Show Notes

Are you feeling stuck, worn out, and ready to give up on your dreams? Discover the hidden force that can reignite your passion and drive, even when both inspiration and motivation run dry! #GameChanger

Is This Really For You?

This episode is for anyone who feels overwhelmed by life's challenges—those who have been trying hard but are exhausted from setbacks and disappointments. If you've ever questioned why you're putting in the effort or felt like you're just going through the motions, realize this episode was created just for you!


What's It All About?

In this empowering solo episode of Grit, Grace, & Inspiration, host Kevin Lowe dives deep into the transformative power of purpose. He emphasizes that purpose is not just a buzzword; it’s the core reason behind everything you do. When life hits harder than expected, your purpose becomes the unwavering force that propels you forward!

Kevin shares compelling stories and practical strategies to help you to connect with your own life's purpose during those moments when inspiration & motivation just aren't enough.

If you're ready for a BOOST in life, then this is it! You're here for a reason - take advantage of it and press PLAY!

What You're About to Learn

• Learn how to tap into your purpose as an unbreakable source of strength.

• Discover techniques to reconnect with your "why" when feeling lost or discouraged.

• Understand how purpose can give meaning to daily life and fuel your journey forward.

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

00:00:01.065 --> 00:00:05.705

Kevin Lowe: If we're diving into today's topic, we might as well get real right off the bat.

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Kevin Lowe: And that is that sometimes life, it hits harder than we ever expect.

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Kevin Lowe: Whatever it is that you're going through, maybe you've been trying for so hard

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Kevin Lowe: that you're just worn out. You're tired of things not working out.

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Kevin Lowe: You're tired of never getting ahead, no matter how hard you try.

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Kevin Lowe: And sometimes you face so many setbacks that honestly, you start to wonder, why am I even trying?

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Kevin Lowe: What's it even worth if nothing's going to happen? If nothing's going to work out?

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Kevin Lowe: And you might just find yourself in a place where the normal tools you turn

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Kevin Lowe: to, like motivation, inspiration, pulling on a little grit, trying to find some

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Kevin Lowe: grace, they're just not working anymore.

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Kevin Lowe: None of it's cutting it and you're a little bit tired of it.

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Kevin Lowe: And you really would love a breakthrough.

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Kevin Lowe: Well, my friend, today is that breakthrough. through.

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Kevin Lowe: Today is a topic I'm excited to dive into because I'm hoping that it can have

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Kevin Lowe: an impact on your life right now, right here.

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Kevin Lowe: And with that, my friend, I welcome you. It's episode 326.

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<v Speaker1>Yo, are you ready to flip the script on life? Because those bad days,

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<v Speaker1>they're just doors to better days.

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<v Speaker1>And that's exactly what we do here at Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.

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<v Speaker1>Your host, Kevin Lowe, he's been flipping the script on his own life,

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<v Speaker1>turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration,

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<v Speaker1>motivation, and encouragement just for you.

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<v Speaker1>So, kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.

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Kevin Lowe: Today, my friend, we are diving into the one thing that you can turn to,

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Kevin Lowe: that you can count on when nothing else is working.

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Kevin Lowe: When everything else is falling apart, you turn to your purpose, your reason why.

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Kevin Lowe: Because when we talk about inspiration, motivation, even grit and grace,

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Kevin Lowe: none of it is possible, or should I say, none of it really means anything if

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Kevin Lowe: you don't have a purpose behind it.

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Kevin Lowe: Think of your purpose as kind of the foundation. If you don't have a foundation,

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Kevin Lowe: then you certainly can't start piling on the bricks to build the house.

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Kevin Lowe: No, you have to have a solid foundation.

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Kevin Lowe: For today, we're talking about purpose. And more specifically,

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Kevin Lowe: in today's episode, my aim is to have you connecting deeper with your purpose.

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Kevin Lowe: And most of all, I want you to understand how it can give you the strength to

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Kevin Lowe: keep moving forward, even when the path ahead seems impossible.

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Kevin Lowe: This, my friend, is what I hope is going to be a game changer.

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Kevin Lowe: So I guess we might as well get started on the right page, right?

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Kevin Lowe: What is purpose? What does purpose mean to you? What does purpose mean to me?

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Kevin Lowe: Purpose? It's not just a buzzword or a vague concept.

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Kevin Lowe: Purpose is the reason behind everything that you do, whether you even realize it or not.

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Kevin Lowe: It is the answer to the age-old question of why am I doing this?

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Kevin Lowe: Why does this matter? Why do I care?

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Kevin Lowe: It all comes back to your purpose.

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Kevin Lowe: Purpose is the force that keeps you driving forward, even when you don't have

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Kevin Lowe: the energy to move another step.

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Kevin Lowe: When you feel like you've done everything you can and you feel like giving up,

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Kevin Lowe: well, your purpose is going to be the one thing that keeps you moving forward.

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Kevin Lowe: Because your purpose is something that's stronger than anything.

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Kevin Lowe: Your purpose can't be broken. Your purpose is inside of you. It's a part of you.

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Kevin Lowe: And so if you can tap into your purpose, well, you become unstoppable.

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Kevin Lowe: To really give this a meaning, your purpose, it transforms struggle into growth, setbacks into lessons.

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Kevin Lowe: Challenges, of course, become opportunities.

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Kevin Lowe: And when you are connected with your purpose, all of this is possible.

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Kevin Lowe: It's not just pie in the sky kind of stuff we're talking about.

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Kevin Lowe: No, it's reality. It's your life. Life.

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Kevin Lowe: You ever feel like sometimes life, you're just living it and you're going through

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Kevin Lowe: the motions. There's no intention for what you do.

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Kevin Lowe: You're just doing what you have to do. Well, when we focus on our own purpose,

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Kevin Lowe: things in life have meaning. They have significance.

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Kevin Lowe: When you wake up in the morning, you have a purpose ahead of you.

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Kevin Lowe: You have a goal to achieve.

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Kevin Lowe: You have something that's kind of guiding your way. Think of it like your own

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Kevin Lowe: personal lighthouse, guiding you through the storm, guiding you through the chaos of life.

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Kevin Lowe: It's your purpose. It's keeping you on track when everything else keeps trying to derail you.

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Kevin Lowe: And like I said earlier, the important part is that when you don't have the inspiration,

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Kevin Lowe: you're lacking some motivation, you don't feel like tapping into any grit,

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Kevin Lowe: and you darn sure don't feel like you got any grace happening in your life.

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Kevin Lowe: Purpose, my friend, is what is left. with all

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Kevin Lowe: of those like inspiration and motivation and grit

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Kevin Lowe: and grace feel like they ran dry purpose my

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Kevin Lowe: friend it's the well that you can always count on that whenever you need a little

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Kevin Lowe: bit of water you know you can go to the purpose well and you can bring back

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Kevin Lowe: whatever you need bring back that drive bring back that extra drink of water

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Kevin Lowe: to get you excited about life again because remember.

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Kevin Lowe: Yeah, it's awesome to be inspired. It's great to be motivated.

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Kevin Lowe: But if you don't have a purpose or a reason why behind what you're doing,

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Kevin Lowe: well, you're going to fall flat.

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Kevin Lowe: You're going to reach a point when you're going to think to yourself, why am I doing this?

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Kevin Lowe: And if you don't have an answer for that, then that means you haven't found your purpose yet.

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Kevin Lowe: Now, if you're listening to this, maybe you're in the midst of it right now.

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Kevin Lowe: Maybe you're in the midst of the struggle. You're in the midst of the hard times

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Kevin Lowe: and maybe you just feel stuck and yet you want to move forward,

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Kevin Lowe: but you don't know what to do.

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Kevin Lowe: You don't know what else to try or who to turn to for help because everything

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Kevin Lowe: in life just seems to be against you.

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Kevin Lowe: It's like everything you do is the wrong choice.

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Kevin Lowe: I know exactly how that feels. I think all of us do because we've all been there

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Kevin Lowe: at some point in our lives and oftentimes many times. I kind of feel like it's

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Kevin Lowe: unfortunately a part of life.

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Kevin Lowe: But if we can figure out a little trick, a little tip to help us get through

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Kevin Lowe: it, well, I believe it makes it a little bit easier.

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Kevin Lowe: And that little tip, that little trick, it's reconnecting with your purpose.

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Kevin Lowe: Now, that's easier said than done because if you're in the thick of it and you're

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Kevin Lowe: not in the best headspace, well, just identifying your purpose and focusing on that.

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Kevin Lowe: That it's not so easy i get it because the truth is is that if you really think

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Kevin Lowe: about it sometimes your purpose it's not easy to find it's buried under layers

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Kevin Lowe: and layers of expectations of hopes of dreams of responsibilities.

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Kevin Lowe: But the fact is true is that if you begin to peel back the layers,

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Kevin Lowe: you'll finally find it right there at the center of it all.

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Kevin Lowe: It's your purpose. It's your reason why.

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Kevin Lowe: If you want a question or a couple of questions to get you started,

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Kevin Lowe: I want you to really ask yourself, why did I begin this journey in the first place?

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Kevin Lowe: Why am I here? Why am I doing what I'm doing? Another powerful question,

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Kevin Lowe: what am I truly fighting for? What is it that matters to me that's worth fighting,

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Kevin Lowe: that's worth putting myself through all of this struggle and trauma in life?

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Kevin Lowe: And of course, number three is what would it mean to me to accomplish it?

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Kevin Lowe: What would it feel like if I do succeed, if I do make it through this and I

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Kevin Lowe: come out the other side a better version of me?

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Kevin Lowe: Is that worth it? Is that feeling worth it? I hope so. I believe it is.

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Kevin Lowe: And if you're willing to put in the work to identify the purpose for it all,

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Kevin Lowe: my friend, you can accomplish the impossible.

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Kevin Lowe: Now, important note when we're talking about your purpose, your purpose doesn't

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Kevin Lowe: have to be grand. It doesn't have to be world changing.

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Kevin Lowe: You don't have to be on a mission to have this purpose to end world hunger or

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Kevin Lowe: to bring electricity Electricity to every part of the world.

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Kevin Lowe: If that is your purpose, your mission, your reason why, well,

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Kevin Lowe: then awesome, and you rock.

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Kevin Lowe: But maybe it's something just way more simple.

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Kevin Lowe: Maybe it's something more personable. And I think that is really often the case.

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Kevin Lowe: It is our own purpose. It doesn't have to be grand.

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Kevin Lowe: You don't even have to tell anybody about it. Only you need to know it.

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Kevin Lowe: And when you find that purpose, I promise that it will give you the strength

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Kevin Lowe: to keep going no matter what.

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Kevin Lowe: Your purpose, it makes sense out of the senseless.

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Kevin Lowe: The stuff that's happened in your life that honestly doesn't make any sense,

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Kevin Lowe: that you wish didn't happen.

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Kevin Lowe: When you identify your purpose, it kind of helps to put all the pieces together.

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Kevin Lowe: My purpose, well, it was me.

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Kevin Lowe: Me, understanding that what I went through, now almost 21 years ago,

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Kevin Lowe: waking to be left completely blind, through all that heartache,

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Kevin Lowe: through all those horrible nights, through all the unanswered prayers,

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Kevin Lowe: I've come to understand my purpose, and that is to use what I went through to

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Kevin Lowe: be a benefit to others, that maybe if I can use the heartaches that I've endured

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Kevin Lowe: door to be here on this podcast,

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Kevin Lowe: to be on stage speaking, to be one-on-one with a friend.

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Kevin Lowe: If I can pick somebody up, if I can give them a little bit of inspiration to

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Kevin Lowe: keep going just one more day, then for myself, it's all been worth it.

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Kevin Lowe: Today, my friend, we've just scratched the surface on what purpose is.

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Kevin Lowe: And on why having your purpose identified matters.

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Kevin Lowe: And I say we just scratched the surface because, well, there's coming up more.

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Kevin Lowe: We're going to be talking about how to live out that purpose.

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Kevin Lowe: Because once you identify it, well, that's just the beginning.

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Kevin Lowe: Now you get to do the fun stuff. You get to live out that purpose.

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Kevin Lowe: And honestly, when you're living out your purpose, well, my friend,

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Kevin Lowe: that's when you're living out the life of your dreams.

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Kevin Lowe: It might not look like what you thought your dream life would look like,

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Kevin Lowe: but you'll know it when you feel it.

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Kevin Lowe: And you'll know it when you're there. So, my friend, whether it's our next episode

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Kevin Lowe: or three episodes from now, when we go into part two of today's topic,

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Kevin Lowe: I'm glad you're here. I appreciate you being here.

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Kevin Lowe: And I just want you to know that I think you're amazing. I think you're awesome.

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Kevin Lowe: And I want you to go out there and enjoy the day.

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Kevin Lowe: I want you to make the most of this day because it's a beautiful day.

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Kevin Lowe: So why not enjoy it? Until next time, I'm your host, Kevin Lowe,

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Kevin Lowe: and this was another episode of Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.

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<v Music>

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