Ever feel like life passes by faster and faster with each year that passes? Imagine if you could slow down time, savor each moment, and make your days feel as endless as they did when you were a kid. Sounds impossible? Think again!
Doesn't Matter if You're 25 or 65
Whether you're 25 or 65, these insights could revolutionize how you experience every day. In a world where time seems to slip through our fingers, this episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration offers a game-changing perspective. Host Kevin Lowe dives deep into the mystery of time perception and reveals practical strategies to make your life feel longer and more fulfilling!
CLICK HERE to send Kevin a Private Voice Message
Let's Go Back to Childhood
Prepare to have your mind blown as Kevin unravels why time flies as we age. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, he presents a captivating exploration of how our minds process time differently at various stages of life. But he doesn't stop there – Kevin shares three powerful, actionable strategies that can help you recapture that childhood sense of time abundance. Get ready to discover how simple changes in your daily routine can dramatically alter your perception of time's passage.
3 BIG Takeaways:
1. Seek out new experiences as often as possible to keep your brain engaged.
2. Practice mindfulness to be fully present in the moment and appreciate each experience.
3. Fill your life with anticipation by planning things you look forward to, creating excitement in your life.
Press Play to Pause Time
Don't let another day slip by unnoticed! Tune in now to discover how you can start slowing down time and savoring life's precious moments. This episode isn't just about listening – it's about transforming your relationship with time itself.
Meet Your Podcast Host
Meet Kevin Lowe, the inspiring host of Grit, Grace, and Inspiration. With over two decades of navigating life without sight, Kevin has transformed his challenges into a wellspring of motivation for his listeners. His unique perspective on life's hurdles, coupled with his infectious positivity, makes him the perfect guide for anyone looking to find meaning in their experiences and slow down the relentless march of time. Kevin's blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice makes this episode a must-listen for anyone feeling overwhelmed by life's rapid pace.
Hey, it's Kevin!
I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!
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Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!
© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration
time perception, slowing down time, new experiences, mindfulness, living in the moment, making life meaningful, time management, personal growth, childhood memories, experiences as adults, anticipation, finding joy in...
Show Notes
Ever feel like life passes by faster and faster with each year that passes? Imagine if you could slow down time, savor each moment, and make your days feel as endless as they did when you were a kid. Sounds impossible? Think again!
Doesn't Matter if You're 25 or 65
Whether you're 25 or 65, these insights could revolutionize how you experience every day. In a world where time seems to slip through our fingers, this episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration offers a game-changing perspective. Host Kevin Lowe dives deep into the mystery of time perception and reveals practical strategies to make your life feel longer and more fulfilling!
CLICK HERE to send Kevin a Private Voice Message
Let's Go Back to Childhood
Prepare to have your mind blown as Kevin unravels why time flies as we age. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, he presents a captivating exploration of how our minds process time differently at various stages of life. But he doesn't stop there – Kevin shares three powerful, actionable strategies that can help you recapture that childhood sense of time abundance. Get ready to discover how simple changes in your daily routine can dramatically alter your perception of time's passage.
3 BIG Takeaways:
1. Seek out new experiences as often as possible to keep your brain engaged.
2. Practice mindfulness to be fully present in the moment and appreciate each experience.
3. Fill your life with anticipation by planning things you look forward to, creating excitement in your life.
Press Play to Pause Time
Don't let another day slip by unnoticed! Tune in now to discover how you can start slowing down time and savoring life's precious moments. This episode isn't just about listening – it's about transforming your relationship with time itself.
Meet Your Podcast Host
Meet Kevin Lowe, the inspiring host of Grit, Grace, and Inspiration. With over two decades of navigating life without sight, Kevin has transformed his challenges into a wellspring of motivation for his listeners. His unique perspective on life's hurdles, coupled with his infectious positivity, makes him the perfect guide for anyone looking to find meaning in their experiences and slow down the relentless march of time. Kevin's blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice makes this episode a must-listen for anyone feeling overwhelmed by life's rapid pace.
Hey, it's Kevin!
I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!
- I would LOVE to hear from you! Send me a Voice Message
- Sign-Up to Receive My LinkedIn Newsletter
- Plus Hangout with Me on LinkedIn
- Let's Schedule a Virtual Coffee Date
- Come Checkout the Website
Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!
© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration
time perception, slowing down time, new experiences, mindfulness, living in the moment, making life meaningful, time management, personal growth, childhood memories, experiences as adults, anticipation, finding joy in life, self-improvement tips, overcoming routine, making time last, happiness strategies, planning for excitement, changing perception of time, adult life challenges, enjoying the present
Show Transcript
Kevin LowePlease tell me I'm not the only one who feels like time seems to fly by faster and faster with every year that passes.
Kevin Lowe
I mean, think about back when we were kids and it seemed like everything took forever to arrive.
Kevin Lowe
Whether it was your birthday, whether it was the end of school, whether it was summer vacation, whatever it was, it was like life took forever, ever.
Kevin Lowe
And yet now, as an adult, it's like we blink and it's Christmas blinking in.
Kevin Lowe
It's another year past.
Kevin Lowe
It's ridiculous.
Kevin Lowe
But here's the question I posed for today's episode.
Kevin Lowe
What if we can change that?
Kevin Lowe
Yeah, what if we can change the way in which we perceive time?
Kevin Lowe
Slow down time, make life last a little bit longer?
Kevin Lowe
If you're at all curious.
Kevin Lowe
Well, awesome, because I am, too.
Kevin Lowe
And that's exactly why I am excited for us to dive into today's episode.
Kevin Lowe
So, my friend, I welcome you.
Kevin Lowe
It's episode 332.
Kevin Lowe
Speaker B
Are you ready to flip the script on life?
Speaker B
Cause those bad days, they're just doors to better days.
Speaker B
And that's exactly what we do here at grit, grace, and inspiration.
Speaker B
Your host, Kevin Lowe.
Speaker B
He's been flipping the script on his own life, turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration, motivation, and encouragement just for you.
Speaker B
So kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.
Kevin Lowe
So check this out.
Kevin Lowe
This feeling that time is passing by faster and faster with every year that we get older.
Kevin Lowe
It's actually something that science has proved to be true.
Kevin Lowe
Scientists, people way smarter than me, and I don't know, maybe you, theyve actually taken interest in the same subject and they have determined that, yes, indeed, our brains really do perceive time differently as we age.
Kevin Lowe
But what today is all about is the cool thing is that theres something we can actually do about this.
Kevin Lowe
Now, obviously, im not going to share some secret about how to actually change time.
Kevin Lowe
No, I don't have those abilities.
Kevin Lowe
But instead, we're going to talk about the way in which we perceive time.
Kevin Lowe
So if you stick with me throughout today's episode, I'm going to share some simple tricks, some tips to help you slow down time and to make life last a little bit longer before we get to discovering how we're going to make time last longer.
Kevin Lowe
I guess let's kind of rewind things a little bit and try to better understand why did time seem to be slower when we were younger?
Kevin Lowe
If you think about it, when we're growing up, everything is new.
Kevin Lowe
Every sleepover, every first day of school, your first time at riding a bike, your first time going on a date, your first time driving a car, it's all these new experiences that your brain is constantly in overdrive, trying to take in this world.
Kevin Lowe
And as your brain is in overdrive, trying its best to process all of this new information, it makes time feel slower.
Kevin Lowe
So, as we get older, what happens?
Kevin Lowe
Well, the opposite occurs.
Kevin Lowe
We no longer are trying new things.
Kevin Lowe
We're no longer growing.
Kevin Lowe
We're no longer evolving into the person we are.
Kevin Lowe
Kevin Lowe
Instead, we get lame, we get boring.
Kevin Lowe
We get stuck in a rut.
Kevin Lowe
We get doing the same thing day after day.
Kevin Lowe
And so therefore, what happens?
Kevin Lowe
Our brain no longer has to work so hard to process new information.
Kevin Lowe
Therefore, time seems to zip by.
Kevin Lowe
Because our brain isn't having to work so hard when we're kids, the brain is working tough.
Kevin Lowe
As we get older and we get lazy and we just fall into the routines of life, well, our brain slows down, and therefore, kind of the opposite.
Kevin Lowe
Time speeds up.
Kevin Lowe
Now, another thing which, when I was researching for today's episode, I was like, wow.
Kevin Lowe
Well, this really makes sense when you think about it, is that when you're a kid, say you're ten years old, one year is a 10th of your life.
Kevin Lowe
That's a long time.
Kevin Lowe
No wonder it lasts a little bit longer.
Kevin Lowe
Compare that to if you're 50 years old, then one year is only 2% of your life.
Kevin Lowe
Now, I'm going to hope that I did the math correct on that, but as you can see, we're comparing one year at ten years old of being 10% of your life versus one year at 50 years old being 2% of your life.
Kevin Lowe
It just makes sense when you think about it in that regard.
Kevin Lowe
Now, if the numbers kind of left you thinking, um, I don't know if Kev knows what he's talking about.
Kevin Lowe
Maybe I should not do math here on the podcast, because it's definitely not my strong suit.
Kevin Lowe
But I hope you kind of get where I'm going with this, is that as we're growing up, we're experiencing new things, we're trying new things.
Kevin Lowe
We're not stuck in the rut like we are as adults.
Kevin Lowe
And at the same point, life, we haven't been here as long, so things seem to be lasting a little bit longer than they do.
Kevin Lowe
Then when we are older, it just makes sense when you think about it.
Kevin Lowe
So, all of that being said is, for the purpose of today's episode, is that we needed to understand that in order for us to be able to put the breaks on time and slow things down a bit.
Kevin Lowe
And in order to do this well, I put together three strategies to help you slow time down, to help you take time back to being a kid when everything seemed to take forever.
Kevin Lowe
Kevin Lowe
And I mean forever.
Kevin Lowe
Number one, my friend, it's for you to seek out new experiences as often as possible.
Kevin Lowe
Now, here, I want you to remember, new is key.
Kevin Lowe
It's a new coffee shop.
Kevin Lowe
It's a new way to work.
Kevin Lowe
It's you learning a new skill.
Kevin Lowe
It's even you doing something as simple as brushing your teeth with the opposite hand.
Kevin Lowe
Kevin Lowe
It makes your brain think more than it was brushing your teeth.
Kevin Lowe
It's something super routine, something you don't think about.
Kevin Lowe
But if you switch hands and now you're trying to brush your teeth with the other hand, your brain's thinking and it's slowing down time.
Kevin Lowe
I think that's a really cool example of exactly what I'm trying to say here is it's getting your mind to think to getting yourself in new situations.
Kevin Lowe
Or maybe it's the same situation but just looked at from a different angle and therefore it slows everything down.
Kevin Lowe
It has you focusing on the here and now a little bit more.
Kevin Lowe
And that actually segues perfect into my second tip.
Kevin Lowe
And that is being more mindful of the here and now.
Kevin Lowe
This, my friend, is about being mindful of right now, to be present in the moment.
Kevin Lowe
If you want to make this moment last a little bit longer, then stop thinking about the next moment to happen.
Kevin Lowe
If you want today to be amazing, then don't keep focusing on what tomorrow holds.
Kevin Lowe
You have to be present in right now.
Kevin Lowe
Don't focus on yesterday.
Kevin Lowe
Don't focus on tomorrow.
Kevin Lowe
Instead, put all of your attention right now.
Kevin Lowe
The more that you're fully in depth into what you're doing, the longer it's going to be, the more meaningful it's going to be.
Kevin Lowe
And honestly, if you think about it, thats really what this is all about.
Kevin Lowe
Its not really about making time last longer.
Kevin Lowe
Its about getting more out of every second were here making things a little bit more meaningful.
Kevin Lowe
So the next time that you catch yourself living on autopilot, I want you to slow yourself down.
Kevin Lowe
Want yourself to get present in the moment when youre eating dinner with your family, dont pick up your phone, dont turn on the tv.
Kevin Lowe
Just be present in the moment.
Kevin Lowe
The importance of that, the meaning of that is far reaching.
Kevin Lowe
And I believe it can do a lot more for us than just this idea of slowing down time.
Kevin Lowe
And my third tip is my favorite tip, and that is to fill your life with things that you look forward to.
Kevin Lowe
This goes back to that whole idea of as kids time moving slowly because we're always looking forward to something.
Kevin Lowe
I know myself, I always had something big I wanted for my birthday or something big I had asked Santa Claus for, for Christmas.
Kevin Lowe
And therefore, my friend, it felt like forever for either of those to arrive.
Kevin Lowe
Same thing with summer vacation.
Kevin Lowe
Couldn't wait for it to get here for school to be over with and therefore school, oh my gosh, it was like it lasted forever.
Kevin Lowe
So why don't we do that in our lives today as adults?
Kevin Lowe
So maybe you need to start planning out some more things in your life that you're excited about.
Kevin Lowe
Make plans for this upcoming weekend.
Kevin Lowe
Make plans for a big vacation a few months from now, a year from now.
Kevin Lowe
Constantly giving yourself something to be excited about.
Kevin Lowe
And it doesn't have to be big things.
Kevin Lowe
Maybe it's just a really awesome dinner that you have planned out for tonight.
Kevin Lowe
And all day you're spent thinking about it, you're excited about it again.
Kevin Lowe
That is key, my friend.
Kevin Lowe
It has to be something that you're truly, genuinely excited about.
Kevin Lowe
Because when we get excited, when you start anticipating what is to come, well, then naturally time is going to move a little bit slower.
Kevin Lowe
I think a perfect example of this is going on a road trip.
Kevin Lowe
I can remember as a kid and heck, even as an adult, when off on a road trip, going on vacation, the drive to wherever youre headed always seems way longer than the drive back home.
Kevin Lowe
I dont know if you can relate, but I can.
Kevin Lowe
I can think of trips up into the mountains or trips down to the Florida Keys.
Kevin Lowe
The trip there was always so much longer than the drive back home.
Kevin Lowe
It's because we're excited about what is to come.
Kevin Lowe
We're constantly anticipating what is next.
Kevin Lowe
But the drive back home, well, we're all bummed.
Kevin Lowe
We don't want to go home.
Kevin Lowe
We don't want vacation to end.
Kevin Lowe
The sites that we're passing, well, we've already seen them.
Kevin Lowe
It's old news.
Kevin Lowe
That's exactly what I'm talking about with the new experiences.
Kevin Lowe
Thing is, you got to have things that you're excited about, new experiences that you're looking forward to.
Kevin Lowe
That, my friend, is going to make time slow way down.
Kevin Lowe
So, my friend, here's the bottom line.
Kevin Lowe
We can't actually slow down time, but we can do a lot of things to change the way in which we perceive time.
Kevin Lowe
By you experiencing new things, by you being present in the moment, and by you planning out things that get you excited about the future.
Kevin Lowe
Naturally, time is going to start to move a little bit slower.
Kevin Lowe
So I leave you with a challenge.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to try something new.
Kevin Lowe
I want you to plan something that you're excited about.
Kevin Lowe
And I want you to be sure that you're living in the moment each and every day.
Kevin Lowe
Stop thinking so much about tomorrow and just be sure that when you've planned that thing, that once that thing arrives, that you dont just be thinking about the next thing.
Kevin Lowe
But instead, youre present in the moment, that you soak it all in, that you take it all in.
Kevin Lowe
You enjoy every moment you have with those around you, that you enjoy this life to the fullest.
Kevin Lowe
And my friend, naturally youre going to realize that, huh, the year didnt fly by like it used to.
Kevin Lowe
Does seem like things are moving a little bit slower.
Kevin Lowe
And as we get older, I think that is something that we could all definitely use is to slow down life a little bit more.
Kevin Lowe
So, my friend, I hope todays episode helped you in some way of maybe making life last a little bit longer.
Kevin Lowe
My name is Kevin Lowe.
Kevin Lowe
Im your host.
Kevin Lowe
And this, of course, was another episode of grit, grace, and inspiration.
Kevin Lowe
It's been my pleasure to be here with you today.
Kevin Lowe
So it's your turn to get out there and enjoy the day.
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