Show Notes
Get ready to grab a pen, find some paper, and write a heartfelt letter to someone special today – you might just change two lives with one stamp!
Did you know that simply writing a letter can be way more impactful than texting, emailing, or posting on social media? And yes, I'm talking about pen and paper!
Whether you're looking to rekindle old friendships, express heartfelt emotions, or simply make someone's day, this exploration into the lost art of the handwritten letter offers a refreshing alternative.
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What's It All About?
In this episode, host Kevin Lowe dives into the forgotten art of letter writing and its surprising relevance in our modern world. He shares personal insights and stories that highlight the unique power of handwritten letters to convey emotions, rebuild relationships, and create lasting memories. Kevin challenges you to rediscover this old-school communication method and experience its transformative effects firsthand, proving that sometimes, the most impactful way to reach out is by going back to basics.
Some Key Takeaways:
- Understand why writing letters can be more meaningful and impactful than digital communication
- Learn how letters can change lives by expressing love, seeking forgiveness, or rekindling friendships
- Discover the lasting impact of tangible, handwritten communication in our fleeting digital world
After pressing PLAY on today's episode... Remember to take action! So, grab yourself a pen, find some paper, and write a heartfelt letter to someone special today – you might just change two lives with one stamp.
Hey, it's Kevin!
I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!
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Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!
© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration
Show Transcript
00:00:00.917 --> 00:00:05.457
When was the last time that you received a handwritten letter in the mail?
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Or maybe better said, when was the last time that you actually sat down and
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wrote out a letter, put a stamp on it, and mailed it to someone?
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If it's been a while, well, then today is your episode to tune in a little bit closer.
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And that is because inside of today's episode, you are going to discover the
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amazing power of the handwritten letter.
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Yes, my friend, I am talking about pen and paper. Kind of makes you wonder,
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do they still even sell whiteout?
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Hey, it is episode 341. I'm excited you're here. Let's dive in.
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Yo, are you ready to flip the script on life? Because those bad days,
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they're just doors to better days.
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And that's exactly what we do here at Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.
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Your host, Kevin Lowe. He's been flipping the script on his own life,
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turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight-up inspiration,
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motivation, and encouragement just for you.
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So, kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.
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Now, I already know what you're thinking. Yes, I know exactly what you're thinking.
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You're not even two minutes into this episode, and you're already thinking,
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this is stupid. Why are we worrying about writing a letter?
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Why are we messing with pen and paper and whiteout?
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Kevin, we have texting. We have email. There's a thing called social media.
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Yes, I know. I've not been living under a rock. Trust me.
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And the truth is, I get it. I understand it's easy to shoot off a text message.
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It's easy to fill in the gaps with little cute emojis.
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But the thing is, is there's a depth to the art of writing a letter.
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It means something more than you may even realize.
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And the whole reason that I'm talking about this was because I was inspired
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by the story of Kara Wilson Granite and Otto Frank.
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That was featured back in episode 339, just two episodes ago.
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And if you heard that interview, you heard that they developed an amazing relationship
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all through the power of writing a letter.
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And it was through their story that it got me thinking about this lost art,
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this art of actually sitting down to write a letter to somebody,
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not to fire off a text message, not to send them an email.
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No, but to actually sit down and write out a letter.
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And by the way, before we continue, in case you're like, whoa,
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whoa, whoa, what about this episode you're referring to?
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Well, just go back. Like I said, it's episode 339, an amazing interview where
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we learn all about Otto Frank, the father of the infamous Anne Frank,
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you know, the author of the diary of Anne Frank.
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It's definitely an episode you should go back and listen to if intrigued on this whole topic.
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So I guess we want to start things off by understanding, but why?
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What makes it so important? What makes it more meaningful than sending a text message?
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And the truth is, is that when you write a letter, you're forced to slow down.
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You're forced to actually think about what you want to say.
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You're not dictating out a text message while driving. You're not searching
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your phone for the cutest emoji to describe exactly how you're feeling.
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No, you're literally having to put your thoughts into words and put your words onto paper.
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Now, I guess it's important to be clear on one thing.
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There is one slight exception to the rule is that whether you're writing it
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by hand or you're on a computer typing it out, it's the same thing.
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Now, yes, of course, a handwritten letter, there's nothing like it.
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But, well, if you're somebody like myself, you're completely blind,
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and it's a little bit hard to write out a letter.
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Well, you have the valid reason to type it out on a computer.
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But here's the thing. Even if it's on the computer, you're not emailing it.
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No. You're going to print it out. You're going to sign it.
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Yes, your handwritten signature. And you're going to put it in an envelope.
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You're going to put a stamp on it, and you're going to put it in the mail.
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So whether we're handwriting or we're typing it out, either which way,
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it's more than what we normally do.
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It's not just an email. It's not just a text message. And it darn sure ain't no DM on Instagram.
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No, this is real meaningful stuff. This is writing a letter.
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And the reason that this is so powerful is I ask you, do you remember the last
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time that you received a handwritten letter in the mail?
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Maybe you don't even remember that. And honestly, that's kind of sad.
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But I bet if you do remember, you remember how excited you were.
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How, wow, somebody took the time to send me a letter?
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In this digital age, when we go back old school, sending a letter in the mail,
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it's like a special surprise.
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Everybody's expecting nothing but junk mail to be waiting.
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But then to find a letter from you? Oh my gosh, it literally could make someone's day.
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But here's the real kicker is that letters, they literally have the ability to change lives.
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They express how we're feeling. We can tell somebody how much we love them.
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We can also use them to express how we're sorry, asking for forgiveness,
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pouring out our heart, letting them know that what we're saying is sincere.
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We didn't just want to send them a text message. No, we wanted to take the time
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to put our thoughts on the paper.
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And we wanted to let them know exactly how we're feeling.
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There's also the ability for it to brighten someone's day.
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For you to just send a random letter to a friend from the past who it's been
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way too long since you've talked to them.
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Instead of just texting them, instead you send them a letter.
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It opens up an amazing ability for you to re-kinder a relationship,
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a friendship with one another.
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The possibilities are endless.
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It's only going to be positive, I can guarantee you.
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And what I think is especially neat about a letter is it's tangible.
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You can hold it in your hand. You literally can put it in your desk drawer and remember it forever.
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Things that you can't do with a simple text message or an email.
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No, instead, you have something that you can keep forever.
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I guarantee you that you probably have letters stowed away either in a box up
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in the attic or maybe it's down in the bottom of your nightstand drawer.
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There's probably a couple of letters that you've received that have meant something to you.
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Well, what if you could be the one who starts being the one to write those letters,
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to start leaving an impact on somebody else's life?
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So inside of today's episode, your assignment is simple. I want you to sit down
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and I want you to write somebody a letter.
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Yeah, I'm talking about a real, honest, actual letter.
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Yes, it takes paper and a pen, especially a pen that works.
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And of course, if handwriting isn't so easy, like it isn't so easy for myself,
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then of course, just bust out the computer.
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But be sure that you have access to a printer because remember,
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I want you to print this out because you're sending it to the person via the mail.
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Yes, snail mail is back in style as of today's episode.
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This letter you're going to write, I want you to think about who you want to
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send it to. Is it a friend you haven't talked to in a while?
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Maybe is it a family member you see every day, yet you never really get to engage
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in a meaningful conversation?
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Or maybe it's your next door neighbor who you only see when you go down to get
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the garbage can or when you're out getting the mail.
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You always just have those short little conversations of, hey, how's it going?
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Oh, fine. And then you both walk back inside and never say anything.
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What if you instead sent a letter to your neighbor and literally just said,
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whatever's on your mind, let them know how grateful you are to have them as a neighbor.
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Whatever it is, it's just the act of you getting to express how you're feeling
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in a really unique way, an old school way.
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We're bringing the old school back to today, my friend, and we are revealing its amazing power.
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So my friend, I want you to remember that in this age of social media,
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of email, of texting, I want you to realize that by you sending a handwritten letter, it's radical.
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It's incredible. It's unique. It's unusual. And it's going to draw attention.
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It's going to mean something so much to the person who receives it.
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And to be quite honest, it's going to mean something to you.
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The fact that you did this, you took the extra effort to actually sit down and write out a letter.
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And ordinarily, I would tell you that if you like today's episode to please
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share it with a friend, but instead, no, don't share it with them. Don't text them.
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Instead, I want you to sit down and I want you to write them a letter.
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And if so compelled, you can explain why you were inspired to do such a radical
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thing as sending a letter?
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Well, it was because of episode 341 on the podcast, Grace and Inspiration.
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You should go listen to it. You tell them. That is a cool way of you sharing
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today's episode with somebody you love.
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My friend, I hope today's episode inspired you, encouraged you,
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maybe have you looking at things a little bit differently about this idea of
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writing a letter, the power in your words.
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It's going to mean something magical.
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And with that, I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I know I sure have been bringing it to you.
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And as always, my friend, stay awesome and live inspired.
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