Show Notes

How do you turn your life's purpose from a mere concept into a driving force that shapes your everyday actions? In this episode, we explore the practical steps to living out your purpose and making it an integral part of your daily life.



What Exactly Is This All About?

Discover how to align your everyday life with your life's purpose in this heartfelt and motivating episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration. Kevin Lowe challenges you to reflect on the actions and mindset that guide you daily, ensuring your purpose isn't just a distant idea but a living reality.

Through personal insights, Kevin shares how living in alignment with your purpose can transform even the hardest days into meaningful experiences, making life's challenges appear as opportunities for growth. With practical tips on creating habits and rituals, he encourages you to reconnect with what truly matters, be it through prayer, journaling, or simply taking a mindful walk. As you listen, you'll be inspired to embrace a life driven by dreams and purpose, showing up as your best self every day.

Some Key Takeaways:

  • Living in alignment with your life's purpose can transform everyday challenges into opportunities.
  • Your life's purpose should guide your daily actions and mindset, not just be an idea.
  • It's important to regularly pause and reflect on whether your life aligns with your purpose.
  • Creating habits and rituals around your purpose helps keep you connected even in busy times.
  • Don't be afraid to realign your life if you find you're veering off your purpose.
  • Pursuing a deeper, meaningful purpose in life can make you more resilient and unstoppable.
  • Staying true to your life's purpose can make even the hardest days seem more meaningful.

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

Kevin Lowe

So maybe you already know what your life's purpose is.

Kevin Lowe

You know exactly why you're here, and you know exactly what you are meant to do.

Kevin Lowe

But the question I want to ask is, is what are you doing to be sure that you are living out that purpose?

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

What actions are you taking each and every day?

Kevin Lowe

What mindset do you wake up with?

Kevin Lowe

What are you doing to be sure that your life's purpose isn't just some idea, something that you put on the shelf, but rather its the guiding light guiding you throughout every single day of your life.

Kevin Lowe

If youre not sure of exactly what that is or what it even looks like or, heck, what im even talking about, well, then, my friend, today is exactly for you.

Kevin Lowe

I welcome you to episode 329.

Kevin Lowe


Speaker B

Are you ready to flip the script on life?

Speaker B

Cause those bad days, theyre just doors to better days.

Speaker B

And thats exactly what we do here.

Speaker B

Here at grit, grace, and inspiration.

Speaker B

Your host, Kevin Lowe.

Speaker B

He's been flipping the script on his own life, turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration, motivation, and encouragement just for you.

Speaker B

So kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.

Kevin Lowe

Inside of today's episode, we're gonna build on what we talked about three episodes ago.

Kevin Lowe

That would have been episode 326, when we talked all about identifying your life's purpose, or also known as your reason why, the thing that guides you through life.

Kevin Lowe

But today, we're taking it to the next level and being sure that we're using that to your advantage.

Kevin Lowe

Because, as I said at the beginning, I don't just want your life's purpose to be something that you figure out and then you do nothing with, because, well, I kind of think that defeats the entire purpose of everything we're doing.

Kevin Lowe

Instead, today, we're going to figure out how we can harness it and how we can be sure that you're doing the work.

Kevin Lowe

You're putting in the actions, you're putting in the reps each and every day so that you're making the most of your life's purpose.

Kevin Lowe

The first step is alignment.

Kevin Lowe

Everything you do, everything you think, every action you take, it should be in alignment with your life's purpose.

Kevin Lowe

This isn't about making huge changes overnight, but rather just the small, everyday tasks you do, ultimately leading to the life that you want to live.

Kevin Lowe

Living out our life's purpose is to be sure that you are showing up as your best self and to be sure that you're living out the life that you want to live, that you are building a legacy that you want to be remembered for.

Kevin Lowe

So it's as easy as you taking the time to literally take a pause in your day, maybe right first thing in the morning and just ask yourself some simple questions.

Kevin Lowe

Is what I have planned out today in alignment with my purpose?

Kevin Lowe

Is the way I'm living reflecting what I truly value and what I want out of my life?

Kevin Lowe

And listen, if the answer is no, that's okay, because that's what this is all about.

Kevin Lowe

It's about realignment, getting back at alignment because it's so easy to veer off course, to get off line of whatever we're doing in life.

Kevin Lowe

Whether you're chasing a goal, chasing a dream, or trying to live out your purpose.

Kevin Lowe

It's easy to get distracted.

Kevin Lowe

It's easy to get caught up in this or that that has you, before you know it, headed off in a wrong direction and, oh, my gosh, it's time to put on the brakes, hit reverse and start all over.

Kevin Lowe

It's easy.

Kevin Lowe

And so I want you to realize that it's also easy to get back on track.

Kevin Lowe

You don't have to feel like, oh, my gosh, I.

Kevin Lowe

I fell off the horse.

Kevin Lowe

I'm too far gone.

Kevin Lowe

No, you're never too far gone.

Kevin Lowe

Today, right now is the best time for you to get back in alignment, to start living in alignment with what you believe in your heart you know in your head is right.

Kevin Lowe

And the whole thing here is that when you start living in alignment with your life's purpose, you will find that even the hardest days, they seem a little bit easier things in life, they'll have a little bit more meaning.

Kevin Lowe

You'll begin to look at the sunrise differently.

Kevin Lowe

You'll begin to look at the sunset differently.

Kevin Lowe

You'll start to notice the little things in life, the things that really and truly matter.

Kevin Lowe

That, my friend, is when you know you are living in alignment with your purpose and whatever that purpose is.

Kevin Lowe

Now, let's face it, the truth is, is that living out your life's purpose each and every day, it's not the easiest thing.

Kevin Lowe

There's going to be times in your life when it's going to be really hard.

Kevin Lowe

And to be honest, there's going to be days when you're tempted to give up, when you feel like it's too hard.

Kevin Lowe

You feel like the dreams you have, they're never going to come true anyways.

Kevin Lowe

So why do I continue making myself believe that they are my friend, don't get caught in that trap, because it's in these moments when staying connected with your life's purpose matter more than anything else.

Kevin Lowe

Again, sometimes it's as easy as hitting the pause button on life, being reminded of what matters, of where you're headed and getting your mindset back into that mode, into the attitude that anything and everything is possible.

Kevin Lowe

It doesn't mean that it's going to be easy.

Kevin Lowe

It doesn't mean that everything's always going to work out.

Kevin Lowe

Well, let me rephrase that.

Kevin Lowe

I believe everything does work out.

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

Does everything always work out the way that we think?

Kevin Lowe

In the way that we dream?

Kevin Lowe


Kevin Lowe

But I've come to actually understand in my life that it actually works out in a way more beautiful and amazing than we ever could have thought.

Kevin Lowe

It doesn't mean that it's easy, doesn't mean that it matches our dreams and our expectations.

Kevin Lowe

Rarely ever does it.

Kevin Lowe

But instead it does come out to be beautiful if you are being sure that you are showing up to the world as the best version of you.

Kevin Lowe

And of course that comes by you being sure that you are living out your purpose now in the midst of the chaos and busyness of the life.

Kevin Lowe

Some tips to be sure that you are staying true to your purpose.

Kevin Lowe

Our training creates some habits, some rituals, things around that purpose, things that get you plugged in with it in the midst of life.

Kevin Lowe

Maybe it's journaling, maybe it's meditating, maybe it's just going for a walk.

Kevin Lowe

Something that clears your mind, that puts you in a happy place and gives you an opportunity to just reconnect with who you are and what you're all about and what you want.

Kevin Lowe

And that way it makes it a little bit easier to show up as your best self, as your true, authentic self.

Kevin Lowe

Whatever it is that works for you, to help you reconnect with the important stuff, your reason why.

Kevin Lowe

Whatever it is, I encourage you to make it a non negotiable.

Kevin Lowe

It's something that you have to do each and every day.

Kevin Lowe

For myself, I can tell you it's prayer.

Kevin Lowe

Prayer is an opportunity for me to connect with my creator, to connect with goddess, connect with Jesus Christ.

Kevin Lowe

Of course, no one knows my purpose better than my creator.

Kevin Lowe

And there's no better time for me to get to pour out my heart, to pour out the good stuff, the stuff I'm scared about, the stuff I'm struggling with.

Kevin Lowe

Then during prayer, now for you again, it may be different.

Kevin Lowe

It could be journaling in your notebook, it could be doing a little bit of meditation.

Kevin Lowe

It could be out walking in the park, listening to the sound of the birds, viewing the beautiful sky with the puffy white clouds.

Kevin Lowe

Whatever it is, you do it.

Kevin Lowe

And you do it every day.

Kevin Lowe

Because this is a little piece of the day that is meant just for you, you and your lifes purpose.

Kevin Lowe

Now, of course, theres a reason why all of this even matters in the first place.

Kevin Lowe

Why identifying our life's purpose matters, why being sure that we are living it out each and every day.

Kevin Lowe

Because so far you might be thinking, man, Tef sure makes this whole thing of living in our purpose seem a little bit difficult.

Kevin Lowe

Like it really takes a lot of effort.

Kevin Lowe

And I'm here to say that honestly it doesn't.

Kevin Lowe

Because what you're doing here is something that you love, that's a part of you, that aligns with who you are and what your hopes and dreams are.

Kevin Lowe

And when you figure it out, I promise you that it will all come together.

Kevin Lowe

But of course, what is the reason for it all when you are driven in life by something deeper and more meaningful than these external forces, whether it's a gold medal, the letter a written on your report, Cardinal whatever it is, whatever you can think of, when you're driven by something more than that, it makes life a little bit more important.

Kevin Lowe

You show up to life a little bit more excited.

Kevin Lowe

You're not chasing some external thing.

Kevin Lowe

No, you're literally just living within your own purpose, your own reason why you're meant to be here, why you're meant to show up every day.

Kevin Lowe

It gives you a resiliency you never even knew existed before.

Kevin Lowe

It makes you literally unstoppable.

Kevin Lowe

And just think about it in terms of the challenges we face in life.

Kevin Lowe

When you have your purpose on your side, no longer do you view challenges as mere challenges, but rather you begin to see the opportunities hidden within them.

Kevin Lowe

You spend every day growing, learning, becoming a bigger and better version of you.

Kevin Lowe

If were not growing each and every day, then what are we doing?

Kevin Lowe

I guess were just slowly dying.

Kevin Lowe

No, we dont want that.

Kevin Lowe

We want to continue to be growing, expanding our mind, expanding our dreams.

Kevin Lowe

Never stop dreaming, my friend.

Kevin Lowe

If you thought dreaming was for children, no way.

Kevin Lowe

Dreaming is for everybody.

Kevin Lowe

Because dreams are the things that guide us in life.

Kevin Lowe

Dreams are the things that give our purpose even more meaning.

Kevin Lowe

Because it gives us something to be chasing, to have something to be excited about.

Kevin Lowe

And with that, I mean, what else is there for me to say?

Kevin Lowe

I guess I said a lot over this episode and over episode 326 all about life's purpose.

Kevin Lowe

But I say it because I believe in it.

Kevin Lowe

I say it because I want it for you.

Kevin Lowe

Because the sooner that you can figure out your life's purpose, the sooner that you can start being sure that you're living out that purpose, it's going to mean something more to you.

Kevin Lowe

It's going to make your life better.

Kevin Lowe

It's going to make tomorrow a little bit better than today.

Kevin Lowe

You're going to get to show up as your best self.

Kevin Lowe

You're going to be able to look at life from a different view.

Kevin Lowe

And that's what I want for you.

Kevin Lowe

If you have any questions about anything that we've talked about today or in any of the past episodes, I don't know if you've realized or not, but inside of every episode's show notes, there's a link for you to send me a voice message.

Kevin Lowe

Yeah, it's super easy.

Kevin Lowe

You click the link, then literally click to record, and that comes straight to me.

Kevin Lowe

So you don't have to spend time typing out some long email?

Kevin Lowe

No, just send me a question, send me a comment.

Kevin Lowe

Let me know what you're thinking.

Kevin Lowe

And I would love to be able to help you however I can.

Kevin Lowe

So again, be sure to check out today's show notes for a link to send me a voice message.

Kevin Lowe

And my friend, and until next time, my friend, I want you to be sure that whatever you do today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, that it's done for you.

Kevin Lowe

That you love what you do and you do what you love.

Kevin Lowe

That you be sure that you know your life's purpose.

Kevin Lowe

And you be sure that you're living out that purpose each and every day.

Kevin Lowe

My name, of course, is Kevin Lowe.

Kevin Lowe

And this, my friend, was another episode of Grit, grace and inspiration.

Kevin Lowe

It has been my pleasure to be here with you today, and I thank you for joining me.

Kevin Lowe

You have an amazing day.

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