Show Notes

Forever searching to find your life's purpose? Today, your host and Transformational Life & Business Coach, Kevin Lowe is here to guide you through 8 strategies to help you figure out just what your life's purpose is.

"Think of your purpose is your very own theme music."

Inside of today's episode, Kevin Lowe is guiding you through the process of discovering your life's purpose. He emphasizes that finding one's purpose is a journey rather than a destination and compares it to peeling back the layers of an onion. Kevin provides several exercises to help you gain clarity on your purpose, including brainstorming what brings you joy, reflecting on past struggles, and identifying your core values.




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© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

0:00:01 - (Kevin Lowe): I want you to think of this more as peeling back the layers of an onion. Yes, I am using the reference from my favorite movie, Shrek, in which Donkey compares the ogre to an onion. And we've got to peel back those layers to figure out what's at the core of who you are. That is what your life's purpose is. It's the core of the onion. Now, that doesn't mean that all the layers on the outside don't matter.

0:00:32 - (Kevin Lowe): No, they do. That's all a part of you. But we are going to figure out what's at the heart of you, what is in the soul of who you are. That is what your purpose is. What's up, my friend? And welcome to Grit Gracelet Inspiration. I am your host, Kevin Lowe. 20 years ago, I awoke from a life saving surgery, only to find that I was left completely blind. And since that day, I've learned a lot about life, a lot about living, and a lot about myself.

0:01:05 - (Kevin Lowe): And here on this podcast, I want to share those insights with you. Because, friend, if you are still searching for your purpose, still trying to understand why, or still left searching for that next right path to take, we'll consider this to be your stepping stone to get you from where you are to where you want to be. What's up, my friend? And welcome back to the podcast. I am your host, Kevin Lowe, and I am welcoming you to episode number 236.

0:01:36 - (Kevin Lowe): Today, I am tackling one of the biggest questions that most of us wrestle with at some point in our lives is, what is my purpose? Why am I here on planet Earth? What am I supposed to do? We have this thought process. We wonder, am I doing what I really supposed to be? What I'm meant to be? Am I living out my fullest potential possible? Or am I merely just existing because it's so easy to go through life feeling as though you're just checking off the boxes.

0:02:13 - (Kevin Lowe): Like, does any of this really matter? Am I really making a difference in the world? How can I make a difference? How can I leave a bigger impact? And we start to wonder, but what is that impact? What am I going to do? What the heck is my life's purpose? Well, friend, today I am here to help, to guide you through this very thought of what is my life's purpose? How in the world do I even figure out what that is?

0:02:46 - (Kevin Lowe): That's what we're doing inside of today's episode. Now, a little tidbit of information. This is actually the first step in what I call my purpose driven business blueprint. And I walk you through this inside of my free audio training called Unleash your purpose driven Business. You can sign up for this free audio Business today, I'm walking you through it, and I'm going to tell you more about that training towards the end of today's episode.

0:03:21 - (Kevin Lowe): But what we're about to embark on is really the first step, because until you figure out your purpose, your reason why, well, we can't really move forward, so we got to nail that down. And so today, friend, let's walk through it. Let me guide you as we figure out what is your life's purpose. As with many things in life, the big stuff in life, it's not really so much a destination, but rather a journey.

0:03:57 - (Kevin Lowe): And when we're talking about our purpose, our life's purpose, the reason why we are here, I believe it's more of a journey than a destination, because I believe that as we go through life, our purpose can change. Now, I believe it's always at the center of us, but I do believe it evolves as we evolve. I want you to think of this more as peeling back the layers of an onion. Yes, I am using the reference from my favorite movie, Shrek, in which Donkey compares the ogre to an onion.

0:04:35 - (Kevin Lowe): And we've got to peel back those layers to figure out what's at the core of who you are. That is what your life's purpose is. It's the core of the onion. Now, that doesn't mean that all the layers on the outside don't matter. No, they do. That's all a part of you. But we are going to figure out what's at the heart of you, what is in the soul of who you are. That is what your purpose is. Now, my last little quote unquote disclaimer before we embark on this journey is to let you know that the journey to discover your life's purpose is quite possibly the most important journey you will ever embark on in your life.

0:05:22 - (Kevin Lowe): Because at the center of Everything you do should be your purpose. Everything that you think of that you want to do, that you want to embark on, that you want to try, you need to come back to your purpose and do a double check, be sure that the two are in alignment. That's why this is so important. And that Is why I created an entire Business model, an entire training around your purpose. Because your purpose, well, that's at the center of it all.

0:05:56 - (Kevin Lowe): Now, I'm about to walk you through several different exercises, all of them building upon each other, helping you to get clear on your calling, to get clear on your life's Purpose. I would encourage you at this point to get out a pad and pin. If you don't have a pad and pen available, if you're the digital kind, well, open up your computer and get ready to type. And please be sure that as you listen to today's ePisode, feel free to pause it to reflect on each question.

0:06:28 - (Kevin Lowe): I know that if you're anything like me, you think, oh, no, I'll just listen to the whole thing and then I'll come back to it later on. Well, you and Me both know you're not going to come back to it later on, so I encourage you to get prepared to walk through this at this very Moment. Pause me? Yes. I am giving you permission to hit the pause button and get your stuff together, get out a pad and pen and get ready to really figure this stuff out.

0:06:57 - (Kevin Lowe): Because as I said, this is the important stuff, the vital stuff to your Future. My first exercise that I want you to do on this piece of paper or on your open word doc on the computer is I want you to just literally have a brainstorming session. And I want you to write down or type out Everything that gets your heart racing. What Is it that Lights you up? What is it that gets you excited? I don't Care what it is.

0:07:29 - (Kevin Lowe): I don't care if it's a ton of things or two things. I just want you to start writing. Literally. Brain dump session is what we call this. Let it all flow. What we are doing right here is we're getting a data analysis of your pure happiness. The stuff that lights you up, that gets your heart racing. So be sure right now to start with that, start letting it all come out and write it all down. And once you have that done, we can move to the second step.

0:08:02 - (Kevin Lowe): Step two. Well, that's the school of hard knots. I want you at this moment, to reflect back on life, on the stuff that you've been through. This is the struggles, the stuff that have tested you, the stuff that has brought you to your knees. We've all had experiences in life that we honestly would like to forget about. And I'm not here to ask you to reminisce on them, to make yourself go back to that moment and get yourself feeling sad or down or putting yourself back in there. No, I'm not doing that at all. I just want you, though, to reflect on it, and I want you to write it all down.

0:08:43 - (Kevin Lowe): The point in this is I want to prove to you that you are more capable of overcoming the challenges in life than you may think. Because quite possibly, at this moment in time, you think that you're not very strong. You think that you're not very courageous. And you probably think, well, I've not really been through a whole lot in my life. Well, the truth of the matter is that you have, because life is tough for all of us.

0:09:14 - (Kevin Lowe): And I want you to write it all out. I want you to get clear on all the hard times that you've endured in life all the way back as far as you can remember. Write them all down. And the reason why we're doing this is because we're not dwelling on the past. Instead, I'm helping you to realize that quite possibly, the challenges you have overcome may lead you in the direction to identifying what your life's purpose is.

0:09:45 - (Kevin Lowe): Step three, your joy inventory. Now, I want you to switch gears, and I want you to start thinking about all the stuff that makes you smile, that makes you laugh, that totally just makes your day, or at least the moment. Start listing out the stuff that brings you joy in life. What's crucial about this step is that so many times, Your purpose is where your joy lies. That's where your purpose can be found, is inside of the stuff that brings you the most joy.

0:10:19 - (Kevin Lowe): So that's why right now, you are diving into all the stuff that brings you joy in life. Step four is trial and triumph. Now, you can write this stuff down if you want, maybe start coming up with some ideas of some stuff that you really want to do. But maybe you've been a little hesitant on, a little scared to do it, scared to fail, scared to see what ends up happening. But the fact of the matter is that your purpose doesn't just land on your doorstep.

0:10:55 - (Kevin Lowe): You're not going to figure out what your life's purpose is if you spend your life curled up in bed watching Netflix all day. That's just not how it works. You got to get out there and live life. You got to do the thing. You got to put in the work. You got to put in the reps in order for it to come to you. So go ahead on that piece of paper right now and start thinking about the things that you've been maybe putting off, and I want you to start doing them a little bit more essence, I want you to start living.

0:11:26 - (Kevin Lowe): And more than just living, I want you to do the stuff that you want to do that you dream about doing. This step is encouraging you to do it, because quite possibly, this could be a vital step in you figuring out, hey, this is my purpose. Step number five, your values. In the spotlight. Your values are, and honestly should be, the compass that guides you. I want you to be sure that in this quest to identify your purpose, that your values are always front and center.

0:12:05 - (Kevin Lowe): Because I don't want you to do anything that's out of alignment for you. We're finding your life's purpose to be sure that everything fits together. So I don't want you to allow this to take you off course with the things that you value in life. So I encourage you at this moment to jot them down, to get clear on your values. What values guide you in your everyday life. And the point in writing these down is so that you can be sure that, as I said, on this journey, you don't forget those values.

0:12:43 - (Kevin Lowe): You hold those values near and dear to your heart. We want to be sure that your purpose is in alignment with those values. Step number six, hopefully you've still got room on your notepad. If not, just flip over to a new page and let's keep going. Step six is revisiting your roots. What I'm talking about here is I want you to think back to when you felt the most authentically you. Because quite possibly those formative experiences are a key to your true calling.

0:13:20 - (Kevin Lowe): Maybe this is a time when you stepped outside of what was comfortable. Maybe this was a time when you went against the grain. Maybe this is when you believed in something that nobody else around you did, but you stood up for yourself and you did what you believed in and you felt good. You felt great. I'm here to tell you that if you had an experience like that, then, baby, that is quite possibly a golden nugget you have just found in identifying your life's purpose.

0:13:52 - (Kevin Lowe): So be sure to jot that down, figure it out. Now, I understand I'm asking some really deep questions. I'm encouraging you to go deep and I'm going through this quick. But I want you to take as much time as you possibly need. Remember, hit that pause button. Do the work, because your future is depending on it. Step number seven. Quiet the noise. It's without a doubt that your purpose oftentimes speaks in a whisper.

0:14:22 - (Kevin Lowe): I told you that your purpose isn't just going to show up on your doorstep. Well, your purpose most likely isn't going to scream at you either. It's waiting on you to listen to it, to feel it, to understand it. Your purpose is a part of you. It's at the deepest part of your soul. It's what you are all about. Think of it as a movie's theme music. That is what your purpose is. Your purpose is your very own theme music.

0:14:53 - (Kevin Lowe): And sometimes you got to get quiet to hear it because it's beating down inside of you low and it's waiting on you to slow down enough to get quiet enough and to think deeply enough for you to hear it. So what does this look like? This might look like you taking time to find a quiet spot and just sit. Now, I'm here to tell you, it doesn't just take once. I would make this something you do every day.

0:15:25 - (Kevin Lowe): Some may call it meditating. And meditating has a place in time. But this is honestly me just wanting you to be quiet, to find a space in your house early in the morning when there is no noise. And I don't want you to get on your phone. I don't want you to listen to another podcast. I just want you to sit and I want you to just think. Now, a lot of times, our minds can be pretty busy, so try your best to calm the noise inside your head as much as outside.

0:16:01 - (Kevin Lowe): I want you to just be able to reflect in a calm, easy state and listen to the theme music beating inside of you. Step number eight. We are totally off of the notepad here, and instead we're talking about your circle of influence, the people that you choose to do life with. When we are talking about trying to find your life's purpose, you're going deeper than most people do. Most people go through life without ever even thinking about such a thing.

0:16:36 - (Kevin Lowe): And the fact that you are not only thinking about it, but you're taking action to discover it, it honestly puts you ahead of the rest. Now, here's the thing. If you have a dream for your life, or maybe you're not even sure exactly what that dream is, but you know that you're made for more. I believe that God gave you that dream, that you were instilled with that desire for more. The problem is that we then want to share it with others. We want to tell people about it, but the problem is that they don't have the same dream as you.

0:17:14 - (Kevin Lowe): They aren't instilled with that same desire. And so oftentimes it can bring us down, not even by them meaning to do it. But it's just that they don't have the same dream as you. So I want you to be sure that you're aligning yourself with the right kind of people. Maybe that's not people in your immediate family or the people you work with. Maybe you need to find some support groups, some groups on Facebook, people who are on the same journey as you.

0:17:45 - (Kevin Lowe): I want you to be sure that you find those people and you have their influence on your life. Because I'm telling you, a rising tide lifts all boats. And so when you're on a big journey like this in life, it does help to have some others who are on a similar journey as you. When you take the time to do all of these exercises, I'm here to tell you that you are one step ahead on figuring this stuff out.

0:18:17 - (Kevin Lowe): You are so much closer to finally identifying what your life's purpose really and truly is. Here's my final thought on helping you to figure this out, is that I want you to not overthink it. Sometimes in life, we overthink things way too much. Seems like the more we think about it, the more we try, the further we don't go, the harder we seem to fall, and we can't understand why. I want you to give yourself a break.

0:18:53 - (Kevin Lowe): I want you to not think about it. Yeah, I know I've just spent the last however long telling you to think about it. But at this point, if you're still not clear, I want you to just step away from it and I want you to just focus on living life. And chances are at some point, it's all going to come together because sometimes it takes a little bit of marinating for things to get good. And this is one of them.

0:19:23 - (Kevin Lowe): This isn't something easy. Just give it some time. Now, here's the other little thing is that it's okay for you to feel like you've got it nailed down. Like, oh, maybe this is my purpose. And so you start moving forward. You start pursuing dreams, you start building a business around it. But maybe as time goes by, your purpose seems to change a little bit. That's okay. It's part of living. It's part of life.

0:19:54 - (Kevin Lowe): And so I don't want you to be scared to move forward. I want you to realize that we only get one chance at this life. We got to make it count. You get a chance to make this life matter. And by you taking part in today's episode, listening to what I had to say, taking action on all those items, you're already moving forward to the life of your dreams. Now, friend, I told you at the beginning of the episode that I wanted to invite you to sign up for the unleash your purpose driven business.

0:20:30 - (Kevin Lowe): Free audio training. Because it takes what we just did and puts it all together. It's short. I tried my best to keep it concise. You literally can get through the entire thing in less than an hour, or you can take one lesson at a time and span it out over a couple of days. It's totally up to you. It's your option because it's delivered right to your email's inbox. All you have to do is go to

0:21:01 - (Kevin Lowe): business. That is the website gritgraceinspiration combusiness. Of course, that link is inside of today's show notes and sign up. It's a free audio training that I have made to help you put it all together. Because identifying your life's purpose, that's just the first step. Then we go from there and we eventually create your purpose driven business blueprint. The blueprint to the business and life of your dreams.

0:21:33 - (Kevin Lowe): So friend, that's it for today. Just remember this, that your purpose is worth pursuing. That your life matters, that your future is more important than anything else. Be sure that you enjoy this life, that you love it. And I believe it all starts by figuring out what in the world is my purpose. Until next time, my name is Kevin Lowe, host of Gritgrace and inspiration as well as transformational life and business coach.

0:22:04 - (Kevin Lowe): It is my pleasure to have you here with me each and every week. Be sure to check out business for your very own audio training on unleash your purpose driven business. Never die.

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