Show Notes

You are invited to delve into the powerful act of sharing your life story. And yes, I'm talking to you!

Kevin, who has faced his own trials including the loss of his sight, prompts us to reflect on our personal narratives - the triumphs, the setbacks, and the moments that have tested us to our core. With a blend of vulnerability and encouragement, he asserts that sharing these experiences can be a transformative act for both the storyteller and the listener.

This discussion opens up with Kevin urging us to rethink the importance of our individual journeys and to consider the potential impact of sharing those stories with the world. Addressing common hesitations, he assures listeners that the process can bring clarity, inspiration, and connection. Through a mixture of personal anecdotes and motivational guidance, the episode explores how recounting one's life events can be both therapeutic and influential. Kevin also provides creative alternatives to sharing stories beyond the traditional approach of writing a book, suggesting options like podcasts, blogs, and public speaking as viable platforms.

Mentioned Links & Resources

Hey, it's Kevin!

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© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

0:00:00 - (Kevin Lowe): You. Have you ever taken the time to sit back and think about your own story? I'm talking about your life story. I'm talking about the good times and the bad. The challenges you have gone through, the times that have honestly brought you to your knees, and of course, the good times as well.

0:00:18 - (B): The times when you felt on top.

0:00:20 - (Kevin Lowe): Of the world like, hoohoo. Nothing could stop you now, those moments, they equal your story. And inside of today's episode, we're not only talking about that story, but we're talking about the idea of sharing that story with the world. Now, I know you maybe thought, whoo. Wait, that is not what I'm about to do. But I ask you to just hold on because let me explain myself. I promise it's not as scary as you may think.

0:00:52 - (Kevin Lowe): The idea of sharing your story with the world, my friend, stick with me and let me show you what I'm.

0:01:00 - (B): Diving into inside of today's episode. Welcome to episode 265. What's up, my friend?

0:01:08 - (Kevin Lowe): And welcome to Grit Gracelet inspiration. I am your host, Kevin Lowe.

0:01:13 - (B): 20 years ago, I awoke from a life saving surgery only to find that I was left completely blind. And since that day, I've learned a.

0:01:21 - (Kevin Lowe): Lot about life, a lot about living.

0:01:23 - (B): And a lot about myself. And here on this podcast, I want to share those insights with you. Because, friend, if you are still searching.

0:01:31 - (Kevin Lowe): For your purpose, still trying to understand why or still left searching for that.

0:01:37 - (B): Next right path to take, we'll consider.

0:01:40 - (Kevin Lowe): This to be your stepping stone to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

0:01:45 - (B): As we dive into today's episode, I.

0:01:48 - (Kevin Lowe): Want to give you a roadmap because I know you might be thinking that this isn't for you. Well, hopefully you've made it this far because I'm going to give you a preview into what I'm talking about today so that you can see it's not as scary as you may be thinking. The first thing that we're going to talk about is the vital importance of sharing your story. How it's honestly one of the most powerful things that you can do for your own self, for your own personal development.

0:02:19 - (Kevin Lowe): And then, of course, the next step is what it can do for others. Because your story may be the lifeline that somebody else, that you don't even know, somebody on the other side of the globe, needed to hear today. Because, remember, we're all on a journey, and sometimes it just helps to hear that, oh, they were able to make it through, and that gives them the inspiration to keep moving on another day.

0:02:47 - (Kevin Lowe): And then lastly, the biggest thing is I want to give you some creative ideas for how to share your story. Because when most people talk about sharing their story, they think of writing a book. And my friend, I'm going to give you some much easier ways than writing a book. Now, before we dive into the rest of today's episode, I want to remind you, maybe it's time that you really think about this idea of sharing your story.

0:03:17 - (Kevin Lowe): But maybe you feel like you need some clarity. Maybe you want to first figure out what is my purpose? What is my reason why? What is that North Star guiding my way? Well, my friend, that's where I can come in to help you to figure out what that life's purpose is. All you have to do is to text the word discover to 5544. Again, text the word discover to 5544. And I'm going to get you information into how I can help you to work with me so that we can discover your purpose together.

0:03:54 - (Kevin Lowe): So let's go ahead and address the first question that you're asking yourself. But why? Why do you want me to share my story? It's my story and I don't think it's that great to begin with. So why am I going to think about sharing it? Well, that's what we're going to talk about first. Have you ever resonated with somebody's story? Have you ever watched a movie which honestly is just a story and it impacted you?

0:04:24 - (Kevin Lowe): Did you ever hear somebody's real life story, not even a movie, not even a book, but somebody's real story of going through something in life and it made you think, wow, gosh, I feel the same way. You resonated with that story? Well, that's why I'm trying to get you to share your story. Because whether you believe it or not, there's people out there who are two steps behind you. They're traveling down the same path you've been on.

0:04:58 - (Kevin Lowe): And by hearing your story, that will be the lifeline that they need to move forward, because I'm sure you along the way, you wish that you had had a lifeline. I bet you wish you had heard the story of somebody two steps ahead of you who could help to guide you, to help lead you on the way. Telling your story, it's about connecting with others. And most importantly, it's about realizing that no matter how unique we may think our stories are from one another.

0:05:35 - (Kevin Lowe): They all have common bonds, they all have similarities, and they all have little attributes that can help one another. And that my friend, is why you should be sharing your story. Now, here's the important thing to remember. As I said earlier, we're not just talking about only sharing your story in terms of writing it down in a book. No, I'm talking about many different avenues for sharing your story, many of which will lead to a dialogue, conversations with people who can talk to you, and you can grow as much as you help them to grow by both of you sharing stories that honestly, that's how we really grow in life, is having a conversation with somebody else.

0:06:22 - (Kevin Lowe): And by you deciding that you are going to take the initiative and start sharing your story, you open that door, you create that invitation, and what will come next is going to blow your mind. So maybe you think to yourself, okay, but you know what? I don't really care about helping other people by sharing my story. Well, what about for yourself? Because by you sharing your story, whether you write it down, you speak it out loud. I don't know. You act it out on stage, to be honest.

0:06:57 - (Kevin Lowe): It's going to help you. The more that you can get used to sharing your story, the more that you can get used to revealing who you really and truly are. That right there is the optimal way to start living a life of fulfillment, a life of peace, a life of purpose. So your story, it may help others, but it's going to especially help you each time you share it. Now, I know what you're thinking. Is this as fine and dandy, Kevin, but I'm not a writer. I'm not an author and I have no intention of writing a book.

0:07:39 - (Kevin Lowe): And you told me at the beginning that I don't have to write a book. So how else can I share my story if I don't write a book? Well, my friend, first and foremost, the easiest way is for you not to write it down, but instead for you to talk it out, for you to share it like you're talking to somebody through a conversation, like you're on a podcast. Did you realize that you. Yes, you can easily be a guest on other podcasts.

0:08:08 - (Kevin Lowe): It's easier than you may think. Matter of fact, if you're really thinking that this is an avenue for you, I'll leave a link inside of today's show notes for an amazing resource that makes guesting on other podcasts easy as one, two, three. But what if you don't want to get on a podcast? That's cool. Maybe you don't want to write a book, but you would be cool writing little stories about your life. Maybe it's not all compiled into one big novel.

0:08:40 - (Kevin Lowe): But maybe you start releasing a blog every week. Once a month, you publish a new little piece of your story, broken down into bite sized chunks so that it can leave an impact on somebody. Now, of course, if you really want to go to the next level, you can get on stage. There are so many opportunities for you to share your story. Look up in your local community defined speaking opportunities. As I said, the more times that you can share your story, the more comfortable you'll get with it and the more impact it will have, because the more ears it's landing on.

0:09:22 - (Kevin Lowe): So whether you want to write it or talk it or just sit down and have a conversation about it, I encourage you to do it. It's easier than you think. And I want you to remember the whole purpose of this whole thing is that I'm not encouraging you to share your story, just to share your story, just to do it. No, I'm encouraging you because I know to mean something. That's the reason why I found such joy in sharing my own story, is after I went blind, a lot of people kept wanting to hear my story of how I overcame it, how I got to where I am.

0:10:00 - (Kevin Lowe): And, well, I started talking. I started going to schools, going to elementary schools, middle schools, sharing my story with the kids. Of course, in those schools, I more just made myself out to be a blind superhero. But when I got to speak in front of churches, I got to share the heartfelt conversation. And now that I've gotten into the world of podcasting, when I guest on other podcasts, I get to share my story.

0:10:26 - (Kevin Lowe): And I want to tell you, by sharing your story, you grow exponentially. Not only is it making an impact, but it is the optimum way for personal growth and development to take place. So, as I wrap up today's episode, I want to leave you with an action item, because at this point, you may be thinking, hoohoo. This is a lot to consider, and it is, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming at all. I encourage you to just literally sit down and think about your story, what moments in your life have shaped who you are and where you are today.

0:11:06 - (Kevin Lowe): I know it's not easy to think about the hard times, the stuff that we've never told anybody, but I want you to think about it all to understand how it all fit together, because I believe all of our lives are literally just one big jigsaw puzzle, and it's up to us to piece it together. Once you have time to really reflect on your story, well, then the next step is, of course, to determine what you want to do with it.

0:11:36 - (Kevin Lowe): Maybe you do want to write a book. Well, maybe you go for it. Or maybe you want to start out by maybe guesting on some podcasts, like a guest on this podcast or any other podcast out there. Again, check out today's show notes for an amazing resource that makes guesting super easy. Or maybe you just want to stay local, join some local events like toastmasters, where you can share your story, get used to talking, and start to gauge the feedback that you get from the audience.

0:12:12 - (Kevin Lowe): Your story is powerful. You are powerful. And my last thought is this. If you've made it this far and you still think to yourself, but I don't have a story worth sharing, my friend, you do. And if you want to book a time to talk with me, let's sit down and figure it out. I'll help you understand how your pieces fit together. So if you think to yourself, I have no story to share, well, check out today's show notes and I'm going to leave a link inside of the show notes that will be for my online calendar. You book a time and let's talk.

0:12:51 - (Kevin Lowe): I would love to sit down and talk with you and to see if we can't figure out what kind of story is hidden inside of the journey you've been on. My friend. This is grit, grace and inspiration. Encouraging you to share your story, to be an inspiration and well, that's what living is all about. Until next time, I'm Kevin Lowe. Get out there and enjoy the day.

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