Show Notes

Often misunderstood and equally under utilized, the power of Self-Reinvention! Let's explore the Who, the What, the Why, and eliminate any misconceptions so that you can make a clear choice for yourself.

"We're not running away from the past. We're blending the past with the future, to create the present that we want."

Reinventing oneself is not about abandoning one's past or running away from who they are. Instead, it is about discovering a new side of who they are and tapping into their full potential. I encourage you to consider reinvention as a way to find happiness, purpose, and a fresh start in life. Inside of today's episode I provide a basic roadmap for the self-reinvention process, highlighting the benefits and opportunities it can bring.

It is important for me to note, reinventing yourself is not about forgetting the past, but rather you having the choice to focus on life today. And as time goes by, I believe the pinnacle is when our past can blend with the future to create our truest, authentic selves in the present.


  • Reinvention is not about abandoning one's past but discovering a new side of oneself.
  • The desire for reinvention often arises when one feels stuck or unfulfilled in their current circumstances.
  • Reinvention offers the opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to be happy and live authentically.
  • It is possible to reinvent oneself through small, incremental changes or by making significant life choices, such as moving to a new location.
  • Combining the old with the new can create a perfect blend of past experiences and future aspirations.



Kevin invites you to book a time to talk, should anything said inside of today's episode resonate with you.


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I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

Show Transcript


0:00:00 - (Kevin Lowe): You. I'm not talking about abandoning who you are. No, I'm just talking about you, discovering a whole new side of you, a whole new side that lights you up, that gets you excited about life again. That's what we're talking about. If this sounds like you, then awesome. Let's dive in even deeper into this idea. You. What's up, my friend? And welcome at Degrit, grace and inspiration. I am your host, Kevin Lowe. 20 years ago, I awoke from a life saving surgery only to find that I was left completely blind. And since that day, I've learned a lot about life, a lot about living, and a lot about myself.

0:00:43 - (Kevin Lowe): And here on this podcast, I want to share those insights with you. Because, friend, if you are still searching for your purpose, still trying to understand why, or still left searching for that next right path to take, we'll consider this to be your stepping stone to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Have you ever found yourself standing on the edge of the ocean with your feet in the sand and the water lapping over your feet?

0:01:13 - (Kevin Lowe): And you stand staring out at the horizon and you can't help but think, wow, how small you feel, how big this world really is. And you can't help but maybe think, is there something else out there? Is there something that I haven't tapped into about myself? Am I even happy with where I am, with who I am? How amazing would it be if I could just start over, if I could have the chance at a new beginning, a fresh start?

0:01:47 - (Kevin Lowe): Reinvention. That's what we're talking about. My name is Kevin Lowe. I'm your host. And hey, welcome to the podcast. This is episode number 213. And yes, we are diving into the topic of self reinvention because, well, sometimes for various reasons, we just need a change. And I feel like sometimes this idea of reinventing ourselves can get a bad rap. People can view it in a negative sense as somebody running away from who they are.

0:02:27 - (Kevin Lowe): Well, for me, myself, I don't view it like that at all. I view it as you or me tapping into another version of us. And so today, inside of today's solo episode, I decided to take a stab at this topic in case you yourself are standing on the side of the shore, looking out at the horizon and wondering if there's something more. Before we really continue on this topic, I feel like it's important to be sure that we're both on the same page with what I'm talking about.

0:03:04 - (Kevin Lowe): Because when I'm talking about reinvention, I'm not talking about abandoning who you are. I'm not talking about running away from your past. It's more about discovering another part of you. Think of it like a caterpillar who becomes a butterfly. They're really the same thing. They've just discovered a whole new part of themselves. It's metamorphosis. I think is the term. And that is what I'm talking about with reinvention, because sometimes we live a life as this one version of us, and oftentimes when we stay in the same town where we grew up in, well, we are kind of pigeonholed into this one identity.

0:03:56 - (Kevin Lowe): Who we were in school is who people expect us to be as adults. And, well, sometimes we just feel stuck. We want to try out something new. We want to test the waters on doing something different. And that is what I'm talking about in today's episode, is when you feel like, man, I just want to be different. I wish I could be somewhere where nobody knows my name, where nobody knows my story, nobody knows who I am, and I could have the chance to just reinvent myself.

0:04:32 - (Kevin Lowe): How cool would that be? That's what we're talking about in this episode, in this process. I think you'll realize that, as I said, it's not about running away. It's about finding out more about you, about your core identity. And I think oftentimes it's you finding where in this big world you're really meant to be. Where do you fit in? What are you supposed to be doing? What are you supposed to be wearing?

0:05:09 - (Kevin Lowe): Who are you meant to be? Now, here's the question. How do we know when or why or who or how? That we are in need of a change, in need of a metamorphosis to become a new version of us? Well, when the reflection in the mirror seems a tad unfamiliar or the roles that we play feel more like a character, it's a feeling in your heart, a tug reminding you that, hey, I think you're meant for more, it's that internal desire to discover what lies on the other side.

0:05:52 - (Kevin Lowe): I believe that it's when we feel these feelings that's when it's a sign that quite possibly it's time for a change, time for a reinvention, time for a 2.0. Now, again, I'm not talking about abandoning who you are. No, I'm just talking about you discovering a whole new side of you, a whole new side that lights you up, that gets you excited about life. Again, that's what we're talking about. If this sounds like you, then awesome.

0:06:26 - (Kevin Lowe): Let's dive in even deeper into this idea. All right? So let's talk about the benefits of reinvention. What is it going to mean for you? What benefit does it have to you to go through this, to make the extra effort to reinvent yourself? Well, a lot when we're talking about reinvention, this is a process, this is a journey. This is something really big and monumental in your life. And, well, there's going to be lessons learned all throughout the way.

0:07:03 - (Kevin Lowe): The little twists and the turns, they all hold a new lesson, a new discovery, a new something that is going to let you find out a little bit more about you. But more than any of that, it holds the chance at a fresh start, a new beginning. A redo. Something that we all have dreamed about at some point in life is what it would be like to just start new, as I said earlier, to be somewhere where nobody knows your name, where you get to choose your identity.

0:07:38 - (Kevin Lowe): You get to choose what version of you you want to be. How cool is that? Now, again, we're not talking about acting. We're not talking about putting on a show. No, this is about you getting to be you, your authentic, true self. A version of you that you felt like has been hidden for way too long. So here's the thing. We got a bunch of fluff that I've just talked about, a bunch of the is it for me? What is it?

0:08:14 - (Kevin Lowe): And all of that jazz. But how do we actually make it happen? Because maybe you are the person who thinks, I am ready for this. Let's get it. Tell me how to do it, Kevin. Please. Well, I got you a roadmap. And of course, well, it's obviously called the Reinvention Roadmap. And this roadmap, well, it's going to have you crafting the new you. Because this is a journey that may seem intimidating, it may seem completely out of sorts, something that you can't possibly do, but, well, you can do it.

0:08:51 - (Kevin Lowe): And if you want it bad enough, you will do it. You will find a way. I know you will. Because even though that horizon in the distance may seem far away, the only way to find out how far it is is to start moving forward, to start putting 1ft in front of the other and moving in that direction. As you embark on this journey, on this roadmap to change, well, you get to choose. To what degree do you want this to be?

0:09:24 - (Kevin Lowe): Maybe for you, you're in a position in your life where you can pack up and move. That makes it real easy to be sure that nobody knows your name is to start new. I know for myself, there have been times in my life when I have wished, man, I would love to just move somewhere different, not only just to get out of here, to try somewhere new, to be somewhere cooler than the state of Florida. In terms of the weather, I mean, I think Florida is pretty cool.

0:09:57 - (Kevin Lowe): But hopefully you get my deal is that it's hot. It's real hot, and I'd like to live somewhere a little bit colder. But it would also be really cool to live somewhere, to move, somewhere where nobody knows your past, nobody understands who you used to be. And so therefore, well, they don't judge you to who you were back then. They only know you as who you are today. And so for you, maybe this process of reinvention means you getting to choose a new destination to pack up and move, to try out somewhere new.

0:10:39 - (Kevin Lowe): See, where it is that you enjoy the most, where it is that lends its hand to this new version of you that you want to become. But maybe you're not in a position to move away. Well, that's okay because reinventing yourself, it doesn't have to be to the extremes that maybe you have conjured up in your mind. Maybe it's just small, little incremental changes things to better your life. Maybe you're somebody who wants to get healthier, who wants to lose some weight, to get fit.

0:11:16 - (Kevin Lowe): Well, the best way to do it is to take on the identity of somebody who is already there, to start thinking, to start acting, to start dreaming like a person who is fit. And well, then, lo and behold, you will become that person. There are many different applications for reinventing yourself that we can apply this to. You just have to choose which version fits for you along this journey, this roadmap.

0:11:46 - (Kevin Lowe): I want you to remember something as you embark on this new journey, as you begin to change. People are going to say things, people are going to think things that you are trying to run away from your past, and they're going to tell you things like that, that, oh, you just need to accept it and you need to embrace your past. And yeah, maybe there's a day and time for that, for us to look at our past and to become okay with it.

0:12:17 - (Kevin Lowe): But right now I'm focused on you and what is the best for you and sometimes for our own survival, for our own good. We just need to chase the horizon. We need to test the waters. We need to discover us, who we are outside of the barriers that we have been put in, where we are currently at. This is not about you fleeing your path. This is about you flourishing in the present. Now, along this journey, you're going to get to discover the goodness of it.

0:12:57 - (Kevin Lowe): You're going to get to discover what it's like to be happy again because, well, there's a reason that you chose to reinvent yourself in the first place because, well, you probably weren't happy. And now you get to tap into a whole new you. You get to move somewhere, if that's in your cards, where nobody knows you, and you get to test it out. You get to be who you want to be. Maybe back home everybody knew you as the serious person because, well, maybe you're in your hometown and everybody seems like you have to remain the same person you were when you were back in school.

0:13:38 - (Kevin Lowe): And maybe you are a kid who took school serious. And so now you've kind of been put in this hole of, oh, you're the serious one, but you're tired of that. You're tired of people saying that you're the serious one. You just want to be able to have fun. You want to let loose, be the goofy one, well, this is your opportunity. This is what I'm talking about. It's a reinvention. You deciding who you want to be in being that version of you.

0:14:09 - (Kevin Lowe): And what comes out of that as well. It's a new opportunity to live, to love, to laugh, to enjoy this life. And here's the thing is, again, I'm not talking about you forgetting who you were. No, we're just discovering a new side of you, a new aspect of you, a new version of you. And my hope is that at some point, maybe those two versions can blend together. And then at that point, wow, isn't that magical?

0:14:46 - (Kevin Lowe): To combine the old with the new, to create the perfect. That's what we're talking about. We're not running away from the past. We're blitting the past with the future, to create the present that we want. Today's episode, it's short, it's sweet. It's to the point. It's a message that it's okay if you don't feel like being you anymore. It's okay if you feel like doing something different, if you feel like just getting out of here and going and trying something new, laughing, loving life again, being a new version of you, that's what this is all about.

0:15:28 - (Kevin Lowe): And remember this you're not leaving yourself behind. You're just journeying to find a new, authentic version of you. This evolution, this reinvention, it's a testament to the endless possibilities that this world has for you. This world is way too big, and we are way too small. To ever be stuck. To feel stuck is the worst thing ever. Don't be stuck. If you have the ability, make a change. Do what you have to do.

0:16:02 - (Kevin Lowe): Don't be stuck. That is the worst thing that could possibly happen, because this world is too big. The oceans are too vast. The people are too plentiful. There's many new opportunities awaiting you. It's just waiting on you to make the next step, to make a move, to do what you have to do to discover a whole new version of you. With that said, I am your host, Kevin Lowe, thanking you for being here on another episode of the podcast.

0:16:36 - (Kevin Lowe): If you ever want to get in touch with me, have questions, have comments, or would maybe like to work with me as a coach, please check out the show notes where all of my information is found. Or you can always just head on over to my website, With that said, it's your turn. Get out there and take on the day!

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