Forrest Gump taught us all that life is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you’re gonna get. But what about the person who taught us that life is also like a road trip to North Carolina?


Okay, maybe that was never a famous line in a blockbuster hit film, nor was it said by any world-renowned philosopher—but it was said by me. Yes, I’m staking my claim: life is like a road trip to North Carolina.


The Infamous Road Trip

Every road trip, no matter where it’s headed, no matter what time of year it is, no matter how near or far you’re traveling… has one thing in common. No, I’m not talking about snacks or bathroom breaks—though that is a discussion all on its own. I’m talking about the drive to your destination and the drive back home.


On a recent trip up to the great state of North Carolina, we had the perfect illustration of life’s ups and downs. We experienced both the best and the worst that travel has to offer, and it was a not-so-subtle reminder of how quickly the tides can turn.


Smooth Sailing

Some days, life is smooth sailing. You know the kind of days I’m talking about:

  • The first pair of jeans you try on fit just right.
  • You catch nothing but green lights on your way to work.
  • Your boss decides not to be a jerk, and your colleague surprises everyone with a box of donuts.

That was our drive up to North Carolina...


Eight hours on the road can feel like an eternity or a breeze, depending on your luck. But somehow, everything fell into place for us. We had minimal traffic the entire route—except for passing through Charlotte, which I’ve come to realize will always have a traffic jam. Even then, we barely had to tap the brakes! We sailed through state lines, scored an A+ breakfast and lunch with zero hassle, and felt downright invincible by the time we rolled into our destination.


If you’ve ever had a day—or even just a single road trip—where it felt like the stars aligned, you’ll know the exact feeling I’m describing. It’s easy to think, “Alright, this is my new normal!” But then life has a way of reminding you that good times and frustrating times often come in waves.


The Unexpected Shift

Fast forward six days, and everything changed on the ride home...

Gone were the peaceful pit stops and the traffic-free stretches of highway. Instead, we found ourselves stuck in a bumper-to-bumper crawl for hours.


If it wasn’t roadwork slowing us down, it was an accident. If it wasn’t an accident, it was your typical idiot driver who doesn't understand the simple concept that slower traffic 'keep right'! And just when we'd finally think the coast was clear, traffic would come to an immediate stop! Brakes are slammed, tires start squealing, and horns of course start blowing!


Where we had previously been coasting on open roads, singing along to our favorite 90's country songs, we were now inching along at a snail’s pace, praying that our next bathroom break wasn't too far away. What changed? Nothing more than the day, the direction we were headed, and the unannounced set of challenges we encountered along the way.


Life Imitating the Road

And just like a road trip, the same can be said about life: it really is unpredictable. Sometimes you wake up to sunshine, an empty inbox, and a fresh pot of coffee filling the air with that scented alarm clock. Other times, you’re hit by life’s equivalent of your alarm not going off, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and a torrential downpour that leaves you soaking wet!


The Most Important Lesson to Remember

Much like our unpredictable road trip, you can’t always control the obstacles or delays thrown your way. You might honk the horn all you want, but traffic rarely disappears just because you’re angry. The only thing you truly have power over is how you choose to handle it—do you let frustration rule the day, or do you accept the slow pace, turn up some good music, and trust that eventually you’ll make it to your destination?


Days like these don’t last forever. And when they’re over, you’ll be that much more grateful for clear skies and wide-open roads. The rough stretches serve as reminders that, when the going is good, you’d better savor every second and take note of what made it so good in the first place—because you never know when you’ll hit the brakes again.


Keep On Rolling

So, yes, Forrest Gump gave us a timeless truth about life being a box of chocolates—you really don’t know what you’re gonna get. But I stand by my own line: life is also like a road trip to North Carolina.


Some days are filled with green lights, perfect pit stops, and zero traffic. Other days come with delays, dead ends, and a near-empty snack bag. 


Whichever day you find yourself in, remember that the journey is still taking you somewhere. And if you persevere, rolling with whatever twists and turns come your way, you’ll eventually arrive exactly where you’re meant to be.

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