Show Notes

Have you ever wondered how you could celebrate your birthday in a different, more meaningful way? Well, Stephanie McLaughlin didn't just think about it; she turned her 40th into an unforgettable adventure!

It's time to turn the ordinary birthday celebration into an extraordinary adventure! And who knows? You might just change your life in the process!

In today's episode, we dive into Stephanie McLaughlin’s journey as she approaches her 40th birthday with a unique challenge: to reconnect with 40 people from her past over 40 drinks. Each meeting uncovers layers of memories, insights, and unexpected revelations that go far beyond a simple celebration, prompting listeners to consider the deeper value of their relationships and milestones.

Some Key Takeaways:

1. The power of reconnecting: Learn how revisiting old relationships can provide new insights into your life and growth.

2. Embracing change through reflection: Discover how reflecting on past experiences can lead to profound personal transformations.

3. The joy of unique celebrations: Get inspired to rethink how you celebrate important milestones in your life to make them more meaningful and impactful.

Take a dive into this captivating journey with Stephanie and maybe you'll come up with your own unique twist for your next birthday celebration!

Mentioned Links & Resources:



Stephanie McLaughlin is a visionary who transformed her approach to milestone celebrations. As she neared her 40th birthday, Stephanie embarked on an ambitious and heartwarming project: to reconnect with 40 people from her past, sharing 40 drinks and countless stories. This initiative not only revitalized her personal connections but also led her to profound self-discovery and growth, illustrating the power of revisiting and rekindling old bonds.

Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

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What is your favorite birthday memory?

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Do you even have a favorite birthday memory?

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Because chances are, if you're like me, you probably can't actually remember many of your birthdays.

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I know for myself, I'm 37 years old, and there's probably honestly only about

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a handful of my birthdays that I actually remember.

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Well, today, it's all about kind of changing that.

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Because we're joined today by Stephanie McLaughlin, a woman who was getting

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ready to turn 40 years old, and she decided to set off on something that has

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turned out to be absolutely incredible.

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It was an idea to have 40 drinks with 40 different people from her past.

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She thought it was just going to be something fun, something lighthearted.

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But as I said, it turned out to be something absolutely incredible.

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As you listen to her story, I hope that you'll think about your own situation,

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about your own next upcoming big birthday, and how you might celebrate it in

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a little bit different way.

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Maybe a way just like Stephanie is talking about today.

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This is episode 288. This is the story of Stephanie McLaughlin,

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40 drinks with 40 different people to celebrate turning 40 years old.

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What's up, my friend, and welcome to Grit, Grace, and Inspiration.

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I am your host, Kevin Lowe. 20 years ago, I awoke from a life-saving surgery

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only to find that I was left completely blind.

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And since that day, I've learned a lot about life, a lot about living, and a lot about myself.

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And here on this podcast, I want to share those insights with you.

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Because friend, if you are still searching for your purpose,

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still trying to understand why, or still left searching for that next right

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path to take, we'll consider this to be your stepping stone to get you from

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where you are to where you want to be.

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This week's prayer request goes out to a friend of mine, Jennifer.

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I would love to have all of us in praying for her for just helping her to get

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her some comfort and peace and just to let life be a little bit easier.

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I think all of us realize that life isn't so easy.

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It's not as grand as maybe we ever thought it would be. There's so many challenges.

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There's relationships. There's loss. There's heartbreak.

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There's medical issues. And I think we all get wrapped up in it sometimes.

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And I think we all just need to be there for one another.

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And today, I want to be there for Jennifer. So if you could join me in just

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saying a little prayer for her.

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A little prayer of encouragement for God just to show up in her life in a big, amazing way.

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If you have someone or something that you would love to have us praying with

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you for, please send it to me via text message.

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877-749-8178. Again, send your prayer request to be featured here on the podcast to 877-749-8178.

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I've been talking a lot lately about my love for the company MyPillow. Because why?

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Well, they make absolutely incredible products.

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I can vouch for that each night I go to sleep. But they have a new product that

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you may have not thought about them as a go-to for, and that is coffee.

00:03:46.801 --> 00:03:52.221

Yeah, no longer is it just pillows, my friend, but you can also get your own

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special MyCoffee, available at

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Just remember, whether it's coffee you're buying or any of their other more

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than 250 products, that you're using promo code Kevin. That is promo code Kevin

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so that you can save up to 80% off.

00:04:11.561 --> 00:04:14.021

We're talking about the best deal available.

00:04:14.401 --> 00:04:20.181

Go shopping today at and just maybe get your brew on with a cup

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of coffee. Thanks to MyPillow.

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I'm 39 and never married, single, never engaged, any of those things,

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and had been dumped by yet another terrible boyfriend.

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By text message at some point earlier in the year.

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Also, I'm a Leo, I'm an extrovert. I'm like all the things that loves a spotlight, right?

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But those two things that year was like, I just wasn't into the big party, the big four.

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Oh, you know, I'm the kind of girl who loves a good party.

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But that year in those circumstances, it just felt really kind of icky and gross

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to me because it felt like, you know, here I am turning 40 and this is what,

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like the wedding that I never had,

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you know, like you get to, you get to chat with people for, you know,

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five minutes, 10 minutes at a party.

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And, and, and it just, it just felt off for me.

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So I was trying to figure out something else to do for my birthday. And I did two things.

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The first thing I did was I went to Paris with some friends and my parents.

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And that was just as glamorous and spectacular as you would think it would be.

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It was fabulous. Trip of a lifetime.

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And then as my birthday came closer that year, I was trying to figure out what

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I was going going to do to celebrate.

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And the idea landed in my brain almost fully formed.

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And I decided that I would have 40 drinks with 40 people in 40 different locations.

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And then each drink that I had with somebody would have some sort of thematic

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connection to that person or our relationship that might relate to how we knew

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each other or when we were close or things like that.

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And I loved the idea mostly because it was ridiculous.

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Honestly, it was just the silliest thing.

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And listen, my birthday is August 1st. So for decades, I have been celebrating a birthday month.

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And frankly, I just think it gives me a great opportunity to say to friends,

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you know, who I don't see all the time, hey, let's have drinks.

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Let's, you know, let's have dinner.

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Like it gives me a great excuse to reach out to people. and so this was kind

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of that but on steroids and so my birth I could extend my birthday for as long

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as it would take me to have these 40 drinks.

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Yes. Incredible. So, so when did you actually start? Like when was drink one?

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Was it before your birthday or after? So drink one was about a month before my 40th birthday.

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I was out for dinner with my very best friend.

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We were going to a Red Sox game. I was in Boston and I hadn't seen him in a few months.

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So I was telling him about Paris and about, you know, the trip and that was was great.

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And then sort of turned the topic of conversation to this crazy idea I had.

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And my best friend Adrian is just always loves my crazy ideas and is always egging me on.

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So he heard the idea and he was like, I love it. You got to do it.

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And then a couple of beats went by, I don't know. And he, he just said, Steph, look at this.

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And he slid the cocktail menu over to me and he pointed needed something on the menu.

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And I had such like this like moment of like separation from everything.

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All I could think was, I wasn't really feeling like drinking rum tonight.

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And he was like, no, look at the name. And my friend Adrian is a journalist

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down in Boston, and the drink was called the Periodista.

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And that is a Spanish word for journalist list that sort of came to,

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I think in like the 1960s in Miami and Adrian is a native of Miami.

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So like all of a sudden it was like, it was like Tetris things just sort of

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like falling into place, click, click, click, click.

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And I was like, Oh, um, I think we're starting. I think we're doing this.

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Wow. Yeah. So it was kind of kismet though.

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That first one was just, um, you know, it was just kind of on a lark and it just off we went.

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Yeah. So was it after that? I'm kind of curious, like,

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Did you be like, okay, I'm going to get serious with this and try to write out

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your list of 39 more people?

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No. So, and that's the thing. Again, because this was sort of ridiculous,

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this was also a bunch of years ago now.

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So I like to say back when Facebook was fun.

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Yes. We all remember when that was, right? I also, side note,

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my day job is I own a marketing agency.

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And so I kind of had a little, a couple of resources. So I was like,

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Hey, listen, let's, let's build this little website and let me write blog posts

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about each visit and each drink.

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And let me, you know, then share each of these blog posts on Facebook.

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And again, when Facebook was fun, people would comment on it and,

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you know, so it turned into kind of a thing pretty quickly.

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But what happened was I had two friends, friends of my brother from high school,

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like I've known them since I was a little kid.

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They were home. They lived away and they were home like two weekends later.

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So it was like, well, I only see you guys a couple of times a year. Let's have a drink.

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And then the next week, same thing. Somebody else was home who I hadn't seen in a while.

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So I had a drink with them. And then next thing you know, it was like,

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oh, wait, I've had seven or eight drinks.

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I went out one night with friends of mine. It was three guys.

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And we went down to Boston for a big night out. And I ended up having a drink

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with each of them. We went to three different places, three different drinks.

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I had drinks with each of them.

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And so like very quickly, it's like, oh, wait, I'm like eight or nine drinks.

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And I know I want to have, you know, one with my mom and one with my dad and

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each of my brothers and like, okay.

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So all of a sudden it was like, you get to like 12, 13, 14. And you're like,

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wait a minute, this is not an unlimited runway.

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All of a sudden you have to, you do actually have to start thinking about what

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you, how you want to spend the rest of these slots.

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Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. You know what? And when you put it that way,

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I guess it makes the whole idea of 40 people seem a little bit easier because

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at first in my head, I'm thinking, I don't know that there's 40 people from

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my past that I care to have a drink with.

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Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's interesting because, you know, first it's just who's nearby.

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And of course, there are people who raise their hand as soon as you say you're

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doing this ridiculous thing. And they're like, I want to be one of your drinks.

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So, you know, there's a handful of those.

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And then all of a sudden it's like, okay, well, these are all people that I,

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you know, see regularly. Or like I said, those few folks who were home.

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But what do I really want to do with this now that I'm starting to gain some momentum?

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I don't want it just to be like all the same people that I see,

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you know, within the course of a year.

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So I started digging through my brain and my history and my background,

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and I found people from grammar school, from high school, from college, an old boyfriend,

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people I worked at different jobs with.

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And so then I started really doing some outreach and kind of trying to like,

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you know, reconnect with some people I hadn't connected with in in sometimes 10 or 15 years.

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Yeah. And what a cool excuse to reconnect with somebody.

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Exactly. Well, and that's the thing. So for me, this air of ridiculousness was

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kind of one of the things that gave me cover.

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It gave me a reason to reach out to people that I hadn't talked to in 5, 10, 15 years.

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And I'll be honest, Kevin, I reached out to a couple of girlfriends friends

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who I had lost connection with, you know, over the, over time.

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And I really thought, you know, oh, I would love to reconnect with these, these women.

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I just, I adored them and, you know, friendships, you know, ebb and flow,

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as you know, and two separate women said, no.

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Hmm. They, they said, Nope, I don't think that's for me. I don't want to be a part of that.

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So it, you know, there, there was, you know, there were the,

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the wins and there were, there were a couple of losses.

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Wow. You know what? And you answered one of my questions I was going to ask

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is, is did you ever have anybody turn you down? And you did.

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Yeah. A couple of girlfriends.

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One of them said to me at the time, I just don't think I'm in the right place

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to to reconnect and to be a part of this.

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And, you know, you have to respect that. What can you say?

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And the other one simply just kind of said no.

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But strangely, she and I, not strangely, you know, in a lovely turn of events,

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she and I reconnected a couple of years later.

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And so, you know, life goes the way it goes. It's always, you know,

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wandering and meandering, and some people cross your paths, and then you separate,

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maybe you never see again.

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And then other people, you just sort of come back into their orbit again. Yeah, absolutely.

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I love it. So talk to me about when you look back on these 40 different people

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that you got to meet with,

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was there any that stand out that maybe, I don't know, for some reason,

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when you look back, that memory stands out more than any of the others?

00:13:48.527 --> 00:13:53.367

Yeah, there are a couple of drinks that... that I mean, I could tell you a story

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about every single one of them, but we probably don't have that kind of time

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because they were just, let me put it this way.

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Some people hear about this idea and they kind of recoil at the thought of like

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drinks and drinking and like, and it really turned out not to be about that.

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Although for many years was a person who was, you know, quite the party girl

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and, you know, always out at the bars and all of that stuff.

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But it, the, the project turned out to be not about that.

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It really turned out to be 40 visits with people.

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And if you go back to the concept of the big party, um.

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And only getting, you know, oh, I invited my girlfriends from grammar school, right?

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But I got to see them for five minutes or seven minutes or 10 minutes before

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I was pulled away or had to go visit with somebody else.

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Instead, I had, you know, a visit with them, just the two of them and me.

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So it was like, you know, I took this party and I spread it out among,

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you know, individual visits instead.

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So, so there were a number of, of stories that, that were just wonderful.

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One of them I'm going to tell just because I, I adore this. So the drink that

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I had with my dad, we had a drink called the creamsicle and we had this because

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when I was, I think I was 13 years old.

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My dad was a travel and salesman kind of guy, engineer, sales engineer kind

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of guy. So he was away, you know, several days a week.

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And And so it was some, I don't know, Tuesday or Wednesday night,

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he gets home, it's, it's eight o'clock, you know, my brother's,

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everybody's already had dinner.

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And so he says, he grabs me and says, Hey, let's go, let's go down downtown

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and just go out and get some appetizers.

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And so we, we go downtown, we go to this bar and I, sorry, not a bar. It was a restaurant.

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And I had been there with my mom previously for lunch.

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And I'd had this thing called a creamsicle. It's essentially like,

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you know, a, a, an ice cream shake kind of thing.

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So we order you know some potato skins and a

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i don't know mozzarella sticks and he gets

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a beer and i order a creamsicle and when

00:15:59.528 --> 00:16:03.168

the waitress brings the creamsicle i took a sip of it i said dad this tastes

00:16:03.168 --> 00:16:07.388

really funny and he took a sip of it and he called the waitress back over and

00:16:07.388 --> 00:16:16.548

he said um excuse me this has alcohol in it and she goes yeah and he goes she's 13.

00:16:21.948 --> 00:16:25.428

So, you know, I always looked a little old for my age and, you know,

00:16:25.428 --> 00:16:26.888

my dad looked a little young for his.

00:16:26.948 --> 00:16:30.628

So I don't know if it looked like we were out on a date or something. It was kind of crazy.

00:16:31.368 --> 00:16:35.128

So, you know, there were things like that. Like when I knew I was going to have

00:16:35.128 --> 00:16:37.588

a drink with my dad, I was like, it's gotta be a creamsicle.

00:16:37.748 --> 00:16:39.708

There's literally nothing else it can be.

00:16:39.948 --> 00:16:42.708

So that's just an example of kind of that thematic connection.

00:16:43.388 --> 00:16:47.948

But one of the really interesting stories about these drinks was the two girls

00:16:47.948 --> 00:16:49.148

I went to grammar school with.

00:16:49.468 --> 00:16:52.288

Karen and Ginny. And when I

00:16:52.288 --> 00:16:57.148

was young, we lived in this rural town outside the city where we live now.

00:16:57.568 --> 00:17:02.088

And I moved into town in second grade and I met Karen at school.

00:17:02.328 --> 00:17:07.388

And then in fourth grade, the summer before fourth grade, Ginny moved into town.

00:17:08.296 --> 00:17:13.096

And she lived up the road from me. Now, I don't know how a nine-year-old like

00:17:13.096 --> 00:17:17.576

hears town gossip or something, but somehow I found out that there was a family

00:17:17.576 --> 00:17:19.736

with three little girls that had moved in up the road.

00:17:20.416 --> 00:17:22.036

Well, down where I lived, I

00:17:22.036 --> 00:17:25.676

have two younger brothers and in the neighborhood, it was all little boys.

00:17:25.796 --> 00:17:30.236

So, you know, lots and lots of boy energy, football, riding bikes,

00:17:30.436 --> 00:17:36.256

snowmobiles, all that kind of stuff. So one day I created this ruse where I

00:17:36.256 --> 00:17:40.156

put our dog on a leash and I said, I'm taking the dog for a walk.

00:17:40.536 --> 00:17:45.696

And I walked up to this house where this family had moved in and essentially

00:17:45.696 --> 00:17:51.736

like loitered in the street until an adult saw me and sent the children out to meet me.

00:17:52.876 --> 00:17:57.816

So we're at this visit and Ginny says, do you remember how we met?

00:17:57.976 --> 00:18:02.116

And I said, no, I have no, I said, I was fourth grade, right? Did we meet at school?

00:18:02.256 --> 00:18:05.616

And she said, no, it was before school started. And so she tells me this story

00:18:05.616 --> 00:18:09.756

and I'm just, you know, we're all laughing. Oh my goodness. Ha ha ha.

00:18:10.716 --> 00:18:16.736

And on my drive home that night, I, I, I was, you know, relishing my visit with

00:18:16.736 --> 00:18:17.596

these these wonderful women.

00:18:17.836 --> 00:18:22.416

And then thinking, wait a minute, Ginny's house was, where was it?

00:18:22.536 --> 00:18:27.796

So I go home and I Google map it only to find out that Ginny's house was a mile

00:18:27.796 --> 00:18:30.096

away from mine. I was nine.

00:18:31.796 --> 00:18:37.576

I was nine. And I like created this ruse, put the dog on the leash and walked

00:18:37.576 --> 00:18:39.816

a mile up the street to make a friend.

00:18:41.156 --> 00:18:45.236

So I said to my mom, you know, told her, I saw her at some point after this

00:18:45.236 --> 00:18:49.036

visit and I, I said, ha ha, can you, can you believe this story?

00:18:49.716 --> 00:18:54.076

And she said, of course I can believe it. Why do you think we kept you on such a short leash?

00:18:55.503 --> 00:19:02.223

And it was like, oh, you know, a bunch of things started clicking into place

00:19:02.223 --> 00:19:04.443

for me again, more Tetris click, click, click.

00:19:04.823 --> 00:19:11.103

I knew as a as a as an adult, as a young adult in my 20s, in my 30s,

00:19:11.103 --> 00:19:15.623

I knew I was sort of a bold person, an adventurous person, kind of,

00:19:15.623 --> 00:19:17.403

you know, up for anything kind of thing.

00:19:18.603 --> 00:19:26.843

But I didn't know about myself that it was that innate, that it was really, you know, built in.

00:19:26.943 --> 00:19:29.283

This was not something I had picked up along the way.

00:19:29.603 --> 00:19:35.443

This was, you know, a real core level kind of thing for me. And so that was

00:19:35.443 --> 00:19:40.583

actually Karen told us a story, a very similar story at that same visit.

00:19:40.643 --> 00:19:45.663

She said one day she had come over after school for a play date and she and

00:19:45.663 --> 00:19:50.183

I went out into the woods behind my house and just went like adventuring out

00:19:50.183 --> 00:19:53.523

into the woods on our own, you know, sort of path.

00:19:53.523 --> 00:19:56.323

And you know then when we finally showed up

00:19:56.323 --> 00:19:59.203

back at my house you know our moms were standing in

00:19:59.203 --> 00:20:02.903

the backyard you know red faces arms crossed they'd been yelling for us this

00:20:02.903 --> 00:20:09.483

is like I had no idea that I was just this adventurous bold do my own thing

00:20:09.483 --> 00:20:15.763

kind of person as a child but yeah I was so that was one of the first ones that

00:20:15.763 --> 00:20:17.523

kind of opened my eyes to like,

00:20:18.405 --> 00:20:25.445

Oh, wait a minute. People are telling me stories or they're reflecting back

00:20:25.445 --> 00:20:27.525

to me things that they know about me.

00:20:28.125 --> 00:20:34.725

And some of this stuff is stuff that I don't know about myself, or maybe I had.

00:20:36.065 --> 00:20:40.885

Overlooked or in, in another case had sort of like papered over,

00:20:40.945 --> 00:20:43.685

like wallpapered over, like, I don't know. I don't like that thing about myself.

00:20:43.785 --> 00:20:47.305

So I'm going to like, you know, cover it up kind of thing so the

00:20:47.305 --> 00:20:51.445

the drinks started to reveal things

00:20:51.445 --> 00:20:54.505

about me that i

00:20:54.505 --> 00:21:01.385

didn't know and it was a completely unexpected element of the project isn't

00:21:01.385 --> 00:21:09.045

that just the coolest thing ever that here this crazy idea that's super fun

00:21:09.045 --> 00:21:11.765

it's quirky it's this neat way of celebrating 40,

00:21:12.465 --> 00:21:16.245

Who knew that you would then discover things about your own self,

00:21:16.425 --> 00:21:20.905

not just your past, but about who you are? Yeah. That's amazing.

00:21:21.385 --> 00:21:26.465

Yeah. And I'll jump to the punchline. And that is that at the end of,

00:21:26.505 --> 00:21:29.525

so it ended up taking me a year to have all 40 drinks.

00:21:29.765 --> 00:21:34.525

And at the end of the year, I was a completely different person than I was at

00:21:34.525 --> 00:21:35.245

the beginning of the year.

00:21:35.485 --> 00:21:37.785

The project changed me.

00:21:38.865 --> 00:21:44.085

Wow. Wow. Wow. while. What was the farthest you had to travel to have one of these drinks?

00:21:44.285 --> 00:21:48.845

Great question. So I live in Manchester, New Hampshire, which is about an hour north of Boston.

00:21:50.025 --> 00:21:54.565

And as you might expect, most of the drinks were in New Hampshire.

00:21:54.825 --> 00:21:58.865

There were a handful down in Boston, one down in Connecticut,

00:21:58.865 --> 00:22:02.545

and the furthest drink was Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

00:22:03.246 --> 00:22:08.006

Oh, wow. Yeah. Oh, my God. Now, who was that person?

00:22:08.206 --> 00:22:14.306

That was a friend from college. I happened to be in the area for a client visit.

00:22:14.666 --> 00:22:18.866

And I because it was because I was doing this 40 drinks project,

00:22:19.026 --> 00:22:22.606

I had a reason to reach out to this old friend who was a dear,

00:22:22.686 --> 00:22:28.406

dear friend through college and a bunch of years after and I hadn't seen him in probably 15 years.

00:22:28.726 --> 00:22:32.326

So I reached out to him and we were able to connect.

00:22:32.506 --> 00:22:37.786

And that was another one of the crazy, crazy stories from from the drinks.

00:22:37.986 --> 00:22:39.866

So do you want to hear that one?

00:22:40.086 --> 00:22:44.706

I do, of course. Yeah, you can't bring it to the edge.

00:22:47.526 --> 00:22:54.186

So in college, I was friends with a group of guys, a group of really cool dudes.

00:22:54.426 --> 00:22:58.126

A couple of them had joined a fraternity. So they, they sort of grabbed,

00:22:58.166 --> 00:22:59.806

you know, a handful of other guys.

00:22:59.886 --> 00:23:03.946

So there was like this core group of like five or six guys that I was friends

00:23:03.946 --> 00:23:06.406

with in college. And we did everything together.

00:23:06.606 --> 00:23:09.706

We, you know, we were always, you know, out and about on the town.

00:23:09.846 --> 00:23:11.826

We were, we were wild children for sure.

00:23:12.366 --> 00:23:18.086

Big partiers. But the thing was over the years and through the years that there

00:23:18.086 --> 00:23:22.206

would be nights when it was no girls allowed, but I wasn't, I was invited.

00:23:22.446 --> 00:23:25.246

There would be, there would be nights where it was no girlfriends allowed.

00:23:25.586 --> 00:23:28.706

But I was invited. There would be nights where it was, you know,

00:23:28.706 --> 00:23:31.806

kind of like no outsiders invited, but I was invited.

00:23:32.526 --> 00:23:39.586

So I created this story in my head that I was just one of the guys.

00:23:39.726 --> 00:23:43.806

And that's why they always included me in these, I don't know,

00:23:43.826 --> 00:23:46.326

in these adventures and these outings, everything.

00:23:46.706 --> 00:23:51.766

And that was something I interpreted myself, internalized myself,

00:23:51.766 --> 00:23:57.186

myself and really took that through, I don't know, maybe the next...

00:23:57.971 --> 00:24:02.911

You know, 15 years of my life, because after that group kind of faded away and

00:24:02.911 --> 00:24:04.211

everybody went different directions,

00:24:04.291 --> 00:24:08.711

I found myself part of another group that was a group of guys and,

00:24:09.091 --> 00:24:13.271

you know, men and women are, you know, eventually, but the core of it was,

00:24:13.351 --> 00:24:16.191

was a bunch of guys. So I just thought of myself as one of the guys.

00:24:16.411 --> 00:24:19.291

So I go down and I have this drink with, with my friend.

00:24:19.671 --> 00:24:25.071

And this was actually the one drink of the 40 that turned into a real real corker.

00:24:25.431 --> 00:24:32.051

We, uh, we, we went out and we did it up towards the middle or towards the end of the evening.

00:24:32.431 --> 00:24:35.671

He and I were sitting at a, at a bar in Fort Lauderdale, again,

00:24:35.751 --> 00:24:38.631

trying to figure out what our quote unquote drink would be.

00:24:39.271 --> 00:24:42.271

And I said to him, you know, we were talking about the old days and talking

00:24:42.271 --> 00:24:44.091

about college and the guys in the group.

00:24:44.111 --> 00:24:47.591

And I said, well, you know, some toss off comment about, well,

00:24:47.611 --> 00:24:49.091

that's what happens when you're just one of the guys.

00:24:50.051 --> 00:24:53.851

And it was like a a needle scratched on the record. It was like, what?

00:24:54.491 --> 00:24:58.211

And he looked at me and he said, what did you just say? And I said,

00:24:58.251 --> 00:25:00.951

well, you know, cause I was one of the guys.

00:25:01.351 --> 00:25:05.111

And he looked at me and he said, Steph, you were never one of the guys.

00:25:05.951 --> 00:25:09.211

And I was like, wait a minute. I don't get it.

00:25:09.271 --> 00:25:11.911

And I sort of, you know, went back to him and said, you know,

00:25:11.931 --> 00:25:14.491

I was always invited, but how could that be?

00:25:15.271 --> 00:25:19.591

And he said, well, we just thought you were such a cool chick that we always

00:25:19.591 --> 00:25:20.531

liked having you around.

00:25:21.051 --> 00:25:27.791

So commence mind blow emoji, right? So like, holy cow.

00:25:27.971 --> 00:25:33.751

All right. So this, this character trait that I had internalized and then built

00:25:33.751 --> 00:25:38.571

stories around and built a decade of my life on turned out not to be true.

00:25:39.351 --> 00:25:43.131

I was telling another friend, this was probably a couple of years later,

00:25:43.171 --> 00:25:48.111

I was telling another friend of the story and he kind of pushed back at me and he said, so what?

00:25:48.191 --> 00:25:50.311

What does it matter if you weren't one of the guys?

00:25:50.511 --> 00:25:53.751

And he really made me think more about it.

00:25:53.811 --> 00:25:59.391

And I realized that the thing about that is why was that so pivotal for me to

00:25:59.391 --> 00:26:00.911

find out that I wasn't one of the guys?

00:26:01.211 --> 00:26:09.831

It's because I never would have given myself the credit that I was cool enough

00:26:09.831 --> 00:26:14.831

to hang out with those guys and to always be invited and always be included

00:26:14.831 --> 00:26:19.191

if I hadn't sort of handicapped myself that way.

00:26:20.431 --> 00:26:26.351

I had cut myself down to say that that was the reason that they included me

00:26:26.351 --> 00:26:29.971

all the time instead of building myself up and saying, well,

00:26:29.991 --> 00:26:33.571

geez, I must be the coolest chick around because these cool dudes are always,

00:26:33.711 --> 00:26:36.191

you know, want to include me in our adventures.

00:26:36.511 --> 00:26:40.131

So that was another one that really kind of like, that one left a mark.

00:26:41.451 --> 00:26:45.731

Yeah. Wow, wow, wow. Wow. And that was the one in Fort Lauderdale. Yeah.

00:26:46.211 --> 00:26:54.831

Wow. I mean, again, this just profound way of turning something silly.

00:26:56.216 --> 00:27:00.116

Into something truly just life-changing. Yeah.

00:27:00.616 --> 00:27:07.896

Yeah. And, and for me, that was one of the takeaways is that if I had endeavored,

00:27:07.936 --> 00:27:11.396

if I had set out to do something life-changing,

00:27:11.516 --> 00:27:18.236

if I had set out to go about querying my friends and family about myself to learn about myself,

00:27:18.436 --> 00:27:21.116

I don't think I ever would have followed through.

00:27:21.116 --> 00:27:27.796

I think because the project was wrapped in such a silly, you know,

00:27:27.796 --> 00:27:34.456

wrapping and it was very no stakes, there were no stakes when I set out to do

00:27:34.456 --> 00:27:35.796

this other than to be silly.

00:27:35.916 --> 00:27:39.696

And I think that's what allowed it to turn into something profound.

00:27:40.496 --> 00:27:47.276

Yes. Yes. I love it. But talking about profound, let's get to the to the drink

00:27:47.276 --> 00:27:52.176

that led to marriage, because that seems pretty darn profound.

00:27:53.416 --> 00:27:54.776

Let's hear that story.

00:27:56.116 --> 00:27:59.296

So this was the project started in July.

00:27:59.456 --> 00:28:04.636

And by the following April, I had already had, you know, a bunch of the drinks.

00:28:04.716 --> 00:28:08.976

And, you know, some of these changes were already underway.

00:28:09.136 --> 00:28:12.836

A lot of these realizations and some of these big drinks had already happened.

00:28:13.036 --> 00:28:17.576

And I was out one night with some friends, a girlfriend and I were out for dinner

00:28:17.576 --> 00:28:21.536

and a bunch of friends showed up, but the restaurant was too busy to sort of accommodate us all.

00:28:21.636 --> 00:28:25.076

So we said, well, just go next door to the dirty dive karaoke bar.

00:28:26.016 --> 00:28:32.936

And so we're hanging out there and I met this guy and I had this really cool, really cute, funny guy.

00:28:34.016 --> 00:28:39.056

And I knew he was something special, but well, as we started out,

00:28:39.096 --> 00:28:42.156

we, we know my track record with men has not been been great.

00:28:43.076 --> 00:28:49.296

I've had some pretty not great relationships. And so when I found out that,

00:28:49.336 --> 00:28:51.636

you know, when I realized that this guy was something special,

00:28:51.776 --> 00:28:55.256

I said to myself, you know what, I'm going to do things different this time.

00:28:55.456 --> 00:28:58.336

So if I want to call him, I'm not going to call him.

00:28:58.656 --> 00:29:03.596

If I want to text him, I'm not going to text him anything that I would normally do.

00:29:03.736 --> 00:29:08.296

I'm going to do the opposite of and see what happens because I want a different

00:29:08.296 --> 00:29:09.536

outcome come with this guy.

00:29:10.456 --> 00:29:15.336

And wouldn't you know it, I got a different outcome. And I think he was probably

00:29:15.336 --> 00:29:23.216

one of the most obvious markers that I had changed in the course of that year,

00:29:23.256 --> 00:29:26.796

because my husband is just such a sweet,

00:29:26.896 --> 00:29:29.316

such a sweet dude, such a great man.

00:29:29.983 --> 00:29:36.443

And I know that had I been the same gal I had been the year before or a couple of years before,

00:29:36.703 --> 00:29:41.623

he might have been amused by me for a couple of months, but then I just would

00:29:41.623 --> 00:29:45.403

have been a little too outrageous, a little too much of a party girl still.

00:29:45.523 --> 00:29:49.803

And I don't think it would have worked, but because I was going through some

00:29:49.803 --> 00:29:58.623

of these internal changes, I had sort of settled inside inside myself enough to not be so constantly,

00:29:58.783 --> 00:30:03.343

I don't know, trying to, you know, get what I needed sort of out in the world.

00:30:03.603 --> 00:30:07.383

I think that that's a probably a reasonable explanation, right?

00:30:07.483 --> 00:30:10.043

Like always trying to like be out and get and do and, you know,

00:30:10.043 --> 00:30:15.043

be a part of things. And, and, and instead I was starting to settle inside myself.

00:30:15.383 --> 00:30:21.423

And so I didn't, I wasn't as compelled to be doing all of that craziness as much anymore.

00:30:22.083 --> 00:30:28.423

Yeah, yeah, I love it. One thing that just came to mind as you're talking about

00:30:28.423 --> 00:30:34.403

this and I'm seeing that this whole thing is just taking on such a deeper meaning in your life.

00:30:34.783 --> 00:30:40.223

Did you continue the original intent though to blog about each one of these?

00:30:40.583 --> 00:30:44.163

I did, yeah. I wrote a story about every single one of my drinks.

00:30:44.943 --> 00:30:48.643

Wow, wow, wow, wow. That is incredible. Yeah.

00:30:48.783 --> 00:31:00.643

So the question is, is after the 40 drinks with 40 different people, what was the result?

00:31:00.683 --> 00:31:08.263

How did your life exactly change compared to Stephanie before that happened?

00:31:08.263 --> 00:31:13.823

Yeah, I think I was just sort of starting to touch on it, that settling inside

00:31:13.823 --> 00:31:18.143

myself and that being open to other people.

00:31:18.992 --> 00:31:25.972

Versions, other impressions of myself that I hadn't been previously allowed

00:31:25.972 --> 00:31:30.272

me to really start, I think, calming down.

00:31:30.452 --> 00:31:35.492

Is that the right? Settling, I think, is probably a good word for it.

00:31:35.692 --> 00:31:40.032

Another big shift for me towards the end of that year, and it was happening

00:31:40.032 --> 00:31:44.972

just after I had met my husband, was that there had been a group of people that

00:31:44.972 --> 00:31:49.532

I had been friends with for, oh, I don't know, six or seven or eight years.

00:31:49.792 --> 00:31:53.212

And we were tight. I literally called them my framily.

00:31:53.932 --> 00:31:59.432

And that group of friends was starting to kind of fall apart.

00:32:00.652 --> 00:32:06.692

And it was really upsetting for me because I'm a very social, very outgoing person.

00:32:06.752 --> 00:32:10.792

And as a single person, you know, it's nice to kind of have that, that group, right?

00:32:10.832 --> 00:32:13.912

Everybody, most people, you know, are sort of married and they've got their

00:32:13.912 --> 00:32:16.012

kids and they're off and they're doing their grownup lives.

00:32:16.252 --> 00:32:21.432

And so this group of friends was incredibly important to me.

00:32:21.912 --> 00:32:29.552

And I remember bringing my husband around to meet them and they were terrible to him.

00:32:31.592 --> 00:32:36.492

They were terrible to him. They were not welcoming. They were not interested.

00:32:36.932 --> 00:32:41.792

They were, and he really came away with this like kind of of weird taste in

00:32:41.792 --> 00:32:44.592

his mouth. Like those are your best friends.

00:32:44.892 --> 00:32:52.052

And it, it really opened my eyes to like, Oh, who am I surrounding myself with here?

00:32:52.512 --> 00:32:56.472

You know, I felt like other people had come into the group, you know,

00:32:56.472 --> 00:32:59.812

and I, you know, with, they'd start dating people and I would always be so welcoming,

00:32:59.852 --> 00:33:03.792

like, Oh my God, you know, come in, you know, making sure they felt welcome

00:33:03.792 --> 00:33:06.472

and not, you know, outside the group. And yet.

00:33:07.136 --> 00:33:10.316

When I started dating somebody, it was the exact opposite.

00:33:10.496 --> 00:33:19.216

So there were a lot of shifts in the people around me as that year came to a

00:33:19.216 --> 00:33:20.976

close and sort of beyond.

00:33:21.396 --> 00:33:25.336

It was almost a replacement of quantity with quality.

00:33:25.956 --> 00:33:32.276

Yeah. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I keep coming back to it. And what I love about our

00:33:32.276 --> 00:33:38.016

conversation today is the fact that I got to understand such a deeper meaning.

00:33:38.176 --> 00:33:43.476

I mean, I had no idea. I mean, I knew that I knew that one of the dates turned into a husband,

00:33:43.576 --> 00:33:49.476

but I had no idea about all these other just literally life changing moments

00:33:49.476 --> 00:33:55.116

that compounded with one another over the course of this year. It's fascinating.

00:33:55.396 --> 00:34:01.836

It is. It really was fascinating. but let me take it one step further for you.

00:34:02.376 --> 00:34:10.076

I was so fascinated by what happened to me and by what I experienced that I

00:34:10.076 --> 00:34:13.296

kind of started getting curious about it.

00:34:13.396 --> 00:34:23.816

And it turns out that I'm not the only one that goes through some sort of major shift around age 40.

00:34:23.976 --> 00:34:31.716

It turns out that That this is a period in time where many or most of us experience

00:34:31.716 --> 00:34:35.456

some sort of shift or transition in our lives.

00:34:35.636 --> 00:34:42.436

It's actually a pretty predictable developmental stage for adults. Yeah. Interesting.

00:34:42.756 --> 00:34:48.796

Very, very interesting. For the person like me who's thinking to myself,

00:34:49.176 --> 00:34:53.996

this would be incredible to do for any milestone birthday.

00:34:53.996 --> 00:34:59.756

What kind of tips, pieces of advice would you offer for anybody thinking,

00:35:00.076 --> 00:35:02.236

oh my gosh, I want to do this too?

00:35:02.851 --> 00:35:09.531

Yeah, that's a great question. I think that for me, going out and being social

00:35:09.531 --> 00:35:14.131

and being out at the bars and having drinks was very much in my wheelhouse.

00:35:14.231 --> 00:35:18.731

So it was an easy thing to commit to and to say, I can do that.

00:35:18.871 --> 00:35:24.531

But I think you could do this same kind of project with almost anything.

00:35:24.531 --> 00:35:30.791

Anything, you know, is it lunches? Is it coffees? Is it walks?

00:35:31.111 --> 00:35:34.251

Is it hikes? Is it a bike ride?

00:35:34.491 --> 00:35:37.431

Whatever it is that you're interested in, you're due.

00:35:37.531 --> 00:35:45.411

Is it, you know, scrapbooking? Is it any kind of thing could be used as the

00:35:45.411 --> 00:35:47.811

basis of this same kind of project?

00:35:47.871 --> 00:35:54.331

The idea would be to bring yourself or to expose yourself to people throughout

00:35:54.331 --> 00:35:57.591

your life, right? Do a, this is your life kind of thing.

00:35:57.931 --> 00:36:02.971

That was the big part for me was exposing myself to people that I hadn't communicated

00:36:02.971 --> 00:36:06.491

with or really been in touch with much in a long time.

00:36:06.671 --> 00:36:10.111

Those were where the big revelations came from.

00:36:10.231 --> 00:36:14.811

People who were in my life on a day-to-day basis, they saw me as I was now,

00:36:14.911 --> 00:36:20.031

and they didn't have things to reflect back to me that were quite as profound

00:36:20.031 --> 00:36:22.851

because we were kind of aligned on who I was today.

00:36:23.411 --> 00:36:30.171

So it really was the digging through my past to find some folks who maybe we

00:36:30.171 --> 00:36:33.211

used to be friends or we used to be close or we used to hang out.

00:36:33.491 --> 00:36:40.551

And those were the folks for me that offered the most interesting insights on my life.

00:36:40.651 --> 00:36:43.431

And not that I went asking for them or looking for them.

00:36:43.451 --> 00:36:50.531

It merely was a part of the conversation because every drink kind of had the same format.

00:36:50.791 --> 00:36:53.651

You know, you'd get to wherever it was you're going, you'd say hello,

00:36:53.851 --> 00:36:55.751

you'd, you know, get settled in.

00:36:56.514 --> 00:37:00.934

And most of the time we'd grab a drink, any old drink, because you'd have to

00:37:00.934 --> 00:37:04.274

figure out what the quote unquote, our drink was going to be.

00:37:04.494 --> 00:37:09.914

And that might require us looking back to what are the thematic connections?

00:37:10.854 --> 00:37:16.754

So Karen and Ginny, we had, we ended up having a shot called the birthday cake

00:37:16.754 --> 00:37:20.754

because we always used to go to each other's birthday parties every year for

00:37:20.754 --> 00:37:23.154

like a decade as all growing up.

00:37:23.294 --> 00:37:25.874

So that was our thematic connection.

00:37:26.514 --> 00:37:30.994

So there were a lot of things that just organically the conversation kind of

00:37:30.994 --> 00:37:35.634

turned and included, hey, remember when we used to do this or remember when

00:37:35.634 --> 00:37:38.334

you did that or remember how we would this.

00:37:38.714 --> 00:37:42.954

And that kind of thing happened in almost every drink.

00:37:44.054 --> 00:37:47.194

Interesting. And you brought up a whole nother component that I didn't realize

00:37:47.194 --> 00:37:53.754

was this idea that each of these 40 drinks with 40 people that you guys decided

00:37:53.754 --> 00:37:58.594

on a drink that was your drink. for that moment. Yes. We decided together.

00:37:58.954 --> 00:38:03.734

There were very few of them that I went in knowing exactly what I wanted to drink.

00:38:03.874 --> 00:38:08.234

My dad was one of them, but yeah, there was another girl I met,

00:38:08.234 --> 00:38:11.914

but from high school when we were girls and we used to, you know, again,

00:38:11.974 --> 00:38:16.974

get into some trouble and we had something called a naughty school girl that

00:38:16.974 --> 00:38:21.494

had like little dum-dum lollipops in it for its garnish.

00:38:22.334 --> 00:38:28.874

What else did I have? There was a friends of mine, a couple that the guy and

00:38:28.874 --> 00:38:35.054

I used to vacation together with a group of friends for, I don't know, three or four years.

00:38:35.274 --> 00:38:39.714

And on one of those vacations, he met his wife. So So,

00:38:40.193 --> 00:38:44.013

She became, you know, great friends with us as well. So I'm out to drinks with

00:38:44.013 --> 00:38:48.033

these two and trying to figure out what it is that we're going to have for a drink.

00:38:48.733 --> 00:38:52.193

And we all used to vacation on this island. It's called Block Island.

00:38:52.333 --> 00:38:53.293

It's off of Rhode Island.

00:38:53.853 --> 00:38:57.213

And so we ultimately ended up coming around with the Seabreeze.

00:38:59.453 --> 00:39:02.593

Amazing. Oh, my gosh. This is incredible.

00:39:03.153 --> 00:39:06.393

Thank you. This is so awesome. It was so much fun.

00:39:06.833 --> 00:39:10.113

Yeah. Now, are these all the blog posts?

00:39:10.253 --> 00:39:15.473

Are they available where we can still read any of those? They are. They are. Yeah.

00:39:16.113 --> 00:39:20.453

So their website is and spell out the word 40.

00:39:20.653 --> 00:39:24.473

Okay. And when you get there, you'll see that a couple of years ago,

00:39:24.493 --> 00:39:27.353

I started a podcast, which I can talk about in a moment.

00:39:27.473 --> 00:39:32.093

But so at the top on the navigation, it says the podcast and then the project.

00:39:32.193 --> 00:39:35.933

And if you go to the page that says the project, when you scroll down,

00:39:35.933 --> 00:39:37.913

there's pictures of all the drinks.

00:39:38.053 --> 00:39:42.253

And if you hover over a drink, you click that, it goes straight to the blog post.

00:39:42.373 --> 00:39:47.273

So you'll be able to see what I was thinking about and talking about and how

00:39:47.273 --> 00:39:50.673

I was describing these people back when we did the project.

00:39:51.693 --> 00:39:56.013

Oh my gosh. I will be sure that your website, the link is left in the show notes

00:39:56.013 --> 00:39:56.913

for anybody interested.

00:39:57.333 --> 00:40:02.373

I mean, because that is just incredible. And then also for anybody who you are

00:40:02.373 --> 00:40:09.393

interested, you can also just head on over to slash 40drinks.

00:40:09.833 --> 00:40:14.433

And that will also be in the show notes. So that way, if that's easier to get

00:40:14.433 --> 00:40:18.493

to, then trying to scroll down in your app and find show notes, just go to that website.

00:40:18.813 --> 00:40:21.733

So with that said, though, I want to be sure people knew how to find it.

00:40:21.793 --> 00:40:22.913

Talk to me about the podcast.

00:40:23.333 --> 00:40:27.673

As you know, the idea is sort of, you know, crazy and very compelling and engaging.

00:40:27.853 --> 00:40:32.313

So for several years, a friend and I, a friend who is a ghostwriter,

00:40:32.313 --> 00:40:35.153

and I tried to sell a book proposal.

00:40:35.313 --> 00:40:37.773

We wrote a book proposal. We tried to get a book published.

00:40:38.213 --> 00:40:42.013

And as it turns out, the publishing industry is highly risk averse.

00:40:42.193 --> 00:40:45.233

And so if you don't, if you're not Anderson Cooper or Oprah,

00:40:45.333 --> 00:40:50.613

or, you know, somebody with a built-in audience already, they're very unlikely to take a flyer on you.

00:40:50.693 --> 00:40:55.393

So, so that for years, I tried to do that. But then a couple of years ago,

00:40:55.493 --> 00:40:58.133

I became not aware of podcasts.

00:40:58.373 --> 00:41:01.473

I knew of podcasts, but I went to a workshop that sort of showed me under the

00:41:01.473 --> 00:41:03.653

hood and kind of behind the scenes.

00:41:03.773 --> 00:41:07.113

And I thought, well, what if I turned 40 drinks into a podcast?

00:41:07.633 --> 00:41:12.313

And so my first thought was, well, I could talk about each of my 40 drinks,

00:41:12.393 --> 00:41:14.373

but then the podcast would be over.

00:41:15.193 --> 00:41:21.553

But if I zoomed out a little bit and I used this theory, this whole thesis that

00:41:21.553 --> 00:41:27.073

many of us go through a transition around age 40, what if I talked to other

00:41:27.073 --> 00:41:29.313

people about their transitions?

00:41:30.093 --> 00:41:36.053

So that's what I do. It is primarily an interview show. And I talk to people...

00:41:37.042 --> 00:41:42.282

By and large so far, it's been people who are beyond their transition and who

00:41:42.282 --> 00:41:47.302

are reflecting back on the lessons they learned and how they made it through their transition.

00:41:47.662 --> 00:41:52.702

But I also sometimes have people on who are in their thirties who are looking

00:41:52.702 --> 00:41:56.422

forward at age 40 and kind of trying to think, trying to reconcile,

00:41:56.682 --> 00:42:00.502

you know, their thought process around who they are now with what they think

00:42:00.502 --> 00:42:04.802

about turning 40 and what their plans for their 40th birthday are, those kinds of things.

00:42:04.922 --> 00:42:10.202

So my goal with the show is really to one, make it common cultural knowledge

00:42:10.202 --> 00:42:14.562

that there is a transition around age 40, because I don't think there really is.

00:42:14.782 --> 00:42:20.002

And then number two, to showcase so many versions of that transition that anyone

00:42:20.002 --> 00:42:24.082

out there who's either approaching or recently turned 40 with,

00:42:24.202 --> 00:42:27.982

you know, dread in their heart or quaking in their boots, you know,

00:42:28.022 --> 00:42:32.282

they'll know that they're not alone because they'll be able to really experience

00:42:32.282 --> 00:42:36.342

other people's transitions as well. I love it. Oh my goodness.

00:42:36.522 --> 00:42:42.002

I love everything about you. I love everything about this whole kind of just

00:42:42.002 --> 00:42:46.022

theme that you've got going, this whole just purpose and mission.

00:42:46.162 --> 00:42:48.402

The 40 drinks is incredible.

00:42:48.842 --> 00:42:52.422

You are incredible. Oh, Kevin, thank you so much. Oh my gosh. Yeah.

00:42:52.502 --> 00:42:58.662

Oh my gosh. I have enjoyed hearing your stories today so very much.

00:42:58.662 --> 00:43:03.122

And like I said, I will be sure that links are all in the show notes for your

00:43:03.122 --> 00:43:07.242

website, for the articles, for the podcast, all the things.

00:43:07.682 --> 00:43:11.402

Thank you so much, Stephanie, for being here. Thanks for having me,

00:43:11.442 --> 00:43:12.382

Kevin. It's been my pleasure.

00:43:12.942 --> 00:43:17.202

Absolutely. For you, my friend, be sure to check out today's show notes.

00:43:17.242 --> 00:43:21.022

Go to her website,

00:43:21.202 --> 00:43:26.062

You heard it. Go check it out because I'm telling you, you got to get some more

00:43:26.062 --> 00:43:31.842

of this lady in your life. So, this is Kevin Lowe with Grace and Inspiration.

00:43:31.942 --> 00:43:36.922

Get out there, and hey, today, why don't you consider going having a drink with

00:43:36.922 --> 00:43:37.882

somebody from your past?

00:43:37.840 --> 00:43:56.341


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