Show Notes

I had no idea that the Summer of 2003 would be the last Summer of life as I knew it. But God knew it. And God's hands were at work, being sure that I would remember that Summer for the rest of my life!

"We never know what tomorrow will hold, and that's why it is so important that we never take a single day, a single moment for grantid."

To help celebrate the 60th Birthday of my biggest fan, my most loyal listener, my dear old Dad today's episode was born! Looking back on my life, there's one year, one Summer that sticks out above the rest.

The year was from September 2002 - October 2003. It was the year of my Sweet 16 Birthday! But more than just turning 16 and getting my dream truck, it was a year that brought about the opportunity for me to work with my dad.

In that hot humid Florida Summer I got to run heavy equipment like my dad's CAT Dozer, a backhoe, a roller, a loader, not to mention my dad's big Ford F350 dualie!

We cleared land. We turned woods into families' new homes. We worked hard. We laughed a lot. We ate lunch in the middle of a field. We did it together. And I'll thank God for every single moment of that Summer for as long as I live.

I hope today's episode is a blessing to you in some way, shape, or form.


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Kevin is offering his signiture Life Roadmap Planning Session at NO COST! Sitdown one-on-one with Kevin and map out your 2023 goals and come away with a step-by-step roadmap to take you from where you are, to where you dream of being!


Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration

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