Show Notes

What if you could finally overcome your fears and start chasing that big, hairy, audacious goal you’ve been dreaming about?

Want to say hello? Ask a question? Offer a little feedback?


You might see yourself as an ordinary person, but deep down, you have dreams that are anything but ordinary. And that's why today, we’re breaking down how you can embrace your biggest, scariest goals and turn them into a reality.


Inspired by the story of Andy Smith who conquered the grueling Tour de France at 50-years-old, this episode is all about helping you tackle your own big, hairy, audacious goals.

Whether it’s starting a new business, making a major life change, or finally pursuing that long-held dream, you’ll learn how to break down the process into manageable steps. We’ll explore why people often hesitate to start and how you can shift your mindset to take action today. By the end of this episode, you’ll have the motivation you need to stop holding back and start moving forward!

Key Takeaways:

  1. Inspiration to Take Action: Learn how to overcome the fear of starting and take the first step toward your big goal.
  2. An Easy-to-Follow Blueprint: Discover a simple yet effective strategy to break down your goal into achievable steps.
  3. Unleashing Your Potential: Find out how embracing your audacious goals can lead to transformational growth and self-discovery.


Don’t wait any longer—press play now and start turning your big, audacious goal into reality with this equally empowering as well as inspiring episode!

Mentioned Links & Resources:


Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

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By the end of today's episode, you will be empowered to not only identify,

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but embrace your very own Tour de France.

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Of course, that is simply a metaphor for your very own big, hairy, audacious goal.

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I'm talking about the thing that scares you, challenges you,

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but excites you like no other.

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Plus, the important thing is

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it's the thing that's going to ignite the greatness that's inside of you.

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My friend, welcome to the 316th episode of Grace and Inspiration.

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It is time that we tackle your big, hairy, audacious goal. Let's do it.

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Yo, are you ready to flip the script on life? Because those bad days,

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they're just doors to better days. And that's exactly what we do here at Grit,

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Grace, and Inspiration.

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Your host, Kevin Lowe, he's been flipping the script on his own life,

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turning over 20 years of being completely blind into straight up inspiration,

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motivation, and encouragement just for you.

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So kick back, relax, and let me introduce you to your host, Kevin Lowe.

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As we dive into today's episode, I want you to remember, when I'm talking about

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the Tour de France, I'm simply using it as a metaphor because,

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well, today's topic, it was inspired by Andy Smith.

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He was our guest back in our previous episode. That would have been episode 315.

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And as part of his story, we heard about him taking on the Tour de France at 50 years old.

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And at the time of signing up, the guy didn't even own a bicycle.

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So it is that that inspired today is that I've wondered what is some type of big goal,

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some type of big dream that you have that is maybe so big that you probably

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don't like to tell many people about it because deep down, you kind of feel

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like it's probably never going to come true anyways.

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And to be honest, it's a little too big, too scary that you just don't really

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even like to think about it.

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Well, today, my friend, I want to wake that big, hairy, audacious goal up,

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and I want you to put it at the forefront of your mind, because that is what today is all about.

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Just like Andy Smith, we all have our own Tour de France.

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It's a goal or dream so big that it feels like it's never going to happen.

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We're never going to make it come true.

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But here's the truth. Truth is your own Tour de France.

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It's where you're going to discover parts of you that you never knew before.

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You're going to get to discover what you're truly made of.

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You, my friend, are going to get to find your grit, your resilience.

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And, of course, your unshakable belief in yourself.

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It's not easy to accomplish or, well, it wouldn't be considered a big,

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hairy, audacious goal. It wouldn't be scary.

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No, that would just be like any other little task that you check off of the

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to-do list. This is bigger than all of that.

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So I ask you, what is that one big goal, that dream that you've been putting

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off, that you've not told anybody about, that you keep thinking that it will

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never happen, so therefore you don't even pursue it?

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Is it maybe starting that business you've been dreaming about?

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Is it maybe you finally writing a book that you've been talking about for years?

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Or maybe it's you just deciding to make some big changes in your life.

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Are you ready to lose a lot of weight?

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Are you ready to finally get in shape?

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Are you ready to simply take back control of life so that you can start living life on your own terms?

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What is it? What is that big, hairy, audacious goal for you?

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Now, what stops most people from ever accomplishing their goals is they never start.

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Because they get too overwhelmed. They don't understand where to begin.

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And so they don't do anything.

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I think we've all been victim to that at some point in our life.

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But the only way that we'll ever move forward is by taking one step,

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one step forward, and then another step, and another step.

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And at the time, it's gonna seem meaningless, like you're getting nowhere.

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But in fact, if you keep taking a step,

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well in a week in a month in a year you can look back and you can see the massive

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progress you've made it's the same thing with whatever goal you have in life

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you got to break it down you got to come up with incremental steps that you

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can take that will start moving the needle forward.

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Now, unless you're like, of course, Andy Smith, who signed up to race in the

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Tour de France, a three-week-long, drooling bicycle race with only about a month's notice,

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well, that's a whole other way to look at it, where you just dive in headfirst.

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Whichever way you want to go about it, whether you just throw yourself into

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the deep end or if you take baby steps, it's honestly up to you.

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The big point here in today's podcast episode is to get you thinking about putting

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that big goal back in the forefront of your mind,

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to stop pretending that you no longer care about it because you do, you know, you do.

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You just keep coming up with excuses why you shouldn't care about it or why it's not important.

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I know that probably hits pretty hard because you know that you've been making excuses,

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not that you've been telling them to other people, but excuses just within yourself,

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telling yourself and making yourself believe that it doesn't matter.

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I don't really care about that anymore.

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But the truth is, is that you do. And the truth is, is that you should.

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And I want to be that source of motivation to get you moving forward.

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Starting right now, right here, today.

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This moment is what I hope is the spark to get you moving forward.

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Now, I want you to remember that the journey to achieving your goal,

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of course, it's not always going to be easy.

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Of course, it's going to have ups and downs. It's going to have good moments,

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exciting times, and then it's going to have those other moments when you feel

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like nothing is happening.

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You're working towards it, but nothing is breaking through.

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Well, I can't help but think that it's so much like Andy Smith talking about

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his experience on the Tour de France.

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He had mountains that he was climbing when he thought, my goodness.

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He couldn't go any further.

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But then there are moments when he's soaring down the mountain,

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loving the feeling of the wind in his face.

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And then, of course, it's right back again up another mountain,

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another steep climb, more just burning in his lungs, dying for a drink.

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And yet he just kept pushing forward.

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And I want you to realize that in pursuit of this big goal, that's what it's all about.

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That's when you're going to get to discover who you are, when the odds are stacked against you.

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When people think that you can't, you're going to show them that you can.

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Because, well, of course, you're listening to this podcast. So if that's the

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case, well, then you already know that you got to sometimes cultivate a little

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bit of grit to get through the hard times.

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So here it is. Today's topic, it's not very complex.

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I don't need to make it very long. It's just literally asking you the question,

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what is the goal that scares you, that excites you, and that you know will make

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a big difference in your life if you achieve it? What is it?

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Declare it for yourself. Make it known right here and now what that goal is.

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Say it out loud. Write it down on a piece of paper.

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Put it in your heart and don't you forget about it. I don't want you to forget

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about it when this episode ends.

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No, I want this literally to

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be the spark that lights a fire that has you making your goal come true.

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And if you need a little bit of boost, well, you just remember this.

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My friend, whether you believe it or not, you're made for greatness because

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you have greatness inside of you.

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Sometimes you just got to pull on it to let it shine through.

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And honestly, what do you have to lose?

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You can either not do anything. You can keep pretending that you don't want to achieve that goal.

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You can keep pretending that it's not important to you anymore.

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Or you could actually give it a shot. You can make the most of this day.

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You can make the most of this life.

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We only get one chance at it. So why not make it count?

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If you would like a little bit of accountability, well, check out today's show

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notes where you will find a link right near the top where you can send me a voice message.

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This will be just between me and you. Send me a short voice message.

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Let me know what is your very own Tour de France, and let's get you underway.

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And, of course, I encourage you, as always, to stay awesome and live inspired.

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This is Kevin Lowe, and this, of course, was Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.

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