Show Notes
FREE DOWNLOAD! 14 Nuggets of Wisdom for a Better Life!
Imagine waking up every morning with a fire in your soul, a purpose that makes your heart race with excitement. What if I told you that this isn't just a dream, but a reality waiting to be discovered??Today, we're diving deep into the life-changing power of finding your 'thing' - that passion that can transform your world.
This episode is for anyone feeling stuck, uninspired, or searching for meaning in your everyday life. If you're looking to reignite your passion, improve your mental and physical health, or simply want to discover a new purpose, this discussion on finding "your thing" was made just for you. It's especially relevant for those seeking personal growth and self-improvement in their journey towards a better, more fulfilled version of themselves.
What's It All About?
Your Host, Kevin Lowe, is diving into the transformative power of discovering your one true passion or purpose - what Kevin refers to as "your thing." Inspired by the remarkable story of Kim, a woman who found new strength through powerlifting after being paralyzed, Kevin guides listeners on a journey of self-discovery. He explains how finding that one special thing can be the key to unlocking joy, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. Packed full of practical tips and inspiring anecdotes, this episode is your roadmap to personal transformation and a renewed zest for life.
Some Key Takeaways:
- Discover how to identify and nurture your unique passion or "thing" that drives you
- Learn strategies to improve mental and physical health through finding your purpose
- Gain insights on overcoming obstacles and stepping out of your comfort zone for personal growth
Are you ready to transform your life and find your driving force? Tune in now to this inspiring episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration!
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Show Transcript
Kevin LoweImagine for a moment if you can wake up every morning excited about the day, it's not that today has anything, quote, exciting going on, but more so you finally found that thing, that one thing that drives you, that excites you, the one thing that when everything else in life is falling apart, it's the one thing that you can count on.
Kevin Lowe
It's the thing that keeps you pushing forward, that gets you out of bed each and every day.
Kevin Lowe
If you don't know what that thing is in your life, or maybe you're still not even quite sure what exactly I'm talking about, well, my friend, you are exactly where you're meant to be.
Kevin Lowe
Because today we're going to have you identify your own thing.
Kevin Lowe
We're going to have you understanding why it matters and exactly what it can do for you from this day forward.
Kevin Lowe
If you're game for it, well, then, my friend, let's find your thing.
Kevin Lowe
It's all inside of today's episode.
Kevin Lowe
Welcome to 359.
Kevin Lowe
Kevin Lowe
I'm your host, Kevin Lowe, and you are listening to Grit, Grace and inspiration Inside of Today's Episode.
Kevin Lowe
We are building on the incredible story that I introduced to you in our last episode.
Kevin Lowe
That would have been episode 358, where I sat down with an amazing woman named Kim.
Kevin Lowe
Now, if you heard Kim's story, you heard how through a series of unfortunate events, Kim was struck with an illness, a sickness that literally left her paralyzed.
Kevin Lowe
But of course, that isn't where her story stopped.
Kevin Lowe
No, actually, that was the beginning of a whole new chapter in her life, that next chapter that she would embark upon.
Kevin Lowe
Well, it's what inspired today's episode because if you heard her story, you will know that Kim went from a woman being paralyzed, unable to walk, unable to get out of bed, unable to live the life that she had been living, to a woman at 60 years old who got into powerlifting, Olympic powerlifting at that.
Kevin Lowe
And so when I look at her story, I don't just find it inspiring, empowering.
Kevin Lowe
I find it that amazing testament to what it means to find that thing, the one thing in your life that drives you, that excites you, the thing that's going to heal you, the thing that's going to have you taking your life back.
Kevin Lowe
For Kim, her thing became weightlifting.
Kevin Lowe
But my question to you is, what about you?
Kevin Lowe
What is your thing?
Kevin Lowe
If you don't have your own thing picked out, chosen, the thing that drives you, the thing that excites you on an ordinary morning, well, maybe today is the day that you start to think about it, you start to figure out exactly what is that thing when everything else is falling apart.
Kevin Lowe
You know, you can count on this.
Kevin Lowe
Now, if we want to go a level deeper, to really understand what I'm talking about when I'm talking about finding your thing, it's more than a hobby.
Kevin Lowe
It's more than an activity.
Kevin Lowe
It's more than Kim lifting weights.
Kevin Lowe
This is about you uncovering a part of yourself that maybe you didn't even realize existed.
Kevin Lowe
Or maybe it's you uncovering a part of yourself that you've forgotten about, that you've covered up as the years have gone by.
Kevin Lowe
For Kim, of course, it was weightlifting.
Kevin Lowe
For me, it became inspiring people through speaking and podcasting.
Kevin Lowe
Your thing, it could be anything.
Kevin Lowe
It could be painting.
Kevin Lowe
It could be on the computer, maybe designing webpages.
Kevin Lowe
It could be you doing arts and crafts.
Kevin Lowe
It could be running, it could be cycling, rowing.
Kevin Lowe
Anything and everything is possible.
Kevin Lowe
The options are endless.
Kevin Lowe
So don't put yourself in a box thinking it has to be one type of thing.
Kevin Lowe
No, your thing is as individualized as you are.
Kevin Lowe
The whole key here is that it resonates with who you are.
Kevin Lowe
It resonates on a deeper level.
Kevin Lowe
Again, the test here, does it excite you?
Kevin Lowe
Does it make you wake up in the morning excited because you get to do that thing?
Kevin Lowe
That, my friend, is the secret to be sure that you're choosing the right thing.
Kevin Lowe
The analogy I like to use.
Kevin Lowe
When you find your thing, it's like you put on eyeglasses for the first time.
Kevin Lowe
Now, when I was a little kid, back way before I ever became blind, I got glasses for the first time.
Kevin Lowe
I was little.
Kevin Lowe
I think I was in kindergarten when I got glasses.
Kevin Lowe
And I didn't realize how bad my vision was until I walked out of the eyeglass store.
Kevin Lowe
And I can remember walking out with my new eyeglasses on.
Kevin Lowe
And I remember looking down at the grass that was in between the sidewalk and the curb at the parking lot.
Kevin Lowe
I could see individual blades of grass.
Kevin Lowe
I had no idea I was missing out on this.
Kevin Lowe
I could see the individual leaves on the trees.
Kevin Lowe
Again, I didn't realize I was missing it until I could see it, until I could see clearly.
Kevin Lowe
When you find your thing, it's like you getting to see clear, just like that.
Kevin Lowe
If you are at a point in your life where you're looking for a transformation, you're looking to up level your personal growth and development, well, my friend, finding your thing is literally the shortcut you've been looking for.
Kevin Lowe
Now, what if you don't know what your thing is.
Kevin Lowe
You're not really sure about what it could be.
Kevin Lowe
You're kind of even maybe wondering, maybe this isn't really for me because I don't have a thing.
Kevin Lowe
Well, I believe everybody has a thing.
Kevin Lowe
I mean, look at Kim, the lady who inspired this.
Kevin Lowe
She didn't know she had a thing until she picked up a dumbbell.
Kevin Lowe
I didn't know that I had a thing until I kept showing up, sitting in this podcast studio, recording episodes day after day.
Kevin Lowe
And then I realized, wow, I think I found my thing.
Kevin Lowe
So, basically, my friend, finding your thing, it's a journey.
Kevin Lowe
It's not a destination.
Kevin Lowe
It's going to take some trial and error.
Kevin Lowe
It's going to take some playing with it.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to be excited about this journey of discovering your thing.
Kevin Lowe
Don't let it stress you out.
Kevin Lowe
Don't get overwhelmed by it.
Kevin Lowe
Instead, I want you to enjoy the process.
Kevin Lowe
Now, I do want you to understand that sometimes it does require you being willing to step outside of your comfort zone, to try something new, to put aside your hesitation and just go for it.
Kevin Lowe
Many times it may be as simple as you revisiting something that you used to love.
Kevin Lowe
But through life, you've forgotten about, you've changed as a person.
Kevin Lowe
And maybe, though, deep inside, there's a part of you who still loves what you used to do.
Kevin Lowe
Maybe you used to be big into dancing, line dancing.
Kevin Lowe
You haven't line danced in years, but maybe there's a part of you, deep down inside, that would still love to give it a try.
Kevin Lowe
Well, my friend, go bust out the cowboy boots and find your closest western bar and go hit the dance floor for a little line dancing.
Kevin Lowe
Whatever it is, I encourage you to dig deep, to revisit things that you used to love.
Kevin Lowe
Because if we never try, well, then you're never going to stand a chance at finding that one thing.
Kevin Lowe
The thing that honestly might just set your life alive.
Kevin Lowe
Maybe life's been a little dull here lately.
Kevin Lowe
Well, you finding your thing, it's going to change it all instantly.
Kevin Lowe
Now, I want us to be reminded again why this is so important.
Kevin Lowe
This isn't just about finding a new activity for the year.
Kevin Lowe
No, it's more than that.
Kevin Lowe
This is about having something that has you loving life again.
Kevin Lowe
It improves your mental health, your physical health.
Kevin Lowe
It's going to help you reduce stress, have you worrying about stuff, a little bit less anxiety, it's going to help it.
Kevin Lowe
Everything that you've been dealing with.
Kevin Lowe
I promise you, when you find your thing, it has the potential to change it all.
Kevin Lowe
If you look at Kim, not only did weightlifting change her physical health, it changed her mental health as well.
Kevin Lowe
It gave her confidence like she never had before.
Kevin Lowe
It gave her this new ability that she never realized she had before.
Kevin Lowe
A woman who went from being paralyzed to now Olympic weightlifting at 60 years old, an age that tells us we shouldn't be doing stuff like that.
Kevin Lowe
But instead, Kim went for it and she's doing it and she's thriving.
Kevin Lowe
And along the way, she's inspiring so many people, just like she inspired me when I got to sit down and interview her.
Kevin Lowe
So what can you do today, right now, to have you discovering what your thing is?
Kevin Lowe
Well, we're going to give you some action items, some ideas to help you discover exactly what your thing is.
Kevin Lowe
First step, set aside some time.
Kevin Lowe
Be proactive in this.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to approach this like it's a goal.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to realize that this deserves time put on the calendar.
Kevin Lowe
So if that means you blocking off 30 minutes, or maybe it's just as simple as on your lunch break taking some time to really dig deep, to think back to things that you used to love, to get clear on things that you do love, you do enjoy.
Kevin Lowe
And maybe it's you just tapping into it a little bit deeper.
Kevin Lowe
Second step, take that thinking a little bit further.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to create a list.
Kevin Lowe
Bust out the notes app on your iPhone, pull up a sheet of paper, and I want you to create what we're going to call a curiosity list.
Kevin Lowe
This isn't a definitive list.
Kevin Lowe
Kevin Lowe
It's things that you think you might be into, things that may potentially become your thing.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to create a list.
Kevin Lowe
And then, of course, once we have that list, well, you have to be brave enough, willing enough to start checking them off again.
Kevin Lowe
This is trial and error, my friend.
Kevin Lowe
Some things are going to feel good.
Kevin Lowe
Some things immediately are going to make you realize, nope, not my thing.
Kevin Lowe
And that is perfect because the more things we put at X by that narrows down the focus even more to the things that we're going to actually put a check by of.
Kevin Lowe
Oh, you know what?
Kevin Lowe
This might possibly be my thing.
Kevin Lowe
And my third tip here to help you, identifying your thing.
Kevin Lowe
Well, it kind of ties in with one of our previous episodes where I talked about ditching the typical New Year's resolution and instead adopting this idea of monthly resolutions every month, focusing on something new.
Kevin Lowe
Well, my friend, if you've been wondering what you're going to focus on every month, maybe this is your answer.
Kevin Lowe
Maybe you're going to take that list of things and you're going to devote one month to giving it a try to really be able to be sure if it is indeed something that you love, that you realize maybe at first it's not for you, but because you have a month devoted to it, you keep at it and by the end of the month you realize, wow, I actually really love this.
Kevin Lowe
So give it the month by month test, give it a shot and see what happens.
Kevin Lowe
What's the worst that can happen?
Kevin Lowe
I don't know.
Kevin Lowe
Maybe that you just have a little bit of fun.
Kevin Lowe
You realize that you don't really like that activity.
Kevin Lowe
Whatever it is, my friend, just do it, live it.
Kevin Lowe
And if nothing else, you'll have a really awesome story to come away with at the end of the month about this crazy thing that you tried.
Kevin Lowe
The thing I want you to remember is that we have Kim at 60 years old who found her thing, her thing in weightlifting.
Kevin Lowe
I found my purpose in inspiring others by using what I've gone through in my own life to be a help to other people.
Kevin Lowe
You, my friend, I ask you, what is it going to be for you?
Kevin Lowe
Your story isn't finished.
Kevin Lowe
Every day is a new opportunity at a new beginning.
Kevin Lowe
Every day the sun rises is a fresh, new start.
Kevin Lowe
Today is a new day and I hope you take advantage of it.
Kevin Lowe
I hope today's episode inspired you, motivated you, empowered you to identify what your thing is, all in pursuit of you being sure that you're living this life to the best of your ability, my friend.
Kevin Lowe
As always, I hope today's episode inspired you, empowered you, motivated you to get out there and enjoy this beautiful thing we call life.
Kevin Lowe
Until next time, I'm your host, Kevin Lowe.
Kevin Lowe
Don't forget, new episodes drop every Tuesday and Thursday, so be sure that you are following the podcast on your app of choice.
Kevin Lowe
And check out today's show notes for links to the podcast, free resource mentioned at the beginning of the episode.
Kevin Lowe
And hey, I hope you have an amazing day and it's been a pleasure being here with you today.
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