:16.891
John Boyle: but two, the goodness of God.
00:51:17.071 --> 00:51:21.651
John Boyle: And it's just and what an honor. Yeah, I can't say it in another way.
00:51:21.831 --> 00:51:27.911
Kevin Lowe: Yeah, absolutely. An honor. Please remind us the name of your book and where
00:51:27.911 --> 00:51:33.111
Kevin Lowe: somebody can find your book who's excited enough to read it because,
00:51:33.171 --> 00:51:36.771
Kevin Lowe: I mean, my goodness, you've sold us on it like nobody's business.
00:51:36.991 --> 00:51:39.691
Kevin Lowe: So where can we find it?
00:51:39.771 --> 00:51:44.191
John Boyle: And thank you. Thank you. This has been awesome for your listeners.
00:51:44.451 --> 00:51:50.351
John Boyle: My book, the name of my book is Appalachian Kid, Appalachian Kid.
00:51:51.240 --> 00:51:56.140
John Boyle: And it can be found on Amazon. There's hardback, there's paperback copy,
00:51:56.360 --> 00:52:01.240
John Boyle: there's a Kindle copy, and there's also an audio book.
00:52:01.480 --> 00:52:09.360
John Boyle: And if you type in my name, John Boyle, Appalachian Kid, it will pop up and you can buy it there.
00:52:09.520 --> 00:52:17.960
John Boyle: I also have a website,, and there's a little bio of me and
00:52:17.960 --> 00:52:21.740
John Boyle: there's some endorsements that I received when I first published my book.
00:52:22.100 --> 00:52:26.600
John Boyle: And there's also a synopsis of the book itself, which gives the reader just
00:52:26.600 --> 00:52:28.200
John Boyle: a nutshell of what they'll be reading.
00:52:28.280 --> 00:52:31.920
John Boyle: But of course, anybody that listens to your show is going to know more than
00:52:31.920 --> 00:52:33.480
John Boyle: the synopsis would tell them.
00:52:33.580 --> 00:52:36.200
John Boyle: And I'm also on LinkedIn, John P. Boyle.
00:52:36.680 --> 00:52:42.940
Kevin Lowe: Amazing. John, I will be positive that everything is in the episode show notes
00:52:42.940 --> 00:52:47.480
Kevin Lowe: for anybody Anybody interested, please just check out the show notes for today's
00:52:47.480 --> 00:52:49.460
Kevin Lowe: episode for easy access.
00:52:49.960 --> 00:52:56.400
Kevin Lowe: John, man, I want to thank you so much today for sharing your story,
00:52:56.540 --> 00:52:59.480
Kevin Lowe: for taking us really on this journey.
00:52:59.700 --> 00:53:07.040
Kevin Lowe: And I want to say that I'm so happy for you and the place that you are today,
00:53:07.400 --> 00:53:09.340
Kevin Lowe: what you have overcome. come.
00:53:09.740 --> 00:53:17.580
Kevin Lowe: Life hasn't been easy, but I look at you and I think what an amazing testimony
00:53:17.580 --> 00:53:20.240
Kevin Lowe: you are to the power of God.
00:53:20.660 --> 00:53:24.300
John Boyle: Amen, brother. Amen. I couldn't have said it better.
00:53:24.800 --> 00:53:29.740
John Boyle: Thank you so much for having me. It's an honor. And I really hope this brings
00:53:29.740 --> 00:53:31.020
John Boyle: value to your listeners.
00:53:31.280 --> 00:53:34.060
John Boyle: It's been a great podcast. Thank you for having me.
00:53:34.380 --> 00:53:37.420
Kevin Lowe: Absolutely. Absolutely. For you listening today.
00:53:37.820 --> 00:53:43.500
Kevin Lowe: I hope, as always, that you've enjoyed our conversation with John as much as I have.
00:53:43.760 --> 00:53:48.000
Kevin Lowe: Such an amazing guy with such a heartfelt story to share.
00:53:48.180 --> 00:53:53.700
Kevin Lowe: I hope that something said today can be an impact to you in your life.
00:53:54.020 --> 00:53:58.220
Kevin Lowe: If something did resonate, if something made you think of somebody in your life,
00:53:58.420 --> 00:54:00.360
Kevin Lowe: please share today's episode with them.
00:54:00.420 --> 00:54:04.400
Kevin Lowe: That would be amazing. amazing and don't forget to check out the show notes
00:54:04.400 --> 00:54:10.580
Kevin Lowe: for all of the links to find john's book until next time i'm kevin lowe and
00:54:10.580 --> 00:54:13.440
Kevin Lowe: of course this is grit grace and inspiration
00:54:14.000 --> 00:54:32.751
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