Show Notes

From college student and Uber Eats delivery driver to the founder of three seven-figure businesses, discover Vash Tomanec's transformative journey and the mindset shifts that propelled his success.

"Nothing in your life is going to change until you do."

In today's episode, Vash Tomanec delves deep into his personal and professional journey. It's not just a tale of business success, but an inspiring story of determination, vision, and the power of a positive mindset. Discover the steps and strategies he employed, and how you can apply them to achieve your own goals.


  • Never underestimate the power of a book - "Rich Dad Poor Dad" was the ignition point to set Vash Tomanec on a new direction in life!
  • Achieving your objectives begins with clarity: Know what you desire, comprehend its importance to you, and then pursue it relentlessly.
  • Utilizing tools like visualization and meditation can profoundly impact your brain, fostering a sense of achievement even before the goal is reached.
  • To truly succeed in any realm of life, personal growth and continuous self-improvement are non-negotiable.




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Vash Tomanec is a 25-year-old entrepreneur from the Czech Republic. His story here on the podcast begins as a college student and Uber Eats delivery driver, but through his determination and mindset shift, he was able to set his life on a new course - ultimately leading him to build three seven-figure businesses. Vash is now the co-founder of Mindtrepreneur, a company that helps entrepreneurs achieve their goals through mindset coaching.

Hey, it's Kevin!

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© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript

0:01:08 - (Kevin Lowe): What's going on? And welcome back to grit, grace and inspiration. I am your host, as well as transformational life coach Kevin Lowe. Guys, I am so excited to have you here today because, oh, my goodness, we got another awesome guest in the studio waiting on you. His name is Vash Tomanec, coming to us from the Czech Republic. If you have ever thought about starting your own business, ever had the idea in your head that, you know what, maybe there's something more, maybe I want to do something more, but you haven't.

0:01:47 - (Kevin Lowe): Well, today's interview, it's for you. Because Vash Tomanec is a 25 year old with having now three seven figure businesses. The guy is blowing up. But here's what's cool about it, is it's not that he discovered some special new app. It's not that he has some incredible backing behind him. No, the guy figured out how to empower himself through his mind. His story is absolutely incredible. Going from a college student to uber delivery guy to, as I said, seven figure business owner.

0:02:31 - (Kevin Lowe): But more than what Vash has done, it's just his overall personality. It's his vibe. It's super cool, super chill, and, well, it's just one of those guys you're like, you know what? I could totally see myself just hanging out with Vash, grabbing a beer after work, chilling out, relaxing. Because Vash is just one of those awesome kind of guys. If something said inside of today's episode resonates and you think, you know what? I bet my friend would love to hear this, well, please go ahead and share today's episode with him. That would mean the world to me.

0:03:08 - (Kevin Lowe): So with all of that said, guys, I gotta introduce you to the awesome guy waiting inside. Here is my interview with AVash Tomanec.

0:03:22 - (Vash Tomanec): Nobody in my family is an entrepreneur, so I was living in the Czech Republic, small country in Europe, so my beliefs about what's possible were very small. I will go to school, go to university, get corporate job. That was my kind of beliefs, that was possible. And the turning point was when I was around the age of 18, my friend gave me the book Rich Dad, Poor dad. And that book sparked first fire inside of me, telling me vibe, hey, there is more to this and I want to be an entrepreneur. So that was first spark that got it started. But as probably many people can relate, I was basically for the next few years, just having the idea of starting a business, but actually not doing anything for it.

0:04:10 - (Vash Tomanec): And the second big spark came is my last job was delivering food for Uber Eats. So I was at university delivering food for Uber Eats to support myself financially. And around the time I started to meet with other people from the company. So basically the other delivery guys, but they were much older, they were 30, 40, 50. And I could see Kev, how unhappy they are. I could see that they can't provide their families with what they want. They don't have enough time for them. They don't have the lifestyle they once wanted.

0:04:42 - (Vash Tomanec): And I could see how unfulfilled they were. And at that point, there was this big fire inside of me that just sparked this fire to be like, vaj, we are doing it. Vaj, we are going to start a business right now. There's no more time to wait. And I don't want to end up like these people. So these would be the two points that really changed my life.

0:05:04 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah, amazing. Now for those who have not read the book, Rich Dad, Poor dad, what about that book was so impactful for you?

0:05:15 - (Vash Tomanec): I would honestly say it was more about, hey, the world is much bigger than you think. In a way, you don't need to just have corporate job, you don't need to follow the standard path, you don't need to follow the standard society's advice. So it really showed me, hey, you can be an entrepreneur, you can own houses, you can be wealthy in a way. And that really opened my ideas because I thought rich people are basically inherited or they were lucky or they're special.

0:05:47 - (Vash Tomanec): And I thought, I'm not that guy. But that book kind of showed me that it's possible for anyone.

0:05:54 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah, amazing. Now that I assume kind of answers my next question in the fact of you have this kind of realization as delivering food for Uber and you're seeing these other people and you're like, I got to do something. And so my first thought was, well, why immediately entrepreneurship rather than, I got to really do good in college so that I can get that big corporate career.

0:06:22 - (Vash Tomanec): Because at that point, I was already watching a lot of YouTube videos and reading books and I really saw that people with Internet are doing all kinds of cool stuff that they started their businesses, they are doing what they want or they are their own boss. And that's the idea I truly like because, yeah, I just like the idea of being the creator of my life and almost creating the conditions that I want, not somebody else telling me how many weeks of vacations I can take each year.

0:06:55 - (Vash Tomanec): So that's why I like that. And I realized college is not going to do much because I was learning more from YouTube than from college. Honestly, I was like, okay, this is not going to help much. So I just finished it, basically to finish it because it was last year, but in my free time, I was already working on my own business that by the time I graduated was already profitable and was kind of paying me more than probably some banker, senior banker in the Czech Republic.

0:07:29 - (Kevin Lowe): Wow, okay, dude, this is so crazy. So cool you have that kind of rags to riches type story. The headline itself. Uber Driver, College Kid to Seven Figure Business. Owner is like, Whoa, man. The journey, though, the journey from that realization you had delivering food to then really getting to a point when, as you said, graduating college, you're already doing amazing in this business. What was the journey, though? How did you choose what career to get into?

0:08:11 - (Kevin Lowe): How did that all start and how did it go?

0:08:13 - (Vash Tomanec): Yeah, great question, Kevin. Yes. It seems so quick, so easy, so good. But there were definitely moments that could end it for me and we wouldn't be on this podcast today. Basically what happened is I was like, okay, what is the industry where you don't need much capital to start with? So basically because I didn't have capital and the model I liked the most was agency. Whether it's somebody building websites, whether it's somebody delivering advertising agency or something else.

0:08:49 - (Vash Tomanec): And because I was a little bit playing with Facebook advertising, I was like, I will do advertising agency. So that's when I started to buy courses to get educated, to get better. And of course, the courses gave me more than the college. But what I started to see, Cat, even though I had all the information from the courses, what to do, I wasn't doing it.

0:09:12 - (Kevin Lowe): Why?

0:09:13 - (Vash Tomanec): Because I had fear of rejection. I had fear of not being good enough. I wanted to be 100% ready, which you will never be. And a true moment happened when I because I had a course before, I had a big moment with the other Uber Eats delivery guys. That moment actually sparked the idea, no, we are going to do this first step forward. And that's when I also invested in my back then coach, now best friend and business partner, John, who was much ahead along the journey. And he told me, vash, you don't need more information about the business.

0:09:51 - (Vash Tomanec): You need to start taking action. So he told me to do free actions every single day for the next 90 days. He said Vash, let's do some form of acquiring new customers. So I decided to record ten videos every day. So I would every day sit and record ten personalized videos to potential customers. I didn't want to send generic email, I wanted to be very personal. Then I would study sales for 2 hours because I know when you learn how to sell it will benefit you greatly in any business model because all businesses sell.

0:10:25 - (Vash Tomanec): And lastly, I would use visualization caf to visualize that I've already achieved my goal. I'm big believer in visualization. And what happened 63 days later? I recorded 630 videos. So 630 videos, that's a lot of videos. And what happened? No meetings, no clients, no money in my bank account. So I was nowhere near on paper to achievement of my goal. And people were like I told you it's not going to work. My parents were like hey, you should start thinking about getting job after college.

0:11:04 - (Vash Tomanec): But I knew Kev, that at this point virtually everybody is going to give up. Basically they are going to say this doesn't work man, I send 600 videos, it's not working, what's the point? But I knew if I keep going I will get it. And in the next 27 days I signed multiple clients and ultimately I achieved my goal. Day 90 precisely.

0:11:29 - (Kevin Lowe): Wow.

0:11:31 - (Vash Tomanec): That was the journey. It was journey of being persistent, it was journey of not giving up, it was journey of every day showing up like the future self. Because I had to literally change myself because I used to be shy, insecure, student and all of a sudden I would have successful business. I had to start thinking differently, I had to start acting differently to get to where I wanted to go.

0:11:57 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah, that's amazing. I listened to that. And the part that I really want to emphasize the power in is that thing of you gave yourself 90 days and up until day 67 nothing happened. And then all of a sudden though, you didn't quit because what if you did quit? Well, then you never gave yourself the chance. But it's kind of like that thing of a compounding effect where you keep going, you keep going and you still have less money than you did. But then all of a sudden one day it reaches and it exceeds the other value.

0:12:43 - (Kevin Lowe): And I listen to you and I think isn't that really mindset for us all in whatever we're doing in life is if you quit today, well, what if tomorrow was going to be the day when everything changed 100% because I.

0:12:58 - (Vash Tomanec): Was one day away. So if I quit, I wouldn't be here. First of all, and a lot of people understand the compounding effect in finances or in investment. Let's say the best investor of all time, Warren Buffett. If I told hey, Warren, I invested in stocks. Should I take the profits after one year? He would say, no, please don't let them there, because the profits will get bigger and bigger as the money compounds over time.

0:13:30 - (Vash Tomanec): And the same is with our actions. But most people don't understand it because I was doing it every day almost the action started to compound. And I call it the hockey stick effect. If we look visually or we imagine hockey stick, it's almost flat line 90%, but then the end of the hockey stick is shooting straight. And that's how I see it. You go to the gym for two months and almost you don't see progress, but then you go month three and what happens? People start saying, man, how did you lose the weight? Or how did you get in a shape?

0:14:09 - (Vash Tomanec): But it was just compounding effect. The same was here. They asked me, how come you build a business? But they didn't see that first two months. There was none result. I truly believe to build something great or build great habit, we need to be consistent and don't get discouraged, especially the two, three months when it's still compounding under the surface.

0:14:32 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah, exactly. Now, this idea of the 90 day, and you said what, three actions a day exactly? Do you feel that is something that can be applied to many different scenarios that somebody is embarking on?

0:14:51 - (Vash Tomanec): Million percent. Doesn't matter if you want to get in shape, if you want to improve your relationship, when you want to earn more money, you want to progress in your career. I call it a four step framework. The four step framework is first you need to know, what do you want? Okay, that's the vision. Because if you open Google Maps today, what's the first thing it asks you? Where you want to go? And that's what most people kev people don't know. People don't know what they want. They said, I want more money. Okay, here is $50, then get out.

0:15:24 - (Vash Tomanec): Be specific. What do you truly want? So first step is what you want. Second step is why you want it. Because a lot of people can set goals, but very few people actually go and execute them or achieve them because they just saw it on Instagram or they think it would be cool. And that's not a strong reason why. My strong reason why when I started was I never want to sit on the bike and deliver food. And it was so strong that I would never give up, even if it took 900 days, not 90 days.

0:15:58 - (Vash Tomanec): So second is discovering your reason why. Third step is what I call 90 day challenge. So what three actions can you do every day? So in 90 days you get closer to your vision or you even achieve it? And when I was building the business, at the beginning, I had free actions. When I started to grow the business, I had three different actions. If somebody is working on their health, they might have very different free actions as well.

0:16:29 - (Vash Tomanec): But why? I like the 90 day Challenge because it's not too long to get discouraged. Like, I want to achieve it in a year, which might get discouraging, but it's also enough to see tangible results so that's the first step is set of three actions you will do every day. And last steps, which is crucial, is who do you need to become to get to that goal? Because a lot of people try to create new future by staying the same person, but it never worked. You need to upgrade yourself.

0:17:02 - (Vash Tomanec): Like, I needed to upgrade myself. I used to be shy. I'm not going to build successful business if I'm shy. If I'm afraid of everything, I'm not going to build a business. So I had to change myself or upgrade myself to get to the next level. And this is four step framework for what I believe for achieving any goal people set for themselves.

0:17:25 - (Kevin Lowe): Wow, so powerful. Yet when you break it down like that, I think, wow, I think, like, any of us could at least give that a shot. I mean, you've breaking it down into these four steps and powerful in each step, but at the same point, it seems like something that we can do. And I feel like that's kind of the initial step is looking at this framework that you have and realizing, okay, maybe it is doable.

0:18:02 - (Kevin Lowe): He's talking three months, we can do this. I love that. So talk to me about continuing on with kind of your journey. After that 90 days happened, what went on with life at that point?

0:18:18 - (Vash Tomanec): Yeah. So first what happened is basically I use these four steps to get to the next level. So as is usually in life, we love to progress. So as I hit my initial goal, I was like, okay, what's next? I set another 90 day challenge. And almost, I would say 90% of the year. I'm on 90 day challenge. I'm just finishing now one this Friday. Then I am taking two week vacation. I will reflect and I will set another one because I believe it's important for us to, of course, enjoy the journey, enjoy life, but at the same time, always have some destination or checkpoint we are going to.

0:19:00 - (Vash Tomanec): So I basically created new 90 day Challenge, and I continue grow the business. We grew to seven employees, and I started to automate it. So I started to remove myself more and more from the business, and more people started messaging me, hey, Vaj, how come you did it so fast, man? You're earning so much and working so little. How are you doing it? And almost people wanted me to coach them, and I never even considered before. And I was like, okay, this person wants to pay me. I was like, okay, I will create some coaching.

0:19:34 - (Vash Tomanec): And what I realized, Kev is I wasn't coaching them on strategies. It was mostly about the mindset. Because most people know what to do, but they are not doing it. I tell people that today it's not about information. If we look back in history, only rich people had access to information, like to books, because there wasn't any printing machine, so they had to be handwritten. So basically only rich people or wealthy people had access to information.

0:20:07 - (Vash Tomanec): But nowadays you're one YouTube video away from knowing how to get fit, how to get wealthy, how to raise your children, how to speak better, how to storytell. You're just one video away because information is so freely available. And so I realized it's not about information, it's about application. And lot of people don't apply because they had some fears, they procrastinate, they are not know all of these things. And I started coaching them on this and all of a sudden they started to get amazing results.

0:20:45 - (Vash Tomanec): And at that point with the first mentor, John, I mentioned previously, we decided to start the company that is called Mindtrepreneur which is Mindset and entrepreneur together. And basically we started coaching entrepreneurs and two years later we now coach over 1200 people from 62 countries. And these are entrepreneurs that we help with their mindset to achieve their goals. So that's how the journey continued.

0:21:13 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah. That's incredible. Now talk to me about the mindset aspect and specifically I would love to hear more about visualization. You mentioned that earlier in meditation. I know that's something huge for you kind of dive into that for me 100%.

0:21:32 - (Vash Tomanec): So I would love to clarify it first because again, a lot of people confuse it or they think it's a monk sitting on a stone meditating all day. But how I discover it is I started to read in more and more books like hey, you should meditate. So I was like okay, let me start it. And I start with ten minutes a day. And first time I did it, I thought the timer broke. Because the ten minutes seems like eternity.

0:22:03 - (Vash Tomanec): Because nowadays we are so overstimulated. Social media, podcast, music, books, there are just so much things happening, notifications that our attention span is very little and our mind is running like crazy. So I started to do meditation first just for the benefit of being more focused and having calmer mind. Because most people wake up already thinking about yesterday's mistakes, about what is on their calendar today, what they have to do, who do they have to call, and their head is already spinning 5000 mph.

0:22:41 - (Vash Tomanec): So if you focus just ten minutes on your breath, what will happen? Your mind will get calmer, so you can focus better, you are more clear, you can make better decisions. And also what happens is that throughout the day you can be more focused, so you can produce more. So that was the first benefit cap. That's why I started just hey, it makes sense. It's like training muscle in the gym. Let me train my focus by focusing on my breath ten minutes a day.

0:23:11 - (Vash Tomanec): And then I started to read a lot about visualization that sports people, Olympic teams, they visualized, they visualize the punch, they visualize the scoring the point, they visualize defending whatever it is. Because I read that when you visualize, the body and brain doesn't know the difference. And a lot of people can test this at home later on is if you close your eyes and you visualize you're standing at top of a skyscraper and you're looking down and there is big fall if you do it correctly, your palms will start sweating, your heart will start beating faster even though you're sitting in your chair.

0:23:50 - (Vash Tomanec): How come? Because your brain doesn't know the difference between what we visualize and what is really happening. So I was like this makes sense. It means I can experience something that hasn't happened yet, but it will seems like it already happened. So I incorporated visualization that. I started to visualize that basically I woke up to clarify, my first goal was to hit $10,000 a month with my business. That was the initial goal.

0:24:18 - (Vash Tomanec): So I've never earned that sort of money. I've never had that sort of money before. So I even didn't believe it's possible because I know even in US it's quite good. But in Czech Republic, Ten K is CEO. Wage it's. Big goal. Especially when I was starting. And so basically I would close my eyes in the morning cap and I would visualize that. I woke up, I checked my bank account, there is the amount. I ran to the kitchen, I said mom, dad, I did it. And we celebrated together.

0:24:52 - (Vash Tomanec): And I would replay it in my head over and over and over again. And funny enough, what happened a few weeks later I started to feel like it's already reality. I started to feel like I'm already a successful business owner. And when that happened, I started to act differently. I started to be more confident on a sales call. I started to just hold my body differently. I was almost being the successful business owner, not scary student and that had such an impact on my life and I believe on achieving the goal that I continue visualize every single day. And that's something I teach every single student. So every single student of ours visualizes his goals because I believe in the power of it.

0:25:36 - (Kevin Lowe): Wow. I love that I have never heard it explained in such a simplistic way yet so powerful. Again, it kind of kind of comes back to what I said earlier is the stuff that you're talking about is so powerful, so monumental, yet it's really simplistic in design. And all I can think is we're so focused on overcomplicating everything where you are really just making it simple now in with that simplicity when we talk about meditating and you kind of alluded to it when you began.

0:26:23 - (Kevin Lowe): It's not the easiest thing in the world if you're not used to it. Talk to me about for the person who has never tried to meditate before, talk to me about how it works or how they might attempt to give that a try.

0:26:37 - (Vash Tomanec): Yes. First I would love to uncover it by saying that all of us already meditated. It might just be walk in a park if the listener has a baby. Maybe it was a moment you were playing and you were so immersed that you didn't think about what time it is. You didn't think about what's tomorrow, what was yesterday. You're just so in the moment. And the thing is with this type of meditation, we speak about it, it's so simple. You can't get it wrong, but people think they are doing it wrong because they get distracted.

0:27:12 - (Vash Tomanec): But I want you emphasize you're doing it right. So what do I mean by that? I want people to put some meditational, music, sounds of nature, whatever it is, YouTube, Spotify, I don't care, put timer for ten minutes to begin with and all you do is you focus, let's say at the bottom of your nostrils. You focus on your air coming in and your air coming out. And probably 3 seconds later you start thinking about your pet, you start thinking about your child, you start thinking about what's for lunch, you start thinking about what date is it today?

0:27:52 - (Vash Tomanec): So I want you to get distracted and I want you to realize man, I'm thinking about lunch. Let me bring it back to the breath. 7 seconds later you start thinking about email. You didn't reply. I want you to notice it and bring it back and what is happening? Kev, you're training almost the muscle of being present, of being focused. And the more you do it, the better you get. I always give the example.

0:28:18 - (Vash Tomanec): People expect perfection, so they get distracted and they say Vaj, I can't meditate. They say, oh, vaj, I just I'm not meant for this. No, you're just so distracted that you need some work to do. It's like if you went for the first time to the gym and you would like to bench press. I'm not going to put 200 pounds on it and say hey bro, just go and bench press.

0:28:46 - (Kevin Lowe): No.

0:28:47 - (Vash Tomanec): We will start with the smallest amount possible and maybe a year later you will be able to lift much heavier. But every week you could progress by a few pounds and the same is here. I want people to lose the focus after 7 seconds, but maybe in a week it will be 10 seconds, after three weeks it will be 20 seconds. And what will happen? You will develop such a strong muscle that you go for dinner and the person opposite to you, they're like man, thank you. You are so present with me. I had so much fun because you are possessing something that nowadays, in the TikTok era, in the distraction era, is so rare, which is being present.

0:29:35 - (Vash Tomanec): So that's how I would start ten minutes a day. Focus on your breath, get distracted, bring it back, get distracted, bring it back, get distracted, bring it back. And it will get easier and easier.

0:29:49 - (Kevin Lowe): Wow, that's amazing. I think that's something any of us can so you my listener. Let's make it our goal. Let's give this a shot. I mean, Vash has some amazing, just super tangible things that I think all of us can try. And so I'm game for it. VOSH. You got me excited. You got me excited, man. Yeah. Now talk to me about I'm kind of curious, honestly, you being so big with when we're talking about meditating, we're talking about the visualization.

0:30:27 - (Kevin Lowe): Is there anybody or resource or something that really impacted you that maybe that you leaned on as a mentor in this space or I just came kind of curious how that really developed and has you so into this.

0:30:45 - (Vash Tomanec): Yeah, so definitely I would say the biggest mentor and the person I respect the most is Dr. Joe Dispenza, who is quite big in the United States, and he's doing big things also in the health know, with people standing from wheelchairs, people hearing for the first. He's like he's been greatest asset since I started, and I read his book seven, eight times. I went to his seminars multiple times because, yeah, he's the go to guy for me in terms of meditation, because especially he's measuring everything scientifically, so it's not some woo woo stuff.

0:31:26 - (Vash Tomanec): It's very tangible, and people can clearly see, hey, this guy uses meditation to heal something or to get to the next level. So he's the resource I go to. And this is a big principle I would love to share with people that I'm big fan of, which is I want people to focus on mastery, not dabbling, because a lot of people dabble, they learn bit of from this teacher, bit from this person, bit of from this person.

0:31:56 - (Vash Tomanec): But what I do, I choose one person, and I read every book from them. I listen every podcast, I just attend all seminars they have.

0:32:06 - (Kevin Lowe): Why?

0:32:06 - (Vash Tomanec): Because I want to master it. I want to become really good at it, not just a little good. So I think a lot of people nowadays read 15 books, they listen 50 podcasts, and as a result, they know a lot, but again, they don't master it. So that would be my advice, is whatever area it is, choose one person you resonate with and go all in on them, because there is somebody who already walked a path and they can save you years if not decades.

0:32:36 - (Kevin Lowe): Wow, talk about calling us out there. Vash. I'm like, did he see my Audible app and that I've got like, ten books that are partially done. Yeah, that is. So true and I really love that. Now, Joe Dispenza, I will be honest in the fact that I do not know who he is until I found out about you. Because you actually though you talk about this guy, but you would end up speaking on stage with him, correct?

0:33:10 - (Vash Tomanec): Yes. So basically because I use his work to create a lot of things in my life. So he used me as a case study, we could say. So I spoke in front of 1700 people sharing the story. People can find it on YouTube when they just spoke. Joe Dispenza vash v sh. You can listen to it. And yeah, I just believe honestly Kev, you should check him out because he's truly doing amazing things for many people and maybe you want to get inspired by his work as well.

0:33:46 - (Kevin Lowe): Absolutely. So how did you come to speak on stage with him?

0:33:54 - (Vash Tomanec): Again, I don't believe in coincidences. I believe at some level we created it, but it was like I just use his work to basically create a relationship in my life, to totally attract relationship, to create more business, to attract more money, all of these things that many people want. So I was inside of some Facebook group so I just shared how the process I did it and I believe I took his teachings and little upgraded know use a lot of practical stuff as you can probably hear. By this podcast that I'm very practical.

0:34:30 - (Vash Tomanec): And so basically, I shared in the group. And then I went to Marco Island in Florida for his seminar, and the post got so many kind of responses, like, thank you. This was amazing. It makes it so practical. And then they messaged me basically, hey, I saw you, you're in Florida. Do you want to speak on stage and share it? I was like, of course you. So I met Dr. Joe Dispenza backstage and they are incredible human and I just on the stage share the story. So again, I believe it's very important to share with people and it always come back, even though I wasn't expecting anything, of course, but I was just willing to share something totally for free, no strings attached. And it came back somehow and yeah, I just took it to the next level by making it maybe more practical because I believe a lot of teachers are not practical, they know a lot of wisdom, but then when it comes to put it in action, it's a little vague, we could say.

0:35:38 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah, no, I love that so much. Now, this journey, how long has it been since really since you read the book Rich Dad, Poor dad? How long has that been?

0:35:50 - (Vash Tomanec): Yeah, so it's been seven years since the book since I started my first business. It's three years now. So basically the journey was three year long and yeah, I started meditating probably three years ago.

0:36:03 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah, amazing. Along that journey from then to now, what would you say is kind of like the biggest lesson you've learned, whether about yourself, about business, about entrepreneurship? That's kind of up to you. Is there any one thing that you would say is the thing that stands out in your mind the most?

0:36:26 - (Vash Tomanec): 100%. To me, the biggest thing is this nothing, and I mean true and nothing in your life is going to change until you do. So if a person wants to have more money, you need to change some aspect about you, because you're the one who created the life. You have the good and the bad. If you want your relationship to be better, you need to upgrade yourself. You want your business to be better, you need to upgrade yourself. So anytime I want to level up Kev, I'm not looking externally. I'm looking internally.

0:36:58 - (Vash Tomanec): Okay, perfect. I created this. I created this. I take total responsibility for everything. I created this. Okay? If I want something new, something better, something else, I need to change some aspects about myself. And that's one of the best lessons learned.

0:37:16 - (Kevin Lowe): Yeah. Amazing. Amazing. Vash, man, you are incredible. This whole journey you've been on is incredible. But more than that is I love mindset element to it, and I speak openly about myself is that sometimes it's easy to say, I don't want the mindset, I just need the tactics. Just tell me what to do. But the truth is that I think when we all are really honest with ourselves, we know ourselves better than anybody else.

0:37:54 - (Kevin Lowe): And so chances are we know what we should be doing better than anybody else.

0:38:00 - (Vash Tomanec): Yes.

0:38:01 - (Kevin Lowe): Would you agree with that?

0:38:03 - (Vash Tomanec): 100%. There are so many examples where people know exactly what to do. There is not a rocket science. If you are basically your business is not where you want it to be, you know what to do to get it to the next level. If your health is not where you want it to be, you know there are certain things you could start doing to get it where you want to go in your relationship the same. So in many cases, people know what to do, but the challenge is they are not doing it. And that's almost where I come to place.

0:38:40 - (Vash Tomanec): I tell people, I'm the guy who helps you apply what you know you should be doing. Of course, I might know certain strategies. I might help you with the tactics, but I could be giving you the best tactics that help thousands of people. But if you don't apply it, what's the point? You can have nice dinner conversation about it.

0:39:01 - (Kevin Lowe): Exactly. No, I love that so much. And it's literally the truth. It is the truth. That's incredible. At this point in this journey you're on, what do you see for your future?

0:39:14 - (Vash Tomanec): A lot of people tell me, where do you see yourself in five years? I told them that I have no idea. Because if you ask me three years ago, where do you think you will be in five years? I would definitely aim much lower than I am now because I was operating from a limited perspective. So I never said where I will be in five years. Because I don't know. So I said, usually for a year, max and where I believe I will be. Kev. I truly believe that I have powerful message. I truly believe that I'm making the unpractical practical.

0:39:46 - (Vash Tomanec): And I just believe that I will be very likely sharing my message, whether it's through, let's say, on stage, or whether it be through videos or through certain programs. I just believe that I have powerful message to share. And that will be where I believe I will be spending a lot of time on.

0:40:08 - (Kevin Lowe): Absolutely. Powerful message. Indeed. Vash. Where can people go when they need a little bit more of you in their life?

0:40:17 - (Vash Tomanec): Yeah. If the listener has any questions, just go to Instagram. Message Me. Vash it's at Vash. That's V-A-S-H underscore tomonic. T-O-M-A-N-E-C-I believe it will be in the show notes. And if you just want to see what we are about, you go to mindtrepreneur. And that's And there you will find out more.

0:40:39 - (Kevin Lowe): Amazing. Man, I am so pumped up. You are one of those people, man, that I'm like. You know, you're just the kind of guy who sometimes you need to talk to once a week to get that little boost in you, to get you excited about life, excited about new adventures. So thanks for being that boost today. Vash?

0:41:01 - (Vash Tomanec): No, thank you. Kev. You have incredible energy, and I'm so happy that you're keeping the energy high and you're just going where you want to go, man. So big thumbs up for absolutely.

0:41:12 - (Kevin Lowe): Absolutely. And for you listening today, my hope is that you feel the same way. So whether you check out today's show notes and start following VOSH over on Instagram or check out all the other links that you can connect with him, do that. Or maybe it's time for you to shut off the phone, shut off the computer, shut off this podcast and do a little meditating. I think we've all been inspired by VOSH today to at least give it a try.

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